Prof. Dr. Moumita Hazra : My professional persona

Prof. Dr. Moumita Hazra : A safari into self 

My Foreward : 

I am an established Global Medical-Clinical-Educational-Administrative-Research Dean-Director, Medical Faculty-Educationist, Medical-Academic Administrator, and a Medical-Surgical Doctor, throughout 45 years, with my novel educational career achievements of being a multi-specialist medical doctor and a multi-disciplinary medical, administrative and research qualified professional, with my multi-speciality medical and surgical royal colleges' associate memberships and my multi-speciality and multi-disciplinary medical and surgical certifications, complemented with my early career achievements in educational, and medical administrative, medical professing, medical publications and medical consultancy professional fields.

My proficiencies :

MBBS (Medicine and Surgery), MD (Pharmacology), DCP (Clinical Pathology), MBA (Business Administration, with Hospital and Healthcare Management), PGDCR (Clinical Research);

Associate MRCOG (Obstetrics and Gynaecology), Associate MRCP (Clinical Medicine), Associate MRCPCH (Paediatrics and Child Health), MIPS (Pharmacology), MISRPT (Rational Pharmacotherapeutics), MAPPI (Pharmacology, Physiology), MCCP (Chest Medicine), MPCCS (Cardiovascular Medicine), FIAMS (Pathology), MIAPM (Pathology, Clinical Pathology, Laboratory Medicine), MIAC (Cytology, Cytopathology), MKCIAPM (Pathology, Clinical Pathology, Laboratory Medicine), MIMA (Medicine), MIAMS (Pathology), MNSWSCN (Stem Cell Therapy, Regenerative Medicine), MECRTDUK (Research Training and Development), MCLCR (Climate Law, Environmental Medicine), MVCCCALA (Comprehensive Oncology, Leadership);

Medical Director, Medical Superintendent, Medical Academics and Clinical Research Director, Hospitals and Polyclinics Director, Academic and Educational Centres Director, Diagnostic Centres Director, Planning, Strategies, Administration and Management Centre Director, Managing Director, Director Medical Administration, Registrar, Associate Professor, Professor, Departments  of Pharmacology, Clinical Pharmacology, Molecular Pharmacology and Therapeutics (Paraclinicals / Clinicals), Departments of Clinical Pathology and Pathology (Paraclinicals / Clinicals), Departments of General Medical and Surgical Subjects (Preclinicals / Paraclinicals / Clinicals), Associate Professor, Professor for Clinical Postgraduates / Doctorates (Medicine, Paediatrics, Dermatology, Pulmonary Medicine, Psychiatry, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Surgery, Orthopaedics, Otorhinolaryngology, Ophthalmology, Diabetology, Clinical Endocrinology), Medical Undergraduates (Respiratory Pharmacology, Cardiovascular Pharmacology, Dermatopharmacology, Autonomic Pharmacology, Neonatology, Pharmacokinetics, Pharmacodynamics, Pharmacovigilance, Pharmacogenomics, Pharmacoeconomics, Clinical Pathology, Haematology, Clinical Haematopathology), Dental Undergraduates (Oncology, Haematology, Renal Medicine, Clinical Endocrinology, Clinical Pathology, Pharmacovigilance), Nursing Undergraduates (Dermatopharmacology, Neuropharmacology, Ophthalmology, Otorhinolaryngology, Haematology, Clinical Pathology, Pharmacovigilance), Medical Laboratory Technology Undergraduates (Medical Laboratory Technology, Clinical Pathology, Haematology, Pharmacovigilance), and, Anaesthesia Technology and Operation Theatre Technology Undergraduates (Anaesthesia, Pain and Palliative Medicine), Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacovigilance Courses Guide Perceptor, College and Hospital Committees' Member, Pharmacovigilance and Vaccinevigilance and Causality Assessment Committees Co-ordinator, Member Secretary, Pharmacovigilance Vaccine Vigilance Causality Assessment Clinical Haematopathology (Postdoctorate / Doctorate Course) Good Clinical Practice Endocrinological Pharmacology Clinical Endocrinology Diabetology Thyroidology (Postdoctorate / Doctorate Course) Anaesthetic and Analgesic Pharmacology Speaker Faculty Curriculum Creator Skills Trainer Clinical Trainer Technical Skills Trainer Organising Member Secretary Organising Chairperson Convener Co-ordinator and Courses Director, Pharmacovigilance and Vaccinevigilance PG Course and Workshop (Postgraduate / Doctorate Course) Speaker Faculty Course Trainer Clinical Skills Trainer Technical Skills Trainer Curriculum Creator Course Director Co-ordinator Convener Organising Secretary, Undergraduate / Postgraduate / Doctorate / Postdoctorate Medical Courses Curriculum Creator, Chairperson Causality Assessment Committee, Medical Education Unit Faculty and Member and Co-ordinator, Postgraduate / Doctorate / Faculty Academic Co-ordinator and Journal Club Faculty Coach (Community Medicine, Medicine, Ophthalmology, Paediatrics, ENT, Dermatology, Surgery, Pulmonary Medicine, Anaesthesiology, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Radiology, Pathology, Psychiatry, Orthopaedics), Head of Department, University Undergraduate / Postgraduate / Doctorate / Postdoctorate Invigilator, Internal Examiner, External Examiner, Chief Examiner, Question Paper Setter, Assessor, Evaluator, Reviewer, Chairman and Assessor University Pharmacology Examinations, Chief Editor, Medical Literary Judge, Convocant, Guest MBBS Degree Entitlement Endower, Principal, Dean Academics, Dean Administration, Consultant Multi-Specialist Clinical Pharmacological Physician, Consultant Multi-Specialist Clinical Pathologist, Consultant Multi-Specialist Laboratory Medicine Specialist, Consultant Multi-Specialist Clinical Medicine Physician, Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecological Medicine Specialist, Consultant Paediatric and Neonatal Medicine Specialist, Laboratory Advisor and Supervisor, Pharmacology, Clinical Pharmacology and Molecular Pharmacology Departments Advisor and Supervisor, General / Clinical Medicine Department Advisor and Supervisor, Obstetrics and Gynaecology Department, Advisor and Supervisor, Paediatrics and Neonatal Medicine Department, Apollo Diagnostics Patient Care Centre Director, Medical, Educational and Governance Specialist;

45 - 46 years of medical, healthcare, educational, administrative and sciences academics and professing, guidance, examinership, deanship, research, review and editorship experience, 45 - 46 years of medical, healthcare, educational and business administration, planning, strategies, management and directorship, 26 - 27 years of multi-speciality medical, educational, administrative and sciences practice and consultancy experience.

My Designations (Past and Present) : 

Principal, Academic Dean and Administrative Dean in 4 groups of medical academic and educational centres, polyclinics and diagnostic centres, administrative centres, and university college of nursing, management and paramedical sciences for 45 - 46 years, Medical Director for 45 - 46 years, Assistant Medical Director in 1 international group of medical institutes, hospitals, laboratories and university, Medical Superintendent for 45 - 46 years, Medical Superintendent Interim and Vice Principal Interim in 2 medical colleges, dental colleges, nursing colleges, paramedical colleges, pharmacy colleges and hospitals, Deputy Medical Superintendent in 2 medical colleges, dental colleges, nursing colleges, paramedical colleges, pharmacy colleges and hospitals, Tutor or Senior Resident in 2 medical colleges, dental colleges, nursing colleges, paramedical colleges, hospitals, university and nursing home, Assistant Professor in 7 medical colleges, dental colleges, nursing colleges, paramedical colleges, pharmacy colleges, hospitals and universities, Associate Professor in 9 medical colleges, dental colleges, nursing colleges, paramedical colleges, pharmacy colleges, hospitals and universities, Professor in 3 medical colleges, dental colleges, nursing colleges, paramedical colleges, hospitals, management college and universities, Head of Department of 6 medical colleges, dental colleges, nursing colleges, paramedical colleges, pharmacy colleges, hospitals and universities, Head of Department In Charge of 6 medical colleges, dental colleges, nursing colleges, paramedical colleges, pharmacy colleges,  hospitals and universities, Head of Department Interim, Departments of Pharmacology, Clinical Pharmacology, Molecular Pharmacology and Therapeutics (Paraclinicals / Clinicals), Postgraduate and Doctoral Guide / Co-Guide in Departments of Pharmacology, Clinical Pharmacology, Molecular Pharmacology and Therapeutics, Associate Professor, Professor for Clinical Postgraduates / Doctorates (Medicine, Paediatrics, Dermatology, Pulmonary Medicine, Psychiatry, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Surgery, Orthopaedics, Otorhinolaryngology, Ophthalmology, Diabetology, Clinical Endocrinology), Medical Undergraduates (Respiratory Pharmacology, Cardiovascular Pharmacology, Dermatopharmacology, Autonomic Pharmacology, Neonatology, Pharmacokinetics, Pharmacodynamics, Pharmacovigilance, Pharmacogenomics, Pharmacoeconomics), Dental Undergraduates (Oncology, Haematology, Renal Medicine, Clinical Endocrinology), Nursing Undergraduates (Dermatopharmacology, Neuropharmacology, Ophthalmology, Otorhinolaryngology), and Anaesthesia Technology and Operation Theatre Technology Undergraduates (Anaesthesia, Pain and Palliative Medicine), Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacovigilance Courses Guide Perceptor, National Board of Examinations National Eligibility and Entrance Test - Postgraduate Examinations Appraiser for 2 years, University Undergraduate / Postgraduate / Doctorate / Postdoctorate Invigilator, Question Paper Setter, Internal Examiner, External Examiner, Chief Examiner, Assessor, Evaluator and Reviewer in many medical colleges, hospitals and universities, Chairman and Assessor University Pharmacology Examinations, Chairperson Causality Assessment Committee, Pharmacovigilance Vaccine Vigilance Causality Assessment Clinical Haematopathology (Postdoctorate / Doctorate) Good Clinical Practice Endocrinological Pharmacology Clinical Endocrinology Diabetology Thyroidology (Postdoctorate / Doctorate Course) Anaesthetic and Analgesic Pharmacology Speaker Faculty Skills Trainer Clinical Trainer Technical Skills Trainer Organising Member Secretary Organising Chairperson Curriculum Creator Convener Co-ordinator and Courses Director, Undergraduate / Postgraduate / Doctorate / Postdoctorate Medical Courses Curriculum Creator, Pharmacovigilance and Vaccinevigilance PG Course and Workshop (Postgraduate / Doctorate Course) Speaker Faculty Course Trainer Clinical Skills Trainer Technical Skills Trainer Curriculum Creator Course Director Co-ordinator Convener Organising Secretary, Medical Literary Judge in 1 international medical journal publication and 1 medical college and hospital, Convocant, Guest MBBS Degree Entitlement Endower, Medical Council of India - National Medical Commission Medical Education Unit Faculty and Co-ordinator and Member in 4 medical colleges, dental colleges, nursing colleges, paramedical colleges, pharmacy colleges, hospitals and universities groups, Member Secretary, Pharmacovigilance and Vaccinevigilance Committees Co-ordinator in 2 medical colleges, dental colleges, nursing colleges, paramedical colleges, pharmacy colleges, hospitals and universities groups, Causality Assessment Committee Co-ordinator, Undergraduate / Postgraduate / Doctorate / Postdoctorate / Faculty Academic Internal Quality Assurance and Control Coordinator in 1 medical college, dental college, nursing college, paramedical college, pharmacy college, hospital and university collaborated with national and international universities, All Colleges and Hospitals Committees Member in 2 medical colleges, dental colleges, nursing colleges, paramedical colleges, pharmacy colleges, hospitals and universities, Colleges and Hospitals Committees Member, In Charge Central Pathological Laboratory in 1 central pathological laboratory, medical college, dental college, nursing college, paramedical college, pharmacy college, hospital and university, Undergraduate / Postgraduate / Doctorate / Postdoctorate / Faculty Academic Research In Charge in 1 medical college, dental college, nursing college, paramedical college, pharmacy college, hospital and university collaborated with national and international universities, College Council Member in 1 medical college, hospital, dental college, nursing college, paramedical college and pharmacy college group with international collaboration, Principal / Dean Academics, Medical Academics and Clinical Research Director, Consultant Multi-Specialist Clinical Pharmacological Physician in many hospitals, nursing homes and polyclinics, Consultant Multi-Specialist Clinical Pathologist in many nursing home, pathological and diagnostic laboratories, Laboratory Advisor and Supervisor in many nursing homes and pathological and diagnostic laboratories, Consultant Drug Quality and Safety Physician in many hospitals, nursing homes and polyclinics, Pharmacologist and Consultant Clinical Pharmacologist and Consultant Molecular Pharmacologist and Consultant Pharmaco-Haemo-Vaccine-Materio-Nutra-Vigilance Specialist and Consultant Rational Pharmacotherapeutic Physician and Consultant Evidence Based Medicine Specialist in many universities, medical colleges, dental colleges, nursing colleges, paramedical colleges, pharmacy colleges, hospitals, nursing homes, polyclinics, pathological laboratories and diagnostic laboratories, Consultant Pharmacoepidemiologist, Consultant Pharmacogenomics Specialist, Consultant Pharmacoeconomics Specialist, Consultant Medical and Healthcare Economics Specialist, Clinical Pharmacologist, Consultant Molecular Pharmacologist, Consultant Rational Pharmacotherapeutic Physician, Consultant Evidence Based Medicine Specialist, Consultant Multi-Specialist Laboratory Medicine Specialist, Consultant Haematologist, Consultant Cytopathologist, Consultant Molecular Diagnostics Specialist, Consultant Respiratory Physician, Consultant Pulmonocardiovascular Physician, Consultant Cardiologist, Consultant Emergency Medicine Physician, Consultant Neonatologist, Consultant Diabetologist, Consultant Thyroidologist, Consultant Infertility Treatment and Reproductive Endocrinologist, Consultant Clinical Endocrinologist, Consultant Oncologist, Consultant Gynaecological and Obstetric Physician, Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecological Medicine Specialist, Consultant Reproductive Medicine Physician, Consultant Maternal Medicine Physician, Consultant Maternal Health Physician, Consultant Women Health Physician, Consultant Child Health Physician, Consultant Paediatric and Neonatal Physician, Consultant Diabetologist and Reproductive Endocrinologist, Consultant Metabolic Medicine Physician, Consultant Orthopaedic and Rheumatological Physician, Consultant Cancer Immunotherapeutic and Molecular Oncologist, General / Consultant Multi-Specialist Clinical Medicine Physician, Medical Fellow, Associate Member and Life Member, Global Continuing Professional Development Academician, Director Medical Administration / Dean Administration, Managing Director, Chief Executive Officer, Hospitals Administrator, Hospitals and Polyclinics Director, Diagnostic Centres Director, Apollo Diagnostics and Patient Care Centre Director, Laboratory Director, Academic Centres Director, Educational Centres Director, Director Planning, Strategies, Administration and Management Centre, Chief Hospitals, Polyclinics And Diagnostic Centres Operations Management, Head of Departments Clinical Medicine and Medication Management (Paraclinicals / Clinicals), Head of Departments Pharmacology, Clinical Pharmacology, Molecular Pharmacology and Therapeutics (Paraclinicals / Clinicals), Head of Departments Laboratory Medicine, Clinical Diagnostics and Molecular Diagnostics (Paraclinicals / Clinicals), Head of Departments Clinical Pathology, Haematology, Cytopathology, Pathology and Molecular Diagnostics (Paraclinicals / Clinicals), Medical Academician, Professor, Principal Polyclinic And Diagnostic Centre Operating and Administrative Officer, Principal Academic Centre and Educational Centre Operating and Administrative Officer-Administrator, Manager Clinical Excellence and Quality Management, Quality Management Trainer, Consultant Medical and Healthcare Economics Specialist, Medical, Educational and Governance Specialist, Clinical Demographer, Registrar, Medical Author of many medical journal article publications, Medical Co-Author, Medical Book Author of many medical book or book chapters publications, Medical Book Co-Author, Medical Reviewer in many national and international medical journals and medical books publications, Medical Editor In-Chief in many national and international medical journals and medical books publications, Chief Medical Book Editor in many medical books publications, Medical Advisory Board Member in many national and international medical journals and medical books publications, Medical Editorial Board Member in many national and international medical journals and medical books publications, Laboratory Advisor and Supervisor, Pharmacology, Clinical Pharmacology and Molecular Pharmacology Departments Advisor and Supervisor, General / Clinical Medicine Department Advisor and Supervisor, Obstetrics and Gynaecology Department, Advisor and Supervisor, Paediatrics and Neonatal Medicine Department, Medical, Educational and Governance Specialist, Medical, Academic, Educational and Administrative Entrepreneur, Chief Warden, Co-Founder, Founder, in different professional sectors, including medical and healthcare sectors, academic and educational sectors, economic and administrative sectors.

My Certifications (with lofty grades), and My Academic and Professional Activities / Achievements Words-Collage : in Pharmacology, Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics, Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research National Workshop on Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics : Good Clinical Practices, Clinical Trials – Phases, Methodology and Regulation, Animal Pharmacology : OECD Guidelines, Publication Writing including Indexations, Drug Development and Interactions – Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics, Drug Screening and Discovery : In-Silico Modelling, Pharmacogenomics – trends and implications in Clinical Practice, Biomarker Discovery, Clinical Pharmacology of Covid-19, Vaccine Development : Science, Policies and Regulations in India, Pharmacovigilance : Need and Challenges in Current Scenario, Materiovigilance – awareness and practice among medical professionals, with Practical Sessions on Neuropharmacology, Cardiovascular Pharmacology, Respiratory Pharmacology, Pharmacokinetic Studies, Clinical Trial Methodology and In-Silico Modelling and In-Vitro Techniques, Annual Conference of Indian Association of Pathologists and International Academy of Pathologists 2024 SCB Medical College Utkal University Odisha University of Health Sciences Laboratory Evaluation of Haemoglobinopathies by High -Performance Liquid Chromatography and Capillary Zones Electrophoresis, Indian Pharmacology Society Annual Conference 2024 All India Institute of Medical Sciences New Delhi International Union of Basic and Clinical Pharmacology Nanomedicine and Cell Culture Techniques, J. J. M. Medical College and Hospital Chigateri General Hospital Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences Role of Clinical Pharmacology in Rational Therapeutics, Rational Pharmacotherapeutics, Evidence Based Medicine, St. John's Medical College St. National Academy of Health Sciences St. John's Research Institute Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences MacMaster University International Course on Health Research Methodology and Evidence Based Medicine (Randomised Controlled Trials, Observational Studies, Cross-Sectional Studies, Case-Control Studies, Cohort Studies, Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis, Qualitative Studies, Registries, Real World Evidence Studies, Evidence Based Medicine, Origin, Principles, Clinical Practice and Future, Research Publications, Grants Writing, Operational and Regulatory, Human Research Ethics, Regulatory Issues, Project Management, Budgeting, Health Policy and Knowledge Translation, Data Management, Hands-on Statistical Analysis on SPSS, Biostatistics, Parametric Tests, Non-Parametric Tests, Correlation and Regression, Survival Analysis); Annual Conference of Indian Pharmacological Society, Annual Conference of Indian Society of Rational Pharmacotherapeutics, Webinars of Society of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research International Journal of Pharmacognosy and Society of Pharmaceutical Education and Research, Annual Conference of South Asian Chapter of American College of Clinical Pharmacology, Association of Physiologists and Pharmacologists of India, Molecular Pharmacology, Molecular Medicine, Cardiff University School of Medicine Science Seminar Series Transcription and Genome Stability, Network-based approaches to study human context-specific cell signalling, Non-cell autonomous regulation of cell-reprogramming : the secret life of histones, Immunological mechanisms of cancer defense : Reprogramming tumor-associated macrophages to outcompete endovascular endothelial progenitor cells and suppress tumor neoangiogenesis, Data Science and Artificial Intelligence in Biomedicine, Data integration and machine learning in single cell and spatial omics for precision oncology, Systems vaccinology : the omics toolkit to elucidate the mechanisms underlying immune responses, The complosome as orchestrator of normal cell physiology, Transformed understanding of brain-immune relationships in health and disease : boosting immunity to help the brain heal itself, Studying human oncoproteins beyond cancer : Lessons learnt from the RAS GTPases, Neural stem cell encounters immunity in the adult brain, Single cell and spatial genomics to dissect mechanisms of kidney and cardiovascular disease, Delivering treatments directly to a kidney : new ways to improve transplant outcomes, Statistical Methods for Single-Cell RNA-Seq Analysis and Spatial Transcriptomics, Designing Human-Centred Digital Health Technologies : Contextual Challenges and Design Opportunities, Probing Immune System Function in situ using Multiplex 2D/3D Imaging and New Analytical Tools, Pharmacokinetics, Pharmacodynamics, Pharmacoeconomics, Pharmacoepidemiology, Pharmaco-haemo-materio-vaccine-nutra-cosmeto-vigilance, Drug Safety and Pharmacovigilance, National Co-ordination Center, Pharmacovigilance Programme of India Indian Pharmacopoeia Commission 17th Skill Development Programme on Pharmacovigilance for Medical Products, National Co-ordination Center Pharmacovigilance Programme of India Indian Pharmacopoeia Commission - Uppsala Monitoring Centre - World Health Organisation Global Pharmacovigilance Softwares Training Programme, National Co-ordination Center Pharmacovigilance Programme of India Indian Pharmacopoeia Commission 4th National Pharmacovigilance Week 2024 "Building Adverse Drug Reactions Reporting Culture for Patient Safety", Pharmacogenomics, Harvard Medical School On the Frontlines of Precision Medicine : Lessons learned from launching a Pharmacogenomics Clinic, Royal College of Physicians British Pharmacological Society European Society of Cardiology Cardiovascular Pharmacotherapy Working Group NHS England Network of Excellence for Pharmacogenomics Pharmacogenomics Section of Health Education England Massachusetts Institute of Technology Harvard Board Institute USA European Society of Human Genetics National Institute of Health Research Queen Mary University of London Pharmacogenomics in the National Health Service United Kingdom, Proteomics : The role of bioinformatics, Oncoimmunogenomics, Genomic Medicine, From primary care to pharmacy, and beyond : Embedding Genomics to enhance Patient Care, Genomics in Paediatrics, Pediatric and Foetal Gene Therapy, Genomics in Focus : Nephrology, Genomics in Focus : Reproductive Carrier Screening, Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health - Genomics Education Programme : Application of Genomics in Paediatrics, Pharmacology of Chronic Diseases, Precision Oncology, Precision Medicine, National Institute of Health Research Biomedical Research Centre : Training Event and Seminar Series: Inflammation Cluster Showcase (Dermatology, Respiratory Medicine, Rheumatic and Musculoskeletal Diseases and Cardiovascular Medicine), Applied Pharmacology, Systemic Pharmacology, Drug Discovery, Drug Innovation, Drug Invention, Therapeutics Invention, Drug Development, Annual Stanford University Drug Discovery Symposium, World Congress on Pharmacology : Drug Discovery and Development, Personalised Medicine, Artificial Intelligence in Drug Discovery, Precision Medicine, Polypharmacy, Pharmaceuticals, Pharmacognosy, Royal College of Physicians NHS Foundation Trust Medicinal Plants Lecture Series, Cancer Translational Phytomedicine of Bridging Laboratory Research and Clinical Application, Drug Delivery Systems, Advancement in Dosage Forms for Elderly Patients, Dendrimer Technology : Concept to Cutting Edge Applications, Oncoprophylactics and Oncotherapeutics, National Institute of Health Research : Drug Development and Early phase trials, Multi-omics approach : A paradigm shift in Drug Discovery, Drug Repurposing : Exploring New Therapeutic Avenues for  Existing Drugs, Medication Management, Medication Administration : The Patient Rights, Protocols or Rules, Scope of Practice, Patient and Practitioner Safety, Medication Safety during transitions of care, Academic Management and Directorship, Educational Management and Directorship in Pharmacology, Clinical Pharmacology, Molecular Pharmacology and Therapeutics, Educational Management and Directorship in Hospital and Healthcare Management, Medical Education and Professing, Pharmacology, Clinical Pharmacology, Molecular Pharmacology and Therapeutics Education and Professing, Behavioural Medicine, Medical Education Technology, Mamata Medical College Gandhi Medical College Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College KLE University Medical Council of India - National Medical Commission Revised Basic Medical Education Course Workshop, Attitude, Ethics and Communication (AETCOM), Rama Medical College Hospital and Research Centre King George's Medical University Medical Council of India - National Medical Commission Curriculum Implementation Support Programme (CISP) II, Indian Council of Medical Research National Institute of Epidemiology Basic Course in Biomedical Research (84% score), University of Leeds Basic Teaching Skills, Harvard Medical School Boston Hospital and Medical Centre Massachusetts General Hospital Harvard Graduate School of Education Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center Harvard Business School Harvard University Advanced Teaching Skills, University of Michigan Instructional Methods in Health Professions Education (100% score), Indian Society of Rational Pharmacotherapeutics Optimum Implementation of Undergraduate and Postgraduate Medical Curricula for Pharmacology, Integration of Inter-Professional Education in Pharmacy Curriculum, The Joint Royal Colleges of Physicians' Training Board (the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh, Scotland, the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow, Scotland and the Royal College of Physicians of London, UK) Curricula Launch Webinar, Irish Society of Chartered Physiotherapists Curriculum Webinars for Trainers in Ireland, Intercollegiate Surgical Curriculum Programme for Trainers, Curriculum Webinars, Healthy Futures Curriculum, St. John's Medical College St. National Academy of Health Sciences St. John's Research Institute Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences Thesis - Guru Course: Postgraduate Guidance towards Research Proposal, St. John's Medical College St. National Academy of Health Sciences St. John's Research Institute Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences Fundamentals of Epidemiology and Biostatistics (100% score) (Health Research Methods, Introduction to Epidemiology, Introduction to Biostatistics, Literature Review, Design of Research Protocol, Introduction to Data Management, Questionnaire Design, Sampling Techniques, Testing of Significance, SPSS, Descriptive Study, Cross-Sectional Study, Study Formulation, Sample Size, Quality Control in Data Collection, Epidemiology Exercises, Experimental Study, Trial Formulation, Randomisation and Masking, Chi-Square and Correlation, Regulatory and Ethical Issues, Budgeting, Cohort Studies, Case-Control Studies, Comparison of Means, Introduction to Regression Analyses, Introduction to Qualitative Research, Non-Randomised Trial Designs, Non-Parametric Statistics, Introduction to Word Processing, Disease Screening, Systematic Review, Grading Evidence, Scientific Writing, Reference Management); Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences Workshop on Research Methodology and Research Statistics; University of Leeds Mentoring and Coaching Approaches to Teaching, Small Group Teaching, Inclusive Marking, Mamata Medical College Kaloji Narayana Rao University of Health Sciences Dr. N.T.R. University of Health Sciences Interactive Intelligent Panel or Smart Digital Teaching Boards Technology operating techniques for Digital Mode teaching, University of Leeds Teaching in Ward / Clinic, Teaching using Padlet and Mentimeter, Online Teaching Tips, Royal College of Physicians Assessing Trainees in the Workplace (100% score), National Board of Medical Examiners - Joan Caville Edwards School of Medicine - Marshall University Discussion Panel : Driving Student Success with Teaching and Assessment, Centre for Research in Assessment and Digital Learning Seminar: How can Assessment for Learning meaningfully contribute to Programmatic Assessment, An Introduction to Evidence-Based Undergraduate STEM Teaching, Advancing Learning Through Evidence-Based STEM Teaching, Health Professional Teaching Skills – Level 1 – Foundational, Health Professional Teaching Skills – Level 2 – Strategies, Health Professional Teaching Skills – Level 3 – Professionalism, How to access STEM Volunteers to enhance Teaching and Learning (STEM Ambassador, STEM Educator), University of Leeds Professional development, guidance and training course for Undergraduate and Postgraduate Medical Educational Supervisorship, Deaneries, Commissioners and Providers of Undergraduate and Postgraduate Medical Education, Stanford University Mastering Medical Teaching, NHS Foundation Trust Small and Large Group Teaching, University of Washington School of Medicine Center for Leadership and Innovation in Medical Education Faculty Development in Clinical Teaching (Understanding and Retention, Assessing the Learner, Teaching in presence of Patients, Learning Environment, Teaching Efficiently), Northern Early Modern Network Teaching Forum (Expectations and Experiences in Teaching, In-Class Teaching : Making Creative Activities and Fostering Group Discussion, Teaching with Technology, A-Sync Lectures, and Generative Artificial Intelligence, Essays, Marking, and Good Academic Practice), Evaluating Learning and Teaching, National Pharmacy Education Day : Artificial Intelligence applications in Pharma Industry, Artificial Intelligence for Education : Applying Artificial Intelligence in Teaching and Learning, National Teaching Fellowship Scheme, Artificial Intelligence apps and platforms to support Teaching and Learning, Artificial Intelligence as a Teaching Tool, Game-based Learning and Inclusive Education, National Board of Medical Examiners Discussion Panel : Artificial Intelligence in Assessment : Ethics, Innovation and Research, Using Inquisitive Teaching and Learning Sequences and Guided Read Throughs, Driving Student Success with Teaching and Assessment, University of Leeds Small Group Teaching Tips, Structured Workplace Learning -  Supervision and Appraisal Training - Mentoring and Coaching Skills, Mentoring and Coaching Approaches to Teaching - Medical Education focus, Postgraduate Medical Education Harvard Medical School Faculty Perspectives : Innovations in Medical Education Technology - Tools to help Medical Educators achieve Success, University Forum for Human Resource Development Training Programme : Generative Artificial Intelligence in Assessment and Learning, Clinical Supervision Skills - Clinical Reasoning with Reflective Practice, Project Management approaches: hands-on application for higher education, Facilitation Skills and to enhance Active Learning, Identify and develop Skills in giving Effective Evaluation, Empowering Postdocs for Inclusive Healthcare, Education without Borders, Education Conference (Workshops, Conversations, Papers, Lightning Talks, Panel Discussions and Flip Sessions on Education Technology, Course Formulation, Multi-disciplinary Knowledge Exchange, Routines and Improvisations, Student Engagement, Student Rights, Bridge between Secondary and Higher Education, Industry Engagement, Educational Ethics and Aesthetics, Safety in Teaching and Learning for Well-being and Achievement, Inclusion of the Unseen in Tutorial Space, Drawing Inspiration, Using Blackboard and Online Collaborate, Course Sketchbooks, Case Studies, Workshops, Inclusivity of Different Sections, Compassionate Pedagogies in Teaching and Learning, Constructive Inclusivity of Critics, Retrospective Evaluation, Academia with Free Thoughts, Problems Management, Exploring the Relationship between Practice and Writing in Masters Final Projects, Academic Writing Skills in Research Project Units, Online Courses, Shared Expressions and Discussions in Academic Writing, Artificial Intelligence Tools in Scientific Writing and Publishing, Innovative Tools for Reflective Practice towards Productive Coursework Outcomes, Utilising Visual References : Qualities, Possibilities and Shortcomings of Mood Boards containing a collage of images, videos, fonts and colours, Inclusive approaches to Teaching and Writing through all Genres, Reflective Practice : Translating creative practice knowledge into pedagogic knowledge, Multi-Linguistic Inclusivity and Models, Utilising Emotions in Teaching, Just University in Education, Thinking through Co-curricular Activities, Post-Analogue Strategies, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, Captions in Live Face-to-Face Classroom Teaching, Panopto : industry-leading tool for intelligent knowledge management platform in educational or research database collection and sharing, Planning Creative Projects with Online Modules in supporting Students' Work, Empowering Tomorrow's Identities : Web 3.0 Education of time-saving goal-oriented experience-focussed personalised learning and user data ownership through Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence, Cloud computing, Metaverse, 5G and Cryptocurrency Technologies, Machine Translation Tools, Wayfinding and Augmented Reality for all, Artificial Intelligence in Academic Integrity, Geographically Walking Pedagogies, Campaigns, Policies, Research and Advice, Developing a Professional Futures Unit with Students as Co-creators, Resituating Curriculum in Time of Change, Intercultural Context : International Universities and Indigenised Curriculum, Site-Specific Pedagogy, Curriculum Re-Approval, Museum Learning, Critical Information Literacy Curriculum, Material Culture, Representation and Belonging, Preparing STEM Assessments and Teaching in Creative Academic Environments, Object-based Learning, Materials Research and Library Information Skills Teaching for Students' Critical Thoughts and Sustainability, Ink-Lab Reading Groups), Lead Appraiser Quarterly Update Webinars, Making Appraisal Effective, NHS Foundation Trust Clinical Supervisor Course, Growth Mindsets to support Learning, Medical Education Faculty Training : Educational and Clinical Supervisor Update : Supporting Diverse Learners, Johns Hopkins University Medical Research, Clinical Research, Paediatric Research, Biomedical Research, Zoopharmacological Research and Bioassays, Experimental Pharmacology, Advanced Techniques in Experimental Pharmacology, From Lab to Life : Unraveling Chemotherapy Induced Neuropathic Pain with Cutting-Edge Animal Models, Animal Models and Neuropsychiatric Disorder Research : Building the Bridges, Alternatives to Animal Experimentations, Computer Assisted Animal Modeling and Simulations, Design and Interpretation of Clinical Trials (91.70% score), Introduction to Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis (94.60% score), National Institute for Health Research School for Primary Care Research Conducting a Systematic Review, Stanford University Clinical Trials, Milner Therapeutics Institute Cambridge Jeffrey Cheah Biomedical Centre Advances in Biomedical Research, Society for Cardiothoracic Surgery Research Meeting 2023, Cambridge University Paediatric Research, University of Leeds Question Answer Panel on Clinical Research, Shaping tomorrow's Research : A commitment to Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, Leeds Teaching Hospital NHS Trust Research Academy Practical Quality Assurance in Clinical Research, Ethics and Good Clinical Practice (80% score), Ethics Review of Health Research (76.80% score), Research Ethics Committee, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation Voices of Future Generations Children's Initiative International Roundtable on Education, Indigenous Rights and Sustainability, The Centre for International Sustainable Development Law International Roundtable on Education for International Literacy Day 2023, Implementing the AMEE (The International Association for Health Professions Education) Consensus Statement for Planetary Health and Education for Sustainable Healthcare, Creating Shared Online Medical Education for the World, Integrating Patient Safety into the Training of Healthcare Professionals, AMEE The International Association for Health Professions Education Conference 2021, Clinical Pathology, Pathology, Role of autophagy in human health, Clinical Haematopathology, Cytopathology, Molecular Diagnostics, Annual Conference of Indian Association of Pathologists, Laboratory Medicine, Haematology, European School of Haematology Conferences, Iron Deficiency Anaemia Management, Iron Regulation and Acid Reflux, Anaemia : Addressing Anaemia and Quality of Life through Current Evidence and Guideline-based Practice in Lower-Risk Myelodysplastic Syndrome (100% score), Coagulation and Platelet Disorders Diagnosis and Management, Anti-Platelet and Anti-Coagulant Strategies, Haemato-Oncology, Chronic Lymphocytic Leukaemia, Chronic Myeloid Leukaemia : Biology and Therapy, Diagnosis and Treatment of Acute Leukaemias, Lymphoid Malignancies, Chronic Lymphocytic Leukaemia, Haemolytic Anaemias, Sickle Cell Awareness Group of Ontario Sickle Cell Disease Summit, Sickle Cell Disease and Complications including Stroke, The Porphyrias : Advanced Webinar, Myelodysplastic Syndromes Treatment, Myeloproliferative Neoplasms, Cytology, Annual Conference of Indian Academy of Cytologists, Annual Conference of Indian Medical Association - Academy of Medical Specialities, Cytology, Histopathology, Immunohistochemistry, Clinical Diagnostics, Molecular Diagnostics and Therapeutics (PCR, RT-PCR, Flow Cytometry, Proteomics, DNA sequencing, Confocal Microscopy, Molecular Oncogenomic Diagnostics, Molecular Pharmacogenomics, Molecular Pharmaco-Onco-Genomics, Molecular Genomic Therapeutics), Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research Molecular Diagnostics, Annual Conference of Indian Association of Pathologists Diagnostic Pathology, High Performance Liquid Chromatography, Precision Pathology, World Congress on Pathology and Cancer Diagnosis, Oncology, Precision Oncology, Paediatric Oncology, Neonatal Oncology, Cancer Chemotherapy, Cancer Immunotherapy, Oncoimmunoprophylactic Vaccines,  Oncoimmunotherapeutic Vaccines, Experimental Oncovaccinology, Experimental Medicine, Harvard Medical School Boston Hospital and Medical Centre Massachusetts General Hospital Dana-Farber Cancer Institute Harvard University Advances in Cancer Immunotherapy, Harvard Medical School Boston Hospital and Medical Centre Massachusetts General Hospital Dana-Farber Cancer Institute Harvard University Molecular Diagnostics : Current Roles in Cancer Diagnosis and Patient Management, Molecular Oncology, Precision Oncology, European Society of Medical Oncology Conference on Molecular Analysis for Precision Oncology, CAR-T Therapies and Bispecific Antibodies, Immunotherapy and Radiotherapy, Radiotherapy in Cancer, Human Metabolomics : A new approach for Development of newer Cancer Biomarkers, United States Food and Drug Administration Annual Clinical Outcome Assessment in Cancer Clinical Trials Workshops, Haemato-oncology, Endocrine Oncology, Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma : Key Updates in Bispecific Antibodies in Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma Management - Unmet Needs and Opportunities for Improved Management in Later-Line Management (100% score), Myelomas and Lymphomas, Follicular Carcinoma Treatment (100% score), Multiple Myeloma Treatment (66.67% score), Peptide Receptor Radionuclide Therapy in Neuroendocrine Tumours (100% score), Updates and Best Practices Across Malignancies: Evaluating Therapeutic Developments and Optimizing Multidisciplinary Care in Melanoma (100% score), Updates and Best Practices Across Malignancies: Evaluating Therapeutic Developments and Optimizing Multidisciplinary Care in Basal Cell Carcinoma (100% score), Breast Oncology, Breast Cancer : Moving Beyond the Binary Categorisation of HER2 Status : Antibody-Drug Conjugate Therapy in Metastatic Breast Cancer (100% score), Medical Robotics : Towards Tumour Margin Assessment using Raman Spectroscopy : Progress and Challenges, Clinical Innovations in Practice impacting Cancer Care and Research Delivery, The Drug Development Journey for New Cancer Treatments, Cancer Summit, The Mark Foundation Institute for Integrated Cancer Medicine Cancer Research UK Cambridge Centre Departments of Therapeutics Data Science Genomic Medicine Cancer Medicine Medicine Surgery Translational Gynaecologic Oncology Obstetrics and Gynaecology Precision Oncology Biomedical Imaging Mathematics Urology Microsoft Research Computational Pathology Spatially-Integrated omics Clinical Artificial Intelligence and Clinical Integration Technical University of Dresden Early Cancer Institute University of Cambridge University of Helsinki The University of Texas Monroe Dunaway Anderson Cancer Center Cambridge Cancer Research Hospital Cancer Cambridge University Hospitals Addenbrooke's Hospital The Rosie Hospital Patients Partnership Group Imperial College Harvard Medical School Brigham and Women's Hospital Cambridge Centre for Data-Driven Discovery and Accelerate Programme for Scientific Discovery Schmidt Futures Integrated Cancer Medicine Symposium : Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence for Hard-to-Treat Cancers : Datasets, Pipelines and Clinical Implementation (1. The Patient Perspective : Sharing patient data : benefits and challenges, Can artificial intelligence help discovery therapies for rare and complex cancers? 2. Breakout discussions around cross-cutting themes : Clinical Trials, Artificial Intelligence Techniques, Integrating multiomics datasets for prognostic and predictive benefits, Industry collaborations, Institute for Integrated Cancer Medicine 3. Flashtalks and Posters, 4. Mapping the Tumour Microenvironment : Artificial Intelligence in Precision Oncology : Integrating Pathology Genomics and Text, Accurate Spatial Quantification and Whole Side Imaging Classification with Measurable Multi-Instance Learning, Tomography Reconstruction with Classical and Artificial Intelligence methods and the effect the Reconstruction Algorithm have on their Clinical Use, Panel discussion, 5. The macro-scale : integrating radiology data : defining new cancer phenotypes using radiomics and deep representation learning, Lessons learned from deploying a cloud based open-source imaging artificial intelligence in the hospital, Maira 2 : Grounded Radiology Report Generation, Panel discussion, 6. Cancer biology and integration : Consultation history to predict kidney cancer behaviour, charting the intact breast cancer microenvironment, immunogenomic profiling for precision oncology in ovarian cancer, Panel discussion, 7. Deploying to the clinic : Insights into precision prevention from integrative cancer epidemiology, paving the way to improve neoadjuvant treatment for advanced high-grade serous carcinoma - collaboration between industry, academia and NHS, The journey of Owkin's Artificial Intelligence powered diagnostic tools, Panel discussion), Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center Oncology Clinical Trials, World Conference of European Society of Medical Oncology, World Conference of American Society of Clinical Oncology, Cardiff and Vale University Health Board School of Medicine Science Seminar Series University College London University College Dublin Precision Oncology Ireland Consortium Royal Society of Edinburgh Royal Irish Academy Digital Twin Models for Cancer Patients, World Congress on Genetics, Genomics and Personalised Medicine, Dermatology, Paediatric Dermatology, Cosmetology, Clinical Aesthetics, Treatment of Acne, Psoriasis, Seborrheic Keratosis, Rosacea, Alopecia, Atopic Dermatitis, Chronic Spontaneous Urticaria, Moles and Lesions under a Dermatoscope : Diagnosis and  Management, Dermoscopy, Skin Cancer, Innovations in Clinical Aesthetics, Cardiometabolic Disease, Metabolic Medicine, Cardiology, Cardiovascular Medicine, Paediatric Cardiovascular Medicine, World Congress and International Conference on Cardiology and Cardiac Sciences, Cardiovascular Professional Care Conference, Harvard Medical School Boston Hospital and Medical Centre Massachusetts General Hospital Harvard University Concepts in Contemporary Critical Care Cardiology, Hypertension Management, Stanford University School of Medicine Hypertension in Primary Care – Improving Control and Reducing Risk (80% score), Structural Heart Disease Management Guidelines, 9th Advanced Stroke Care Conference, Update on Coronary Angioplasty and Stents, Concepts in Contemporary Critical Care Cardiology, Preventing Cardiovascular Disease and Valvular Disease, Congenitally corrected Transposition of the Great Arteries, Updates on Chronic Venous Insufficiency, Heart Failure Diagnosis and Treatment, Update in the effective treatment and Management of Vein Disease, Transcatheter Treatment options for Valvular Heart Disease, Congenital Heart Disease, Atrial Fibrillation Treatment, Common ECG Abnormalities, ECG Abnormalities in Arrhythmia, The role of Stress Echocardiography in patients, Paediatric Arrhythmia Management, Cardiac Disease : Simplifying Novel Lipid Lowering Strategies, Varicose Veins Treatment, Clinical Update of Venous Thromboembolism : From Diagnosis to Treatment, Vascular Masterclass, Stroke Prevention in non-valvular Atrial Fibrillation, Frontiers of Innovation : Approach to patients with Polyvascular Disease : A concerted approach to improve outcomes, Cardiac Arrhythmias and Pacing, Cardiac Disease in Pregnancy, Lower Limb Arterial Disease,  Paediatric Strokes, Angina pectoris Management, Innovations in Cardiovascular Diseases Technology Workshop, Digital Innovations in Cardiology, Cardiovascular Structural Interventions Guidelines, Cancer and Heart Failure : Are they related? Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists Infertility Treatment and Reproductive Endocrinology Masterclass, Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists UK Moving to a Consultant or Specialist Role, Obstetric and Gynaecological Haematology, Obstetric and Gynaecological Oncology, Obstetric and Gynaecological Medicine, Reproductive Medicine, Maternal Medicine and Recent Advances, Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists England Recent Advances in Maternal Medicine, Maternal and Child Health, Women's Health, World Congress of Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, Chicago Gynaecological Cancer Summit, University of San Francisco 12th Annual Gynaecologic Cancer Symposium : David Geffen School of Medicine JJ Zhang Memorial Lecture : Development of Novel Antibody Drug Conjugates : From bench to bedside University of California Davis School of Medicine American Cancer Society, Common Gynaecological and Urological Concerns, Operative Obstetrics, Complex Cesarean Deliveries : Beyond Placenta Accreta Spectrum, Kiwi Vacuum assisted Obstetric Delivery, Innovative Procedures in Gynaecological Surgeries, Pelvic Masses and Ovarian Cyst Treatment, Ovarian Cancer Treatment, Abnormal Uterine Bleeding Treatment, Endometriosis and Adenomyosis Treatment, Fibroid Treatment, The Birmingham Medical Institute Contraception, Menopause and Hormone Replacement Treatment, Robotic Surgery versus Laparoscopic Intervention, Uterine Manipulation during Laparoscopy : An overview of Clearview and Clearview Total Instruments, NHS Foundation Trust Great Britain Harvard Medical School Stanford University United States of America Cambridge Medical Robotics Surgery and Surgery International University of Leeds The Confederation of British Surgery Association of Laproscopic Surgeons of Great Britain and Ireland Department of Leadership and Management for Healthcare The Griffin Institute and Weiss University College London Global Business School  Research Institute against Digestive Surgery WebSurg World's Electronic Book of Surgery France Epworth Hospital Australia Niguarda Ca' Granda Hospital Italy Institute Hospital Universitaire de Strasbourg France ValueBioTech Srl MedTech Catalyst Association Future of Surgery : Technology Enhanced Surgical Training Report Robotics and Digital Surgery Committee The Royal College of Surgeons of England Innovation Hub Confidential Reporting System in Surgery UK Patient Safety Committee Flux Health Tech Sir Gangaram Hospital Max Institute of Minimal Access Metabolic & Bariatric Surgery Max Hospital Medical Realities Singularity University The Royal London and St. Bartholomew's Hospitals Guy's and St. Thomas' Hospitals Intuitive Surgical Milton Keynes University Hospital Royal College Surgeons England Robotics and Digital Surgery (RADAR) Network King's College London West Midlands Deanery University of Liverpool Mersey Head and Neck Oncology Group Healthcare Skills Unimed Litoral University of Vale do Itajaí Brazil Brazilian Society of Urology European Institute of Oncology Robotic Surgery Versius Platform The Association of Surgeons in Training Mediclinic Middle East Emirates Society of Colon and Rectal Surgery European Academy of Colon and Rectal Surgery European Society of Coloproctology The Association of British HealthTech Industries Global Robotic Surgery Summit Workshop 2024 (Colorectal Surgery, General Surgery, Gynaecological Surgery, Head and Neck Surgery, Thoracic Surgery, Urological Surgery Interactive Workshops), Surgery International The Confederation of British Surgery Harvard Medical School Innovation in Surgical Education Brigham and Women's Hospital University College London Cambridge Medical Robotics Surgical England Healthcare Skills Leadership and Management for Healthcare University College London Global Business School Medical Realities Surgical Leadership, Royal College of Physicians England Medical Problems in Pregnancy, The Birmingham Medical Institute Royal Brompton and Harefield Hospital Specialist Care NHS Foundation Trust Management of Diabetes in Pregnancy, Pregnancy following Kidney Transplant, Endocrinology, NHS Foundation Trust King's College Hospital BMI The Sloane Hospital Blackheath Hospital Chelsfield Park Hospital Endocrinology, Clinical Endocrinology, Paediatric Endocrinology, Diabetology, Thyroidology, Diabetes Type 1 and Type 2 Management in Adults and Paediatrics, University College London Faculty of Medical Sciences England Type 1 Diabetes - exciting new developments in treatment and prevention, Cambridge Diabetes Education Programme NHS Diabetes Programme Type 2 Diabetes in young adults (0-25 years), Royal College of Physicians England Type 2 Diabetes and Diabetes and Endocrinology, Postgraduate Medical Education Harvard Medical School New Drugs to treat Type 2 Diabetes (100% score), Postgraduate Medical Education Stanford University School of Medicine Type 2 Diabetes Management (100% score), Future Proof Health Right Drug, Right Patient, Right Time Pharmacotherapy options for Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, Cambridge University Health Partners Cambridge Diabetes Education Programme Royal College of Nursing Centre for Education and Development The Association of UK Dietitians The College of Podiatry The British Association of Prosthetists and Orthotists Royal College of Midwives Structured Diabetes Education at Diabetes Intermediate Level, Cambridge Diabetes Education Programme : Safe Use of Insulin in Hospital and Safe Use of Insulin in the Community at Diabetes Specialist Level, Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation Type 1 Diabetes Technology and Devices for Adults, How Might Current Data Inform the Primary Care Physician’s and the Multidisciplinary Team’s Management of Cardiorenal Risk in Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease and Type 2 Diabetes? (100% score), Type 2 Diabetes, Heart Failure and Chronic Kidney Disease, Cambridge Diabetes Education Programme : Diabetes Structured Education : Facilitating access for adults living with type 1 and type 2 diabetes, Diabetes Professional Care Conference, Diabetes Centre Alberta Health Services Calgary Endocrinology and Metabolism Program : The Advanced Diabetes Workshop for Healthcare professionals, Critical Care Diabetes Management, Royal College of Physicians London Sunway University University of Cambridge Medical Emergencies in Endocrinology and Diabetes, Type 2 Diabetes Prevention and Remission : The latest updates from the flagship NHS programmes, NHS Foundation Trust The Birmingham Medical Institute The Park Hospital Clinical Endocrinology : Thyroid Glands Disorders Treatment, Parathyroid Glands Disorders Treatment, Adrenal Glands Disorders Treatment, Thyroid Federation International World Thyroid Day 2024 International Thyroid Awareness Week Thyroid Cancer Awareness Month Grave's Disease Awareness Week Thyroid Eye Disease Awareness Week University of Santo Tomas Thyroid Disorders, Getting the best Treatment for Hypothyroidism, Hypertension and Cardiovascular Diseases', Nexus Chiropractic and Wellness Human Growth Foundation FemGevity Health UK USA Endocrinology Series, Hormone harmony webinar series, Update in Safety of Recombinant Human Growth Hormone, Hormone Webinar for Women, Respiratory Medicine and Recent Advances, Chest Medicine, Pulmono-cardiovascular Medicine, Paediatric Pulmonology, Adult and Paediatric Respiratory Allergy and Immunology Treatment, National Conference on Pulmonary Diseases of the Indian Chest Society, One Airway One Disease : Demystifying Allergic Rhinitis and Asthma, Allergy Treatment, Airway Management, Advanced Airway Management, Asthma Treatment, Asthma : Taking a Deep Breath : Addressing Unmet Needs in the Management of Moderate-to-Severe Asthma - a Community Approach (100% score), Paediatric Asthma Management, Management of Paediatric Respiratory Illnesses, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Management, Respiratory Professional Care Conference, Anti-Cigarette Smoking Treatment, Spirometry Update, Holistic Management of Breathlessness in Advanced Diseases, Better Treatments for Refractory Breathlessness Conference, Long Covid Management, Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis, Nodules and Robots : The changing face of Lung Cancer Screening, Lung Cancer, King's College Hospital's Collaborative Airway Webinar and Workshop, Developing a Respiratory Protection Program Workshop, NHS Foundation Trusts - Guy’s and St Thomas’, King’s College Hospital and South London and Maudsley and King’s College London England King's Health Partners Annual Conference 2024, Structural Heart Disease Management Guidelines, 9th Advanced Stroke Care Conference, Update on Coronary Angioplasty and Stents, Concepts in Contemporary Critical Care Cardiology, Preventing Cardiovascular Disease and Valvular Disease, Congenitally corrected Transposition of the Great Arteries, Updates on Chronic Venous Insufficiency, Heart Failure Diagnosis and Treatment, Update in the effective treatment and Management of Vein Disease, Transcatheter Treatment options for Valvular Heart Disease, Congenital Heart Disease, Atrial Fibrillation Treatment, Common ECG Abnormalities, ECG Abnormalities in Arrhythmia, The role of Stress Echocardiography in patients, Paediatric Arrhythmia Management, Cardiac Disease : Simplifying Novel Lipid Lowering Strategies, Varicose Veins Treatment, Clinical Update of Venous Thromboembolism : From Diagnosis to Treatment, Vascular Masterclass, Stroke Prevention in non-valvular Atrial Fibrillation, Digital Innovations in Cardiology,  Frontiers of Innovation : Approach to patients with Polyvascular Disease : A concerted approach to improve outcomes, Cardiac Arrhythmias and Pacing, Paediatrics, Neonatology, Neonatal Medicine, Foetal Medicine, Paediatric Surgery, University of Colorado Newborn Baby Care Course (92.98% score), Infant Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Safety, Orthopaedics, Rheumatology, Paediatrics Orthopaedics and Rheumatology, Orthopaedics Symposia, Osteoporosis, Integrated Management of Joint Arthritis, Arthritis : The Surgical Treatment Options, Metatarsalgia, Arthralgia Treatment, Hip and Knee Arthroplasty, Hip Arthritis Treatment, Spire Little Aston Hospital Spire Parkway Hospital Spire South Bank Hospital Arthritic Knee Conditions, Complicated Hip Replacement Treatment, Chronic Pain and Fibromyalgia, King's Park Hospital Shoulder Pain Management, Achondroplasia and Treatment of Fgfr3 related Disorders, The Impact of Inflammation on Bone in Rheumatic Disease, Developing a Multiscale Transcriptional Atlas of Osteosarcoma, Clinical Utility of Functional Precision Medicine to Guide Treatment for Osteosarcoma Patients, Degenerative Knee Joint Disease Treatment, Limbs and Hip Joint Diseases Treatment, Medical and Life Care Consulting Pioneer Spine and Sports Acute Spinal Cord Injury Management, Current Concepts in Spine Care, Tuberculous Coxitis Treatment, Spinal Fusion Techniques, Insights from Genetic Disease Heterotopic Ossification, Surgical options and Rehabilitations of Non-Ischaemic Amputations, Spinal Degeneration and Minimally Invasive Surgery, Sports and Exercise Medicine, Orthopaedics and Trauma Surgery, Acute Management of Soft Tissue Injuries, Ocular Trauma Management, Plastic Surgery, Hand Surgery, Bariatric Surgery, Neuromedicine, Paediatric Neurology, Functional Neurology, StudyHub Summer Scholarship United Kingdom Winner for Parkinson's Disease : Diagnosis and Treatment, Gastroenterology, Functional Gastrointestinal Symptoms Management, Surgery, Surgical Medicine, Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery, Colorectal Surgery, General Surgery, Obstetric and Gynaecological Surgery, Cardiovascular Surgery, Head and Neck Surgery, Thoracic Surgery, Urological Surgery, Surgical Oncology, Surgical Leadership, Digitising the Operating Room, Future of Surgical 3D, Gall Bladder Disease, Abdominal Hernias, Exploring abdominal wall concerns, Anaesthesiology, Pain and Palliative Medicine, Pain Management, Non-Surgical Treatments for Pains and Injuries, Cardiorenal Medicine, Renal Medicine, Nephrology, Paediatric Nephrology, Renal Cancer, Optimising Management in Chronic Kidney Disease, Surgical Treatment of Kidney Stones, Urology, Paediatric Urology, Bishops Wood Hospital Clementine Churchill Hospital NHS Foundation Trust Neuro-Urology and Reconstruction Insights, Bladder Pain Syndrome and Recurrent UTI and Management, Bladder Cancer, Adult and Paediatric Otorhinolaryngology, Ophthalmology, Myopia, Keratoconus and Glaucoma Management, Ocular manifestations for systemic disease and genetic disorders and is atropine no better than placebo for myopia management? Artificial Intelligence and Robotic Surgery in Ophthalmology, Radiodiagnosis, Paediatric Radiodiagnosis, Case-based Learning in Bedside Ultrasound (89.78% score), Obstetric Ultrasound and Fetal Medicine Tests in Pregnancy, Role of Imaging in Gynaecological Pathways, Tele-guided Paediatric Point-of-Care Ultrasound, Paediatric Sepsis Management, Imperial College Royal College of Surgeons The Hamlyn Symposium on Medical Robotics 2021 : Robot Assisted MRI : The Future of Medical Imaging, Medical Robotics : Advancements on Micro-Nanorobotics for Medical Applications, Nanomedicine, Geriatric Medicine, Geriatric Society of India 2024 Conference, World Congress on Gerontology and Geriatrics, Hospital Medicine, Intensive Care Medicine, Emergency Medicine, Paediatric Emergency Medicine, Paediatric Trauma Medicine, Royal College of Physicians - Cambridge University Medical Emergencies in Rheumatology, Transplant and Cellular Therapy options for Non-Malignant Haematologic Disorders, Stem Cell Therapy, Regenerative Medicine, Aligned and Integrated Medicine, Acute Medical Pathways - Responding to increased demand : same day emergency care across medical specialities, King's College Hospital Advanced Therapies Symposium, Advanced Clinical Practice Forums, Professional Practice and Ethics, Global Business Administration, Global Hospital and Healthcare Management, Global Hospital and Healthcare Organisational Operations Management, Global Strategic Management, Global Quality Management, Global Lifestyle Medicine, Global Pharmacoeconomics, Global Business Economics, National Accreditation Board for Hospitals and Healthcare 5th Edition Standards for Hospitals (70% score), Advancement in Healthcare Technology and Programs, Healthcare Incidents Command System Training, Medical Colleges, Hospitals and Diagnostic Centres Accreditations and Standardisations, Rutgers University The State University of New Jersey Rutgers Biomedical and Health Sciences Hospital and Healthcare Organisations Operations Management (Business Processes Management, Quality Improvement and Healthcare Delivery in Healthcare Organisations, Healthcare Organisations and the Health Systems) (100% score), Quality and Safety Management and Clinical Excellence, Medication Safety and Pharmacovigilance, Nephrological, Pulmonological, Paediatric, Neonatal and Maternal Quality, Safety and Audit, Safe Use of Insulin in Hospital and Community, Asthma, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, Chronic Kidney Disease, Obstetric and Neonatal Quality and Safety, Royal College of Physicians' Safe for Patients Safe for Staffs : Patient Safety Fundamentals, Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists' Each Baby Counts - Maternity Safety - A New Approach, Global Institute of Stem Cell Therapy and Research and Institute of Regenerative Medicine Institutes, University, Hospitals, Laboratories USA India Global Universities, Institutes, Hospitals and Laboratories Administration, Management and Directorship, Strategic Management, National Accreditation Board for Hospitals and Healthcare Providers Standards Implementation, Clinical Audit, Continual Quality Improvement Tools and Techniques, Quality, Service Improvement and Redesign, Quality Improvement Round Table, Improving Quality Improvement : Quality improvement and Systems thinking : how to consider the complexity of implementation in practice, Health - Hospitals Transformation Programmes, Transforming Hospital Theatres : Advancements for a Greener NHS, Minnesota Cares Wellness Workshop, Trustee Responsibilities, Co-chairing Trustee Boards, Government of Alberta, Community Engagement Branch Board Development Programme (Board Roles and Responsibilities, Building Strong Teams and Effective Relationships, Committees and Meetings, Legal Responsibilities, Financial Responsibilities), The Role of the Board Chair, The Role of the Board Secretary, The Role of the Board Treasurer, Advisory Boards, International Conference on Management, Business and Economics, Strategic Thinking, Strategic Planning, Indian Institute of Management Indian Healthcare : Strategic Perspectives, Structure of Indian Capital Market, India - a booming market with changing Patent trends,  Intellectual Property Rights in the Era of Digital Transformation, International Copyright Webinars and Seminars, Pharmacy Entrepreneurship, Public Health Entrepreneurship, Community and Population Health, Professional Record Standards Body Advisory Board Meeting, Update of the Economy, Victoria's Comprehensive Cancer Centre Alliance, Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre, Melbourne Health (including The Royal Melbourne Hospital), the University of Melbourne, Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research, The Royal Women’s Hospital, The Royal Children’s Hospital, Western Health, St Vincent’s Hospital Melbourne (including St Vincent's Institute), Austin Health (including the Olivia Newton-John Cancer Research Institute and Austin Lifesciences) and Murdoch Children’s Research Institute, Victoria, Australia Leadership Academy Webinar Series, University of Cambridge World Trade Organisation World Trade, Development and Sustainability : Globalisation, Sustainability and the Power of Ideas, Environmental Pollution Control Ceremony : 28th United Nations Climate Change Conference 2023 or Conference of the Parties of United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, Centre for Internationational Sustainable Development Law, Climate Law and Governance Initiative on Climate Law and Governance Day 2023 : Climate Law Capacity Registry Member and United Nations Paris Climate Agreement Signatory, Metro Health and Medical Preparedness Coalition Meetings, 12th University for Business and Technology International Conference for Management, Business and Economics, Institute of Health and Social Care Management Round Table : The Future of Primary Care, Health Librarianship : The Next Generation University Health and Medical Librarians Group Spring Forum 2024, World Congress on Biotechnology and Healthcare Summit, National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research - The National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute - National Institute of Health 75th Annual Symposium : The Science that Unites Us, World Congress on Nursing and Healthcare Summit, Patient Safety, Laboratory Quality Management and Internal Audit, Clinical Supervisorship, Medical Appraisership, Educational Supervisorship and Deanship.

179 national and international medical publications, consisting of 129 medical journal articles, 52 medical books, with almost 520 book chapters, and several poster presentations, oral presentations, speaker presentations, video presentation and faculty presentations. 

My Preface :

        17th June, 1980 born. Sole ardent Self - lover. Perfect Western World orientations and outlooks, modern Westernised Indian resident. Healthy and happy intellectual. Western English Christian Convents - educated, Western occidental - Indian academic and professional attachments, erudite and analytical global academic intellectual culturist, enthusiastic sportswoman. Liberal Hindu religion (inherited paternal Ogrohara Brahmin Kulin and maternal Mahishya castes, Shandilya). Family and friend to my semi-retired Obstetrician and Gynaecologist Doctor and Medical Entrepreneur father, my retired Higher Secondary School Teacher and Board Examiner Scientist and my Educationist mother and Ophthalmologist Doctor and Faculty brother. Parents and Western English Christian Convents - indoctrinated well-settled decent class. Happily unmarried, believer in very late marriage. Complementary Western World - Indian fair ethnicity. Non-political. Western World English, Indian English and Indian Hindi efficiency. Global versatile classicist, vintage modern. Fortunate lifelong birth elite, unique marital elite, inherent intellectual elite, perpetual progressive educational elite and perennial progressive professional elite. Indeed less acquainted with the curious common Indian ways. Personal privacy lover. Simple moral value-systems, comfortably seclusive.

My Academic Accomplishments :

My Qualifications, Certifications, Fellowships and Memberships :

           My English Convent Schooling :

10th Standard ICSE (Science), 1996, 86.7% score, (First Division, Distinctions in Biology, Chemistry, Physics, English) (First / Second rank in all Lower Nursery to Secondary level classes, Double Promotion from Lower Nursery for high academic excellence) (Complementary Subject : Commerce) (All India Entrance Examination and Viva voce, General Merit) : St. Agnes' Convent School, Council for The Indian School Certificate Examinations, Howrah, West Bengal, New Delhi, India, World;

12th Standard Higher Secondary (Science), 1998, 74.2% score, (First Division, Distinction Star in Biology) (All India Entrance Examination Viva voce, 10th Standard Exit Examination All India Percentage, General Merit) : Loreto Day School, Loreto Convent, West Bengal Council of Higher Secondary Education, Kolkata, Smart City, West Bengal, India, World.

      My Medical Qualifications, Certifications, Fellowships and Memberships :

MBBS (Medicine and Surgery), 2006, 63.78% score, (Second Class, First Class in 2nd MBBS and 3rd MBBS Part-1) (First Class in Pharmacology, Pathology, ENT, Paediatrics and Obstetrics and Gynaecology) (Medical Undergraduate Institutional Management Entrance All India Quota for Resident Indians, 12th Standard Exit Examination All India Percentage, General Merit) : Medical and Surgical Departments (including Pharmacology, Clinical Pharmacology, Pathology and Clinical Pathology), Dr. B. R. Ambedkar Medical College and Hospital, K. C. General Hospital, Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bangalore, Smart City, Karnataka, India;

DCP (Clinical Pathology), 2010, 58.4% score, (Second Class, First Class in Clinical Pathology Theory) (Karnataka State Government Medical Postgraduate Common Entrance Test, General Merit)  : Departments of Pathology and Clinical Pathology, J.J.M. Medical College and Hospitals (semi-government), Chigateri General Hospital, Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Davangere, Smart City, Karnataka, India,

(Pathology, Clinical Haematopathology, Laboratory Medicine, Haematology, Haemato-Oncology, Endocrine Oncology, Cytopathology, Immunohistochemistry, Clinical Diagnostics, Molecular Diagnostics); 

MD (Doctor of Medicine) (Pharmacology), 2015, 55.28% score, (Second Class, First class in Pharmacology Practical and Pharmacology Grand Viva voce) (All India Consortium of Medical, Engineering and Dental Colleges of Karnataka Medical Postgraduate Entrance Examination 73.34% score, General Merit) : Departments of Pharmacology, Clinical Pharmacology and Molecular Pharmacology, J.J.M. Medical College and Hospitals (semi-government), Chigateri General Hospital, Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Davangere, Smart City, Karnataka, India,

(Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics, Molecular Pharmacology, Applied Pharmacology, Pharmacokinetics, Pharmacodynamics, Systemic Pharmacology, Rational Pharmacotherapeutics Pharmacoepidemiology, Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Pharmaco-haemo-materio-vaccine-nutra-cosmeto-vigilance, Drug Quality and Safety, Medication Safety, Medication Management, Pharmacogenomics, Genomic Medicine, Clinical Pharmacogenomics, Evidence Based Medicine, Pharmacoeconomics, Medical Education and Professing, Obstetric and Gynaecological Pharmacology, Fertility and Reproductive Endocrinology, Reproductive and Maternal Medicine, Haematological Pharmacology, Neonatal Pharmacology, Respiratory and Cardiovascular Pharmacology, Cardiology, Cardio-Renal Medicine, Neuropharmacology, Medical Endocrinological Pharmacology and Diabetology, Thyroidology, Clinical Endocrinology, Metabolic Medicine, Anaesthetic and Analgesic Pharmacology, Clinical Medicine, Dermatopharmacology, Orthopaedic and Rheumatological Pharmacology, Cancer Immunotherapy and Molecular Oncology, Molecular Oncovaccinology, Precision Medicine, Precision Oncology, Personalised Medicine, Surgical Pharmacology, Educational Supervisorship and Deanship, Academic Management and Directorship, Educational Management and Directorship);

MBA (Business Administration, with Hospital and Healthcare Management), 2012, 64.36% score, (First Class, Grade B; Distinctions in Hospital and Healthcare Management Project, Business Communication, Managerial Economics, Management Process, Organisation Behaviour) (99.80% score in Hospital and Healthcare Organisations Operations Management, with 100% scores in Business Process Management, Quality Improvement and Health Care Delivery in Healthcare Organizations) (Professional Executive Level, Medical Lateral Entry Viva voce, General Merit), Departments of Business Administration, and Hospital and Healthcare Management, Sikkim Manipal University (DE), Manipal, Karnataka, Sikkim, India, World,

(Business Communications, Managerial Economics, Pharmacoeconomics, Management Process, Organisation Behaviour, Hospital and Healthcare Organisations Operations Management, Health Care Delivery in Healthcare Organisations, Business Process Management, Quality Improvement, Global Universities, Institutes, Hospitals, Nursing Homes, Polyclinics, Diagnostic Centres and Laboratories Administration, Management and Directorship, Quality and Safety Management and Clinical Excellence, Clinical Audit, Universities, Medical Colleges and Hospitals Accreditations and Standardisations, Diagnostic Centres Accreditations and Standardisations, World Trade, Development and Sustainability : Globalisation, Sustainability and the Power of Ideas, Clinical Supervisorship, Medical Appraisership, Educational Supervisorship and Deanship, Academic Management and Directorship, Educational Management and Directorship);

PGDCR (Clinical Research), 2013, 61.4% score, (First Class) (Distinction in Good Clinical Practice Guidelines, First Class in Research Methodology, Regulations and Clinical Research) (Direct Admission based on academic percentages, General Merit), Symbiosis Centre of Health Care (DE), Symbiosis International University, Pune, Smart City, Maharashtra, India, World,

(Good Clinical Practice Guidelines, Medical Research Methods and Applications, Regulations and Clinical Research, Clinical Research Ethics, Pharmacology Research, Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics Research, Molecular Pharmacology Research, Medical Education Professing Behavioural Medicine Medical Education Technology Research, Pathology Research, Clinical Pathology Research, Laboratory Medicine Research, Clinical Haematopathology Research, Haematology Research, Haemato-Oncological Research, Cytopathology Research, Immunohistochemistry Research, Molecular Diagnostics Research, Dermatopharmacology Research, Oncoprophylactics and Oncotherapeutics Research, Oncoimmunotherapeutic and Molecular Oncological Research, Endocrine and Onco-Endocrine Research, Gynaecology and Obstetric Pharmacological Research, Ophthalmological Research, Respiratory Medicine Research, Cardiovascular Research, Clinical Medicine Research, Neuropharmacology Research, Regenerative Medicine Research). 

FIAMS (Pathology, Clinical Haematopathology) :  Honorary Fellow of the IMA Academy of Medical Specialities (FIAMS) (Nominated, General Merit) in Pathology, from 2012.

Associate MRCP (Clinical Medicine) : Associate Member of the Royal College of Physicians (RCP) (Direct Affiliation based on Medical Undergraduate and Medical Postgraduate/Doctorate academics, General Merit), from 2021. 

Associate MRCOG (Obstetrics and Gynaecology) : Associate Member of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG) (Direct Affiliation based on Medical Undergraduate and Medical Postgraduate/Doctorate academics, General Merit), from 2021.

Associate MRCPCH (Paediatrics and Child Health) : Associate Member of the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health (RCPCH) (Direct Affiliation based on Medical Undergraduate and Medical Postgraduate/Doctorate academics, General Merit), from 2024.

MIPS (Pharmacology) : Life member of the Indian Pharmacological Society (IPS), from 2014.

MISRPT (Rational Pharmacotherapeutics, Pharmaco-Haemo-Materio-Vaccine Vigilance, Medication Management) : Life member of the Indian Society for Rational Pharmacotherapeutics (ISRPT), from 2019.

MAPPI (Pharmacology, Physiology) : Life member of the Association of Physiologists and Pharmacologists of India (APPI), from 2024.

MCCP (Chest Medicine, Cardiology) : Life member of the National College of Chest Physicians (NCCP), India, from 2011. 

MPCCS (Cardiovascular Medicine) : Life member of the Primary Care Cardiovascular Society (PCCS), British Association for Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation, British Cardiovascular Society, British Heart Foundation, British Heart Valve Society, British and Irish Hypertension Society, The British Journal of Cardiology, British Society for Heart Failure, European Society of Cardiology, Heart UK The Cholesterol Charity, Heart Valve Voice, Primary Care Issues and Answers Live, Arrhythmia Alliance, The Heart Rhythm Alliance, Syncope Trust and Reflex Anoxic Seizures, Atrial Fibrillation Association, United Kingdom, Cardiovascular Diseases Academy, Mexico, Colombia, Bayer, Daiichi - Sankyo, Medtronic, Novartis, Amgen, Astra Zeneca, from 2023.

MIAC (Cytology, Cytopathology) : Life Member of the Indian Association of Cytologists (IAC), from 2012. 

MIAPM (Pathology, Clinical Pathology, Clinical Haematopathology, Laboratory Medicine) : Life member of the Indian Association of Pathologists (IAP), from 2013. 

MKCIAPM (Pathology, Clinical Pathology, Clinical Haematopathology, Laboratory Medicine) : Life member in the Karnataka Chapter of Indian Association of Pathologists (KCIAP), from 2009.

MIMA (Medicine) : Life member of the Indian Medical Association (IMA), from 2011.

MIAMS (Pathology, Clinical Haematopathology) : Life Member of the Indian Medical Association Academy of Medical Specialities, from 2012.

MNSWSCN (Stem Cell Therapy, Regenerative Medicine) : Life Member of New South Wales Stem Cell Network, Australia, from 2024.

MECRTDUK (Research Training and Development) : Member of European Centre for Research Training and Development, London, United Kingdom, from 2022-2023.

MCLCR (Climate Law Capacity Registry : Environmental Pollution Control) : Life Member of Climate Law Capacity Registry, Centre for International Sustainable Development Law, 28th United Nations Climate Change Conference 2023 or Conference of the Parties of United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change Climate Law and Governance Initiative on Climate Law and Governance Day 2023 : United Nations Paris Climate Agreement Signatory, from 2023.

MVCCCALA (Victoria's Comprehensive Cancer Centre Alliance Leadership Academy Member : Comprehensive Oncology, Leadership) : Member of Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre, Melbourne Health (including The Royal Melbourne Hospital), the University of Melbourne, Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research, The Royal Women’s Hospital, The Royal Children’s Hospital, Western Health, St Vincent’s Hospital Melbourne (including St Vincent's Institute), Austin Health (including the Olivia Newton-John Cancer Research Institute and Austin Lifesciences) and Murdoch Children’s Research Institute, Victoria, Australia, from 2024.

My Certifications in :

Pharmacology, Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics, Molecular Pharmacology, Medical Pharmacology, Systemic Pharmacology, Applied Pharmacology,  Pharmacokinetics, Pharmacodynamics, Pharmaco-Haemo-Materio-Vaccine-Nutra-Cosmeto Vigilance, Pharmacogenetics, Medical Genetics, Pharmacogenomics, Spatial Genomics, Oncoimmunogenomics, Genomic Medicine, Paediatric and Foetal Genomics, Proteomics, Biomedicine, Biotechnology, Pharmacoepidemiology, Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Community Medicine, Community and Population Health, Environmental Medicine, Pharmacoeconomics, Rational Pharmacotherapeutics, Clinical Pharmacotherapeutics, Evidence Based Medicine, Good Clinical Practices, Drug Development, Drug Discovery, Drug Innovation, Drug Invention, Therapeutics Invention, Drug Repurposing, Drug Delivery Systems, Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research, Pharmacy, Polypharmacy, Drug Quality and Safety, Medication Safety, Patient Safety, Practitioner Safety, Medication Administration, Medication Management, Evidence Based Medicine, Personalised Medicine, Medical Technology, Artificial Intelligence Technology, Machine Learning, Medical Education Technology, Good Academic Practices, Health Professions Education Instructional Methods, Efficient and Effective Interactive Professing, Interactive Workshops, Health Professions Education Methods of Assessment, Medical Professing, Medical Education, Curriculum Creation and Implementation, Professing, Education, Research, Guidance, Mentorship, Invigilation, Examinership, Assessment, Review, Supervision, Administration and Directorship of Pharmacology, Clinical Pharmacology, Molecular Pharmacology and Therapeutics, Medical Educational and Medical Higher Educational Educatorship, Ambassadorship, Supervision, Deanship, Commissionership, and Directorship, Educational Management and Directorship in Hospital and Healthcare Management, Joint Royal Colleges Curriculum Implementation, Healthy Futures Curriculum, Medical, Academic and Research Administration, Management and Directorship of Global Hospitals, Institutes, Universities and Laboratories, Global Medical, Academic, Administrative and Research Financial Management, Global Medical, Educational, Administrative and Research Planning and Strategies, Inter-Professional Educational Alignment and Integration, Clinical Teaching Methods, Medical Practice Attitude, Ethics and Communication, World Online Teaching Methods, Health Librarianship, Advanced Evidence-Based Personalised Professing, Medical Research Professing, International Committees, Boards and Trustees Member, Secretary, Treasurer and Chairperson Performance, International Committees, Boards and Trustees Meetings, Precision Medicine, Precision Oncology, Onco-Immuno-Pharmacology, Oncology, Paediatric Oncology, Neonatal Oncology, Oncoimmunoprophylactic Vaccines,  Oncoimmunotherapeutic Vaccines, Experimental Oncovaccinology, Vaccinology, Integrated Cancer Epidemiology, Integrated Cancer Medicine, Experimental Medicine, Cancer Immunotherapy, Advances in Cancer Immunotherapy, Oncoprophylactics and Oncotherapeutics, Molecular Oncology, Cancer Chemotherapy, Dermatological Pharmacology including Anti-Acne Pharmacology, Dermatology, Paediatric Dermatology, Cosmetology, Clinical Aesthetics, Obstetric and Gynaecological Pharmacology, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Consultant or Specialist Performance, Infertility Treatment and Reproductive Endocrinology, Reproductive Medicine, Maternal Medicine, Uro-Gynaecology, Obstetric and Gynaecological Cancer, Women Health, Maternal and Child Health, Paediatric and Neonatal Pharmacology, Paediatrics, Neonatology, Foetal Medicine, Respiratory Pharmacology including Pharmacology of Asthma, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease and Respiratory Allergy, Respiratory Medicine, Chest Medicine, Lung Cancer, Paediatric Pulmonology, Otorhinolaryngological Pharmacology and Pharmacology of Allergy, Otorhinolaryngology, Paediatric Otorhinolaryngology, Ophthalmological Pharmacology, Ophthalmology, Internal Medicine Pharmacotherapeutics, Internal Medicine, Clinical Medicine, Clinical Endocrinology including Diabetology, Critical Care Diabetology, Thyroidology, Endocrinological Pharmacology, Endocrine Oncology, Endocrinological Emergencies, Paediatric Endocrinology, Gastrointestinal Pharmacology including Anti-Peptic Ulcer Pharmacology, Gastroenterology, Cardiovascular Pharmacology including Anti-Hypertensive Pharmacology, Cardiology, Critical Care Cardiology, Cardiovascular Medicine, Paediatric Cardiovascular Medicine, Pulmono-Cardiovascular Medicine, Infant Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Safety, Anti-Obesity Pharmacology, Metabolic Medicine, Surgical Pharmacology, Surgical Medicine, General Surgery, Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery, Colorectal Surgery, Obstetric and Gynaecological Surgery, Cardiovascular Surgery, Head and Neck Surgery, Thoracic Surgery, Urological Surgery, Surgical Oncology, Plastic Surgery, Minimally Invasive Surgery, Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery, Laparoscopic Surgery, Robotic Surgery, Medical Robotics, Digital Surgery, Paediatric Surgery, Surgical Leadership, Orthopaedic and Rheumatological Pharmacology, Orthopaedics, Rheumatology, Paediatric Orthopaedics and Rheumatology, Medical Emergencies in Rheumatology, Sports and Exercise Medicine, NeuroPharmacology, Neurology, Neuromedicine, Paediatric Neurology, Functional Neurology, Behavioural Medicine, Neuro-Urology, Urology, Bladder Cancer, Paediatric Urology, Nephrology, Paediatric Nephrology, Cardiorenal Medicine, Renal Pharmacology, Paediatric Nephrology, Renal Cancer, Geriatric Pharmacology, Geriatric Medicine, Anaesthetic and Analgesic Pharmacology, Anaesthesiology, Pain and Palliative Medicine, Emergency Medicine, Intensive Care Medicine, Paediatric Emergency Medicine, Paediatric Trauma Medicine, Acute and Chronic Medicine, Haematopharmacology, Haematology, Haemato-Oncology, Stem Cell Treatment and Research, Regenerative Medicine, Transplant Medicine, Medicinal Chemistry, Biochemistry, Physiology, Pathophysiology, Pathopharmacology, Pathology, Clinical Pathology, Laboratory Medicine, Haematopathology, Clinical Haematopathology, Cytology, Cytopathology, Histopathology, Clinical Diagnostics, Molecular Diagnostics, Immunohistochemistry, Onco-Immuno-Pathology, Precision Pathology, Health Research Methodology, Medical Ethics and Regulatory Studies, Medical Law, Clinical Research, Clinical Innovations, Clinical Pharmacological Research, Clinical Pathological Research, Medical Research, Paediatric Research, Biomedical Research, Medical Pharmacological Research, Medical Educational Research, Health Research, Medical Academic Writing, Hospital and Healthcare Management Research, Project Management in Medical Higher Education, Research and Practice, Patent Trends, Intellectual Property Rights, International Copyrights, Molecular Medicine, Nano-Pharmacology, Nanomedicine, Experimental Pharmacology, Zoopharmacology, Pharmacognosy, Phytomedicine, Sonographical Medicine, Radiodiagnosis, Paediatric Radiodiagnosis, Radiotherapy, Radiomics, Advanced Therapies, Advanced Clinical Practice, Professional Practice and Ethics, Business Administration, Hospital and Healthcare Management, Universities, Medical Colleges, Hospitals and Institutional Management, Medical Colleges, Hospitals and Diagnostic Centres Accreditations and Standardisations, Hospital and Healthcare Organisations Operations Management, Strategic Management, Business Processes Management, Health Systems, Business Economics, Healthcare Technology, Healthcare Incidents Command System Training, Global Universities, Medical Colleges, Institutes, Hospitals, Nursing Homes, Polyclinics, Diagnostic Centres and Laboratories Administration, Management and Directorship, Planetary Health, Education and Sustainable Healthcare Consensus Statement, Medical Administration, Quality and Safety Management and Clinical Excellence, Clinical Audit, Laboratory Quality Management and Internal Audit, Nephrological, Pulmonological, Paediatric, Neonatal, Maternal Asthma, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, Chronic Kidney Disease, Obstetric, Diabetes Treatments Quality, Safety and Audit, Clinical Supervisorship, Medical Appraisership, Health - Hospitals Transformation Programmes, Pharmaceutical Multi-National Companies Management, World Trade, Development and Sustainability : Globalisation, Sustainability and the Power of Ideas and Lifestyle Medicine courses, from University of Leeds, Harvard Medical School, Boston Hospital and Medical Center, Brigham and Women's Hospital, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Massachusetts General Hospital Cancer Center, Boston Children's Hospital, Harvard Business School, Harvard Graduate School of Education, Rutgers University, Stanford University, University of Michigan, University of Colorado, Food and Drug Administration, World Trade Organisation, National Health Service England, Johns Hopkins University, McMaster University, University of Cambridge, University of Oxford, Cardiff University College of Biomedical and Life Sciences School of Medicine, The Birmingham Medical Institute The Park Hospital, Hull York Medical School, European School of Haematology, Royal College of Physicians London, Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists London, Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health London, United Kingdom, United States of America, Canada, Europe; All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research, St. John's Research Institute, St. John's National Academy of Health Sciences, Manipal Academy of Higher Education, Manipal University, Mamata Medical College, Gandhi Medical College, Christian Medical College, Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College, SCB Medical College, Rama Medical College Hospital and Research Centre, King George's Medical University, Medical Council of India, National Medical Commission, Indian Pharmacopoeia Commission : Pharmacovigilance Programme of India, Uppsala Monitoring Centre, Sweden, Indian Council of Medical Research, National Institute of Epidemiology, National Accreditation Board for Hospitals and Healthcare Providers, National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories, Quality Council of India, Indian Institute of Management, India; Centre for Research in Assessment and Digital Learning, Deakin University, Australia; World Health Organisation, International Union of Basic and Clinical Pharmacology, World; and many other global universities and medical organisations.

My awaited Fellowships and Memberships :

FCCP (Chest Medicine, Cardiology) Fellow of the National College of Chest Physicians (NCCP), India. 

Affiliate MRCS (Orthopaedics and Trauma Surgery) : Affiliate Member of the Royal College of Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgeons London, United Kingdom.

My opted-out eligible courses : 

Secondary DNB (Pathology), till 2011: Tata Main Hospital, in collaboration with Tata Memorial Centre, Tata Memorial Hospital, India (National Board of Examinations All India Viva voce Examination, Medical Postgraduate Diploma Exit Examination All India Percentage, General Merit); 

PhD Medicine (Clinical Pharmacology) : Texila American University, South America, World; PhD Precision Medicine, Metabolic Medicine (Spatial Metabolomics) : Imperial College, London, United Kingdom;

BSc (Zoology Honours, Physiology, Chemistry), BSc (Physiology Honours, Zoology, Chemistry)till 2000: Presidency College / University, India (All India Institutional Entrance Examination, 12th Standard Exit Examination All India Percentage, General Merit); 

DE (Doctorate of Education) in Organisational Leadership : University of San Diego School of Leadership and Educational Sciences, United States of America;

DMS (Doctor of Management Studies) (Clinical Pharmacology, Pharmacology Management) : Indian School of Management and Studies, India, Great Britain, World;

DBA (Doctor of Business Administration) (Business Administration) European Graduate School of Management, University of Central Lancashire, European and UK Universities, United Kingdom, World, World Education Services.

My Professional Proficiencies :

My Professional Experiences in Medical, Healthcare, Sciences, Educational, Administrative Academics and Professing, Guidance, Examinership, Deanship, Research, Review, Editorship, Economics, Planning, Strategies, Administration, Business Management and Directorship, Multi-Speciality Consultancy and Practice, and Pharmaceutical National and Multi-National Organisations and Medical Social Works, at Self-Founder Polyclinic and Diagnostic Centre, Academic and Educational Centre, and Administration Centre : 45 - 46 years and longer

Medical Director, Medical Superintendent, Consutant Multi-Specialist Clinical Pharmacological Physician, Consultant Multi-Specialist Clinical Pathologist, Consultant Multi-Specialist Laboratory Medicine Specialist, General / Consultant Multi-Specialist Clinical Medicine Physician, Chief Hospitals, Polyclinics And Diagnostic Centres Operations Management, Polyclinics and Diagnostic Centres Administrator, Principal Polyclinics and Diagnostic Centres Operating and Administrative Officer, Principal Academic Centres and Educational Centres Operating and Administrative Officer-Administrator, Hospitals Administrator, Chief Executive Officer, Specialist Medical Officer, Senior Medical Officer, General Duty Medical Officer, Clinical Demographer, Clinical Director, Registrar, Senior Resident Pharmacology, Clinical Pharmacology, Molecular Pharmacology and Therapeutics, Senior Resident Pathology and Clinical Pathology, Diagnostic Centres Director, Laboratory Director, Head of Departments Clinical Medicine and Medication Management, Head of Departments Pharmacology, Clinical Pharmacology, Molecular Pharmacology and Therapeutics, Consultant Rational Pharmacotherapeutic Physician, Consultant Drug Safety and Quality Physician, Consultant Respiratory Physician, Consultant Cardiologist, Consultant Neonatologist, Consultant Diabetologist, Consultant Thyroidologist, Consultant Infertility Treatment and Reproductive Endocrinologist, Consultant Clinical Endocrinologist, Consultant Oncologist, Consultant Gynaecological and Obstetric Pharmacological Physician, Consultant Infertility Treatment and Reproductive Endocrinological Pharmacological Physician, Consultant Reproductive Medicine Physician, Consultant Maternal Medicine Physician, Consultant Maternal and Child Health Physician, Consultant Clinical Endocrinological Pharmacological Physician, Consultant Diabetological Pharmacological Physician, Consultant Cardiovascular Pharmacological Physician, Consultant Respiratory Pharmacological Physician, Consultant Emergency Medicine Physician, Consultant Metabolic Medicine Physician, Consultant Paediatric and Neonatal Pharmacological Physician, Consultant Dermatopharmacological Anti-Acne Physician, Consultant Orthopaedic and Rheumatological Pharmacological Physician, Consultant Cancer Immunotherapeutic and Molecular Oncologist, Consultant Anti-Respiratory Allergy and Asthma Pharmacologist, Consultant Anti-Hypertensive Pharmacologist, Consultant Anti-Diabetes Pharmacologist, Consultant Anti-Thyroid Disorders Pharmacologist, Consultant Anti-Anaemia Pharmacologist, Consultant Pharmaco-Haemo-Materio-Vaccine Vigilance Specialist, Consultant Pharmaco-Nutri-Cosmeto-Vigilance Specialist, Consultant Pharmaco-Vaccine-Vigilance Specialist, Consultant Pharmacogenomics Specialist, Consultant Pharmacoeconomics Specialist, Consultant Clinical Pharmacologist, Consultant Molecular Pharmacologist, Consultant Evidence Based Medicine Specialist, Head of Departments Clinical Pathology, Haematology, Cytopathology, Pathology and Molecular Diagnostics, Head of Departments Laboratory Medicine, Clinical Diagnostics and Molecular Diagnostics, Consultant Haematologist, Consultant Cytopathologist, Consultant Molecular Diagnostics Specialist, Head of Department Emergency Medicine, Head of Departments Paediatrics, Neonatal Medicine and Child Health, Head of Departments Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Infertility Treatment and Reproductive Endocrinology, Head of Department Pulmonocardiovascular Medicine, Head of Departments Clinical Endocrinology and Diabetology, Head of Departments Orthopaedics and Rheumatology, Head of  Department Renal Medicine, Head of Departments Neurology and Neuropharmacology, Head of Departments Oncology and Cancer Medicine, Head of Departments Hospital, Healthcare and Medical Establishment Management and Medical Administration, Medical Academics and Clinical Research Director, Administrative Director, Managing Director, Director Medical Administration / Dean Administration, Principal / Dean Academics, Medical Academician, Professor, Global Continuing Professional Development Academician, National and International Conferences, Symposiums, Congresses and Summits Delegate, Orator, Presenter, Faculty, Mentor, Discussion Panelist and Advisory Board Member, National and International Journal and Book Publications Author, Reviewer, Editor, Associate Editor, Editor In-Chief, Editorial Board Member and Advisory Board Member, Medical Fellow, Associate Member and Life Member, Clinical Research Patho-Pharmacologist, Hospitals and Polyclinics Director, Apollo Diagnostics Patient Care Centre Director, Academic Centres Director, Educational Centres Director, Planning, Strategies, Administration and Management Centre Director, Sole Medical Entrepreneur, Sole Sciences Entrepreneur, Sole Academic Entrepreneur, Sole Educational Entrepreneur, Sole Management, Administration, Planning and Strategies Entrepreneur, Founder, Multi-Speciality and Super-Speciality Medical and Surgical Departments of Maternity, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Infertility Treatment and Reproductive Endocrinology, Reproductive Medicine, Maternal Medicine, Paediatrics, Neonatology, Internal Medicine and Super Specialities of Internal Medicine, General Surgery and Super Specialities of General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Otorhinolaryngology, Orthopaedics, Rheumatology, Cardiology, Cardiovascular Medicine, Renal Medicine, Pharmacology, Clinical Pharmacology, Molecular Pharmacology, Rational Pharmacotherapeutics, Pharmacogenomics, Pharmacohaemomateriovaccinevigilance, Haematology, Pathology, Clinical Pathology, Clinical Haematopathology, Molecular Diagnostics, Clinical Endocrinology, Diabetology, Thyroidology, Clinical Oncology, Clinical Medicine, Metabolic Medicine, Respiratory Medicine, ECG Imaging, Physiotherapy, Nursing, Hospital Management and Paramedical Sciences, Dr. Moumita Hazra's Group of Organisations : Dr. Moumita Hazra’s Polyclinic And Diagnostic Centre, Dr. Moumita Hazra’s Academic Centre, Dr. Moumita Hazra’s Educational Centre, Dr. Moumita Hazra's World Administrative Enterprises, Mother Teresa University College of Nursing, Management and Paramedical Sciences (Autonomous), in collaboration with Apollo Diagnostics Patient Care Centre, Dr. Lal Path Labs and Patient Service Centre, and Thyrocare Aarogyam Center, India, World, 45 - 46 years and longer (July, 1982 onwards) (at different times, in past and present).
My professional activities in Pharmacology, Clinical Pharmacology, Molecular Pharmacology, Therapeutics and Clinical Medicine Professing, Guidance, Examinership, Deanship, Multi-Speciality Practice and Consultancy, Academics Practice, Administration, Management and Directorship :

              Pharmacology, Therapeutics, Clinical Pharmacology, Molecular Pharmacology, Applied Pharmacology, Pharmaco-Haemo-Materio-Vaccine Vigilance, Rational Pharmacotherapeutics, Evidence Based Medicine, Pharmacological Quality and Safety, Pharmacology, Therapeutics, Clinical Pharmacology and Molecular Pharmacology undergraduate, postgraduate, doctorate and postdoctorate Professing, Pharmacology, Therapeutics, Clinical Pharmacology and Molecular Pharmacology Education, Medical undergraduate, postgraduate, doctorate and postdoctorate Professing, Medical Education, Medical Advisory Board and Faculty, Competency Based Medical Education : Competencies, Objectives, Teaching Learning Methods, Alignment and Integration in Medical Education, Assessment Methods, Aligned and Integrated Assessment Methods, Pharmacology and Therapeutics Professing Methods, Clinical Pharmacology Professing Methods, Molecular Pharmacology Professing Methods, Medical Professing Methods, Medical Academic and Education Management, Academic Directorship, Pharmacology and Therapeutics Research Methods, Clinical Pharmacology Research Methods, Molecular Pharmacology Research Methods, Clinical Research Methods, Pharmacology and Therapeutics Education Research Methods, Clinical Pharmacology Education Research Methods, Molecular Pharmacology Education Research Methods, Medical Education Research Methods, Systemic Pharmacology, Respiratory Pharmacology, Drug Delivery Systems, Dermatopharmacology, Anti-Acne Pharmacology, Respiratory Allergy and Asthma Pharmacology, Cardiovascular Pharmacology, Anti-Anaemia Pharmacology, Cardiology, Anti-Hypertension Pharmacology, Neuropharmacology, Anaesthetic and Analgesic Pharmacology, Pharmacology of Antibiotics, Pharmacology of Retinoids, Ocular Pharmacology, Gynaecological and Obstetric Pharmacology, Reproductive Medicine, Maternal Medicine, Paediatric and Neonatal Pharmacology, Women Health, Maternal Health, Child Health, Endocrine Pharmacology, Endocrine Onco-Pharmacology, Clinical Endocrinology, Diabetology, Thyroidology, Metabolic Medicine, Infertility Treatment and Reproductive Endocrinology, Pharmacology of Vitamins and Antioxidants, Orthopaedic and Rheumatological Pharmacology, Cancer Immunotherapy, Molecular Oncology, Onco-Molecular Pharmacology, Oncoimmunogenomics, Oncoprophylactics and Oncotherapeutics, Therapeutic Onco-Vaccines, Pharmaco-Immuno-Onco-Therapeutics, Molecular Therapeutics, Surgical Pharmacology, Pharmacogenetics, Pharmacogenomics, Epigenetics, Pharmacoepidemiology, Pharmacoeconomics, Pharmacodynamics, Pharmacokinetics, Personalised Medicine, Medication Safety, Medication Management, Clinical Medicine, Stem Cell Therapeutics and Research, Regenerative Medicine.

My professional activities in Clinical Pathology, Pathology, Laboratory Medicine and Molecular Diagnostics Teaching, Multi-Speciality Practice, Administration, Management, and Directorship :

           Clinical Pathology, Pathology, Laboratory Medicine, Clinical Haematopathology, Haematology, Haemato-Oncology, Medical and Reproductive Endocrine Pathology, Endocrine Onco-Pathology, Onco-Immuno-Molecular Pathology, Gynaecological, Obstetric and Neonatal Clinical Pathology, Respiratory and Cardiovascular Clinical Pathology, Orthopaedic and Rheumatological Clinical Pathology, Dermatopathology, Stem Cell Pathology, Cytopathology, Cytology, Immunohistochemistry, Clinical Diagnostics, Molecular Diagnostics.

My professional activities in Management of Pharmacology, Clinical Pharmacology, Molecular Pharmacology and Therapeutics Departments, Medical Colleges, Universities, Hospitals or Nursing Homes, Polyclinics, Diagnostic Centres, Academic and Educational Centres, Schools, Economic Organisations, Publications Editorship, Examination Boards, Hospital Boards, Editorial Boards, Advisory Boards, College Council, Hospital and College Committees; National and International Medical, Healthcare, Educational, Business and Administrative Organisations Administration, Planning, Strategies, Management and Directorship : 

            National and International Medical, Healthcare, Educational, Business and Administrative Organisations Administration, Planning, Strategies, Management and Directorship, Medical Directorship, Medical Academics Directorship, Medical Research Directorship, Hospital and Healthcare Management, Hospital Administration, Medical Administration, Medical Directorship of Global Medical Universities, Institutions, Hospitals and Laboratories, Medical Administration and Management of Universities, Institutions and Hospital Establishments, Medical Corporate Strategies, Planning and Advisories, Publications Editorial and Advisory Boards Management, Examination Boards Management, Hospital Boards Management, College Council, Hospital and College Committees Management, Academic and Educational Centres Administration, Management and Directorship, Schools Management, Medical Corporate Management and Improvisation, Economic Organisations Management, Hospital Operations Management, Quality and Safety Management, Medication Management, Clinical Audit, Undergraduate / Postgraduate / Doctorate / Postdoctorate Medical Courses Curriculum Creation and Courses Directorship, Medical Colleges and Hospitals Accreditations and Standardisations, Diagnostic Centres Accreditations and Standardisations, Administration and Management of Pharmacology and Therapeutics Department, Administration and Management of Clinical Pharmacology and Molecular Pharmacology Departments, Administration and Management of Medical Colleges, Universities, Administration, Management and Directorship of Hospitals, Nursing Homes and Polyclinics, Medical Appraisership, Clinical Supervisorship, Educational Supervisorship and Deanship.

      My professional activities in Multi-Speciality Medical, Pharmacological, Clinical Pharmacological, Molecular Pharmacological, Therapeutics, Pathological, Clinical Pathological and Clinical Research :

            Clinical Research, Clinical Research Methods, Oncoprophylactics and Oncotherapeutics Research, Clinical Research Authorship and Reviewing, Clinical Research Publications Editing, Medical Editing, Clinical Trials Management, Medical Book Editing and Chief Editing, Medical Publications and Medical Books Publications Advisory Boards or Editorial Boards, Medical and Clinical Research Directorship, Pharmacology Research, Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics Research, Molecular Pharmacology Research, Medical Education Professing Behavioural Medicine Medical Education Technology Research, Clinical Pathology Research, Laboratory Medicine Research, Clinical Haematopathology Research, Haematology Research, Cytopathology Research, Immunohistochemistry Research, Pharmacovigilance Research, Vaccine Vigilance Research, Molecular Diagnostics Research, Dermatopharmacology Research, Oncoimmunotherapeutic and Molecular Oncological Research, Endocrine Research, Gynaecology and Obstetric Pharmacology Research, Respiratory Medicine Research, Cardiovascular Research, Neuropharmacology Research, Clinical Medicine Research, Regenerative Medicine Research.

* My National and International Medical, Scientific, Research and Administrative Awards and Prizes :

* My Scientific Academic Grade Score : Graded ‘>A’ in the Science Aptitude and Talent Search Test held by the All India Science Teachers’ Association.

* My International Science Seminar presentation : “Population : A Resource or a Burden ?”, held by Birla Industrial and Technological Museum; National Council of Science Museums, Government of India; Sports and Youth Services Department; Government of West Bengal, and was awarded ‘special’ merit (State level), 1st (District level), 1st (Block level), in 1994.

* My International Science Seminar presentation : “Are we alone in the Universe?”, held by Birla Industrial and Technological Museum; National Council of Science Museums, Government of India; Sports and Youth Services Department; Government of West Bengal, and was awarded 1st (District level), 1st (Block level), in 1993.

* My International Science Seminar presentation : “Origin of Life”, held by Birla Industrial and Technological Museum; National Council of Science Museums, Government of India; Sports and Youth Services Department; Government of West Bengal, and was awarded 1st (District level), 2nd (Block level), in 1991.

* Early Career Medical Research Award (Nomination, but never attended final award) at Paediatric Biology Centre (PBC), Translational Health Science and Technology Institute (THSTI) (Department of Biotechnology, Government of India) and Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India, in 2015, 2016.

* Merit Award in Oral Paper Presentation : “A comparative, multi-centre, pharmacovigilance study of the safety assessment of levosalbutamol and salbutamol, administered with the familiar drug delivery system, a metered dose inhaler, in the routine treatment of mild asthma.” in International Conference on Artificial Intelligence & Robotics in Life Science 2020, at Rama Medical College Hospital and Research Centre, Rama University, Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh, India; Abstract publication : International Conference on Artificial Intelligence & Robotics in Life Science December, 2020 Conference Supplement.   

* Excellence in Pharmacology Award at International Journal of Scientific Study-Indian Health Professional Awards, in March, 2022 

      *  Best Academician of Year Award (March, 2021 – March, 2022), at International Journal of Scientific Study-Indian Health Professional Awards, in March, 2022.

[ My Academic Designatory Attachments during March, 2021-March, 2022 :

           Associate Professor, Head of Department In Charge, Departments of Pharmacology, Clinical Pharmacology and Molecular Pharmacology, Rama Medical College Hospital and Research Centre, Rama University, Dr. B. R. Ambedkar University, Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh, India (March, 2021 – July, 2021);

            Associate Professor, Head of Department In Charge, Departments of Pharmacology, Clinical Pharmacology and Molecular Pharmacology, Mamata Medical College, Mamata Hospitals, Khammam, Kaloji Narayana Rao University of Health Sciences, Telangana, Dr. N. T. R. University of Health Sciences, Andhra Pradesh, India (August, 2021 – March 2022);

 •           Guest Professor, Head of Department, Department of Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacology, Hi-Tech College of Nursing, Rourkela, Sambalpur University, Odisha, India (March, 2021 – March, 2022);

 •           Medical Academics and Clinical Research Director, Medical Academician, Clinical Research Scientist, Clinical Pharmacologist, Clinical Pathologist, Dr. Moumita Hazra’s Academic Centre, Dr. Moumita Hazra's Educational Centre, Dr. Moumita Hazra’s Polyclinic And Diagnostic Centre, Hazra Polyclinic And Diagnostic Centre, Hazra Nursing Home, Howrah, West Bengal, India, World (March, 2021 – March, 2022);

 •           Medical Editor-In-Chief, Medical Editor, Medical Editorial Board Member, Medical Advisory Board, Medical Speaker Faculty, Medical Reviewer, Medical Author of journal articles and books, Medical Book Editor, and Medical Chief Book Editor, National and International Journals and Books Publications, India, World;

 •           Medical Appraiser, Medical Invigilator, Medical Examiner, Medical Assessor, Indian Medical Colleges, Hospitals, Universities and Examination Boards and Councils, India;

 •           Medical Academic Scholar, Indian Medical Colleges and Universities, Medical Schools and Universities, United States of America, United Kingdom, Canada, Europe, Australia and World. ]

* Excellence in Hospital Administration Award at International Journal of Scientific Study-Indian Health Professional Awards, in March, 2022. 

Excellence in Clinical and Molecular Pharmacology Award at International Journal of Scientific Study-Indian Health Professional Awards, in April, 2023

Excellence in Hospital and Medical Academics Directorship Award at International Journal of Scientific Study-Indian Health Professional Awards, in April, 2023

* Woman Researcher Award at International Scientist Awards on Engineering, Science and Medicine, in May, 2022, in collaboration with international journals (JARDCS, JCDR, IJPR, SRP, JCR, IJNAA, NQ, IJECSE).

* Outstanding Scientist Award at International Scientist Awards on Engineering, Science and Medicine, in September, 2022, in collaboration with international journals (JARDCS, JCDR, IJPR, SRP, JCR, IJNAA, NQ, IJECSE).

* First prize for Best Team Performance at 'Health Research Methodology and Evidence-Based Medicine' Course, conducted by St. John's Medical College and Research Institute, India; Duke University, USA; and McMaster University, Canada, on 21-25.02.2022.

* Best Team Award at  'Health Research Methodology and Evidence-Based Medicine' Course, conducted by St. John's Medical College and Research Institute, India; Duke University, USA; and McMaster University, Canada, on 21-25.02.2022.

* International Best Researcher Award in Pharmacology, Clinical Pharmacology, Molecular Pharmacology, Clinical Pathology, Hospital and Healthcare Management, Clinical Research, for my research : Hazra M. A rational pharmacovigilance safety appraisal of topical pefloxacin 0.3% ophthalmological drops in bacterial conjunctivitis, in global multi-centre tertiary care hospitals. Int J Basic Clin Pharmacol 2022; 11(4): 302-307, awarded by The International Society for Scientific Network Awards, International Science and Technology Awards, ISSN International Research Awards and Congress (IIRA-2023), in association with World Research Council, Times of Research, Z24 News and United Medical Council, on 07.05.2023.

* Rotary Doctors' Day Award, 2024, felicitation by Rotary International in collaboration with Hi-Tech Medical College and Hospital, Bhubaneswar, Rourkela, Utkal University, Odisha University of Health Sciences, Sambalpur University, Odisha, Sri Balaji Medical College Hospital and Research Institute, Dr. Y. S. R. University of Health Sciences, Dr. N. T. R. University of Health Sciences, Andhra Pradesh, India on Doctors' Day 01.07.2024.

* Educational multi-disciplinary awards-winner. 

* Awards-winner in elocution and oratory.

* Awards-winner in world culture. 

* Awards-winner sportswoman. 


My Present and Past Designations in Medical, Healthcare, Sciences, Educational, Administrative Academics and Professing, Guidance, Examinership, Deanship, Research, Review, Editorship, Economics, Planning, Strategies, Administration, Business Management and Directorship, Multi-Speciality Consultancy and Practice, and Pharmaceutical National and Multi-National Organisations :

Medical Director, Assistant Medical Director, Deputy Medical Superintendent, Medical Superintendent, Vice Principal, Principal / Dean Academics, Chief Executive Officer, Hospital Administrator, Chief Hospital Operations Management, Director Medical Administration, Hospitals and Polyclinics Director, Diagnostic Centres Director, Apollo Diagnostics and Patient Care Centre Director, Clinical Director, Academic Centres Director, Educational Centres Director, Planning, Strategies, Administration and Management Centre Director, Medical Academics and Clinical Research Director, Chief Hospitals, Polyclinics And Diagnostic Centres Operations Management, Principal Polyclinics And Diagnostic Centres Operating and Administrative Officer, Principal Academic Centres and Educational Centres Operating and Administrative Officer-Administrator, Undergraduate / Postgraduate / Doctorate / Postdoctorate / Faculty Academic Internal Quality Assurance and Control Co-ordinator, Undergraduate / Postgraduate / Doctorate / Postdoctorate / Faculty Academic Research In-Charge, Medical Educationist, Nursing Faculty, Managing Director, Business Development Director, Director Administration / Dean Administration, Head of Departments of Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacology, Head of Departments In Charge of Pharmacology, Clinical Pharmacology, Molecular Pharmacology and Therapeutics, Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, Professor of Pharmacology, Clinical Pharmacology, Molecular Pharmacology, Therapeutics, Pharmacokinetics, Pharmacodynamics, Pharmacogenomics, Pharmaco-Haemo-Materio-Vigilance, Dermatopharmacology, Respiratory Pharmacology, Cardiovascular Pharmacology, Autonomic Pharmacology, Gynaecological and Obstetric Pharmacology, Neuropharmacology, Endocrinological Pharmacology, Clinical Endocrinology, Diabetology, Thyroidology, Onco-Immuno-Pharmacology, Anaesthetic and Analgesic Pharmacology, Pharmacochemotherapeutic Medicine, Rational Pharmacotherapeutics, Pharmacoeconomics, Pharmacology Recent Advances (Paraclinicals / Clinicals); Clinical Research, Evidence-Based Medicine, Good Clinical Practice (Paraclinicals / Clinicals); Clinical Pathology, Pathology, Laboratory Medicine, Clinical Haematopathology, Cytopathology, Molecular Diagnostics, Immunohistochemistry, Onco-pathology (Paraclinicals / Clinicals); General Medical and Surgical Subjects (Preclinicals / Paraclinicals / Clinicals); Clinical Medicine; Regenerative Medicine (Clinicals); Medicine, Paediatrics, Dermatology, Pulmonary Medicine, Haematology, Psychiatry, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Surgery, Orthopaedics, Otorhinolaryngology, Neonatology, Renal Medicine, Ophthalmology, Oncology, Endocrinological Pharmacology, Clinical Endocrinology, Diabetology, Thyroidology, Anaesthesia, Pain and Palliative Medicine (Clinicals); Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacovigilance Courses Guide Perceptor; Medical Laboratory Technology, Medical Education Technology; Business Administration, Hospital and Healthcare Management, Organisations Operations Management, Quality Management; and Medical Education and Medical Professing of MBBS, DCP, MD, MS, DNB, DM, MCh, Certifications and Fellowships, Faculty Development Programmes and Professional Development Programmes in medical colleges, hospitals, universities, nursing homes, diagnostic centres, laboratories; and web professing forums; Guest Professor, Guest Associate Professor of Pharmacology, Clinical Pharmacology, Molecular Pharmacology, Therapeutics, Pharmacogenomics, Pharmaco-Haemo-Materio-Vigilance, Dermatopharmacology, Respiratory Pharmacology, Neuropharmacology, Cardiovascular Pharmacology, Renal Medicine, Gynaecological and Obstetric Pharmacology, Endocrinological Pharmacology, Clinical Endocrinology, Diabetology, Thyroidology, Anaesthetic and Analgesic Pharmacology, Onco-Immuno-Pharmacology, Pharmacochemotherapeutic Medicine, Rational Pharmacotherapeutics, Pharmacology Recent Advances (Paraclinicals / Clinicals); Clinical Research, Evidence-Based Medicine (Paraclinicals / Clinicals); Clinical Pathology, Pathology, Laboratory Medicine, Haematopathology, Cytopathology, Molecular Diagnostics, Immunohistochemistry, Onco-pathology (Paraclinicals / Clinicals); General Medical and Surgical subjects (Preclinicals / Paraclinicals / Clinicals); Clinical Medicine, Regenerative Medicine (Clinicals); Medicine, Paediatrics, Dermatology, Pulmonary Medicine, Psychiatry, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Surgery, Orthopaedics, Haematology, Otorhinolaryngology, Ophthalmology, Oncology, Endocrinological Pharmacology, Clinical Endocrinology, Diabetology, Thyroidology, Anaesthesia, Pain and Palliative Medicine (Clinicals); Medical Laboratory Technology, Medical Education Technology; Business Administration, Hospital and Healthcare Management, Organisations Operations Management, Quality Management; and Medical Education and Medical Professing for BDS, MDS, BSc, MSc, MPhil, PhD, BSc Nursing, MSc Nursing, Paramedical, Pharmacy, MBA Hospital Management and Clinical Research in nursing homes, dental colleges, nursing colleges, paramedical colleges, science colleges, institutes, and universities, and web professing forums; Clinical Research Scientist, Medical Editor, Medical Associate Editor, Medical Editor In-Chief, Medical Author / Writer, Medical Co-Author, Medical Reviewer, Chief Medical Book Editor, Medical Book Author, Medical Book Co-Author, Medical Book Editor, Medical Editorial Board Member, Medical Advisory Board Member, Medical Academics Study Resources Writer, Pharmacology Department Strategist and Developer, Clinical Pharmacology Department Strategist and Developer, Medical Academics Orator, Medical Academician, Medical Fellow, Associate Member and Life Member of Medical and Scientific Colleges, Academies, Societies, Associations and Organisations, Global Continuing Professional Development Academician, Indian and Foreign Medical Examinations’, Universities’ and Boards’ Questions and Answers Expert, Subject Matter Expert, Invigilator, Question Paper Setter, Internal Examiner, External Examiner, Chief Examiner, Assessor, Evaluator, Reviewer, Chairman and Assessor University Pharmacology Examinations, Chairperson Causality Assessment Committee, Pharmacovigilance and Vaccinevigilance and Causality Assessment Committees Co-ordinator and Member Secretary, Pharmacovigilance Vaccine Vigilance Causality Assessment Clinical Haematopathology (Postdoctorate / Doctorate) Good Clinical Practice Endocrinological Pharmacology Clinical Endocrinology Diabetology Thyroidology (Postdoctorate / Doctorate) Anaesthetic and Analgesic Pharmacology Speaker Faculty Curriculum Skills Trainer Clinical Trainer Technical Skills Trainer Organising Member Secretary Organising Chairperson Co-ordinator Convener and Courses Director, Pharmacovigilance and Vaccinevigilance PG Course and Workshop (Postgraduate / Doctorate Course) Speaker Faculty Course Trainer Clinical Skills Trainer Technical Skills Trainer Curriculum Creator Course Director Co-ordinator Convener Organising Secretary, Undergraduate / Postgraduate / Doctorate / Postdoctorate Medical Courses Curriculum Creator, Medical Literary Judge, Convocant, Guest MBBS Degree Entitlement Endower; Medical Education Examination Processes Specialist, College Council Member, College and Hospital Committees’ Member, MCI, NMC, NABH, NABL, QCI, IPC, PvPI, ISO, JCI, FDA, CDSCO, WHO and similar Standardisation Organisations’ Inspections and Audits Expert, Medical Council of India – National Medical Commission Medical Education Unit Course Resource Faculty Speaker, Medical Council of India – National Medical Commission Medical Education Unit Coordinator, Medical Council of India – National Medical Commission Medical Education Unit Member, Postgraduate / Doctorate / Faculty Academic Co-ordinator and Journal Club Faculty Coach (Community Medicine, Medicine, Ophthalmology, Paediatrics, ENT, Dermatology, Surgery, Pulmonary Medicine, Anaesthesiology, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Radiology, Pathology, Psychiatry, Orthopaedics),  Clinical Demographer, Registrar, Clinical Auditor, Clinical Pharmacologist, Laboratory Supervisor, Laboratory Director, Manager and Head - Quality Assurance and Control and Clinical Excellence in Hospitals and Laboratories, Clinical Excellence and Quality Management Trainer, Casualty Medical Officer, In Charge Central Pathological Laboratory, Clinical Trials Manager, Head of Departments Pharmacology, Clinical Pharmacology, Molecular Pharmacology and Therapeutics (Paraclinicals / Clinicals), Head of Departments Clinical Medicine and Medication Management (Paraclinicals / Clinicals), Consultant Drug Quality and Safety Physician, Consultant Pharmaco-Haemo-Materio-Vaccine Vigilance Specialist, Consultant Pharmaco-Nutri-Cosmeto-Vigilance Specialist, Consultant Pharmaco-Vaccine-Vigilance Specialist, Consultant Pharmacogenomics Specialist, Consultant Molecular Pharmacologist, Consultant Pharmacoeconomics Specialist, Consultant Pharmacoepidemiologist, Consultant Evidence Based Medicine Specialist, University Pharmacology, Clinical Pharmacology, Molecular Pharmacology and Therapeutics Invigilator, Question Paper Setter, Internal Examiner, External Examiner, Chief Examiner, Assessor, Evaluator and Reviewer, National Board of Examinations Medical NEET - PG Entrance Examinations Appraiser, Consultant Multi-Specialist Clinical Pharmacological Physician, Consultant Multi-Specialist Clinical Pathologist, Consultant Respiratory Physician, Consultant Cardiologist, Consultant Neonatologist, Consultant Diabetologist, Consultant Infertility Treatment and Reproductive Endocrinologist, Consultant Clinical Endocrinologist, Consultant Oncologist,Consultant Obstetric and Gynaecological Pharmacological Physician, Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecological Medicine Specialist, Consultant Infertility Treatment and Reproductive Endocrinological Pharmacological Physician, Consultant Clinical Endocrinological Pharmacological Physician (Diabetologist, Thyroidologist), Consultant Metabolic Medicine Physician, Consultant Gastrointestinal Pharmacological Physician (Anti-Peptic Ulcer Specialist), Consultant Paediatric and Neonatal Pharmacological Physician, Consultant Respiratory and Cardiovascular Pharmacological Physician (Anti-Asthma, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, Respiratory Allergy, Hypertension Specialist), Consultant Dermatopharmacological Physician (Anti-Acne Specialist), Consultant Orthopaedic and Rheumatological Physician, Consultant Cancer Immunotherapeutic and Molecular Oncologist, Consultant Haematologist (Anti-Anaemia Specialist), Consultant Respiratory Allergy and Asthma Pharmacologist, Consultant Emergency Medicine Physician, General / Consultant Multi-Specialist Clinical Medicine Physician, Head of Departments Clinical Pathology, Clinical Haematopathology, Cytopathology, Pathology and Molecular Diagnostics (Paraclinicals / Clinicals), Head of Departments Laboratory Medicine, Clinical Diagnostics and Molecular Diagnostics (Paraclinicals / Clinicals), Consultant Multi-Specialist Laboratory Medicine Specialist, Consultant Clinical Haematopathologist, Consultant Cytopathologist, Consultant Molecular Diagnostics Specialist, Onco-Immuno-Molecular Patho-Pharmacologist, Medical, Educational and Governance Specialist, Sole Medical Proprietor / Entrepreneur, Sole Sciences Entrepreneur, Sole Academic Entrepreneur, Sole Educational Entrepreneur, Sole Planning, Strategies, Administration and Management Entrepreneur, Sole Medical Educational and Medical Administration Entrepreneur, Founder, Co-Founder, Co-Medical Entrepreneur, Co-Educational Entrepreneur, Medical Corporate Management Expert, Financial Manager, Economic Securities Investment and Commerce Economic Entrepreneur, Economic Advisor and Economic Manager, Medical Zoologist, Molecular Medicine Specialist, Pharmaceutical Biotechnologist, Medical Molecular Geneticist, Medical Analyst, Specialist Medical Officer, Senior Medical Officer, Resident Medical Officer, General Duty Medical Officer, Medical Officer, Senior Resident Pharmacology, Clinical Pharmacology, Molecular Pharmacology and Therapeutics, Senior Resident Pathology and Clinical Pathology, Hostel Assistant Super Warden, Hostel Chief Super Warden In Charge, Hostel Chief Warden, Subject Expert, Questions and Answers Expert, Postgraduate and Doctoral Guide / Co-Guide in Departments of Pharmacology, Clinical Pharmacology, Molecular Pharmacology and Therapeutics; Mentor, Pharmacology Tutor / Senior Resident, Pathology Tutor / Junior Resident / Senior Resident, Multi-Medical and Surgery Subjects Resident, Pharmacological Research Scientist, Clinical Pharmacological Research Scientist, Molecular Pharmacological Research Scientist, Therapeutics Research Scientist, Pharmaceutical Expert, Medical Academics Advisor, Advisory Board and Faculty, Clinical Pathology Laboratory and Diagnostic Centre Advisor, Supervisor and Director, Head of Department and Developer, Planner, Advisor and Supervisor of Pharmacology, Clinical Pharmacology, Molecular Pharmacology and Therapeutics Departments, General / Clinical Medicine Department Advisor and Supervisor, Obstetrics and Gynaecology Department, Advisor and Supervisor, Paediatrics and Neonatal Medicine Department, Medical Research and Development Director and Advisor, Advisor of Medicine, Research and Development worldwide, for 45 - 46 years, at past and present times; in different professional sectors, including medical and healthcare sectors, educational sectors and administrative sectors; 45 - 46 years of professional experience in medical, healthcare, educational, administrative and sciences academics and professing (Pharmacology, Clinical Pharmacology, Molecular Pharmacology, Therapeutics, Pharmacogenomics, Pharmaco-Haemo-Materio-Vaccine-Nutra-Cosmeto-Vigilance, Rational Pharmacotherapeutics, Clinical Pathology, Pathology, Laboratory Medicine, Molecular Diagnostics, Clinical Research, Evidence-Based Medicine, General Medicine, Medical Education, Business Administration, Hospital and Healthcare Management, Quality Management), guidance, examinership, deanship, research, review and editorship experience; 45 – 46 years of professional experience in medical, healthcare, educational and business administration, strategies, management and directorship; 26 - 27 years of professional experience in multi-speciality medical, educational, administrative and sciences practice and consultancy experience.


My Medical, Healthcare, Educational, Sciences and Administrative Professional Experiences throughout India and World :

I have 45 – 46 years and longer (July, 1982 onwards) professional experiences in Medical Sciences :

1. Medical, Healthcare, Educational and Business Administrative, Planning, Strategic, Management and Directorship Experience : 

Medical, Educational and Business Administration, Management, Directorship, Economics, Advisory, Supervision, Planning, Strategising, Audit, Appraisal, Evaluation, Review 

2. Medical, Healthcare, Educational, Administrative and Sciences Academics and Professing, Guidance, Deanship, Examinership and Research, Review, Editorship Experience : 

Medical, Educational, Administrative and Sciences Academics and Professing, Guidance, Teaching, Mentorship, Examinership, Research and Development, Authorship, Review, Editing, Publishing 

3.   Multi-Speciality Medical, Educational, Administraive and Sciences Consultancy and Practice Experience : 


4. Medical, Educational and Administrative Social Work Experience :

at different medical and healthcare, academic and educational, economic and administration professional establishments, like medical universities, international universities, medical schools, medical colleges, nursing colleges, dental colleges, paramedical colleges, biomedical colleges, pharmacy colleges, medical institutes, medical examination boards, college council, college and hospital committees, hospitals, nursing homes, polyclinics, diagnostic centres, pathological laboratories, dispensaries, academic centres, educational centres, planning, strategies, administration and business management centres, administration universities, healthcare colleges, research institutes and laboratories, health organisation, medical and scientific associations and academies, science universities, science colleges, science and technological museum, schools, hospital management university, clinical research university, medical, administrative and scientific journals, books, academic resources and digital publications and archives, medical and scientific knowledge banks, educational websites, conferences and summits, medical information systems, pharmaceutical companies, economic companies and exchanges, multi-national companies, and medical organisations in United Kingdom, United States of America, Canada, Australia, Europe, Western World, India, World.


      My Designatory Affiliations in Medical, Healthcare, Educational, Administrative and Sciences Academics and Professing, Guidance, Examinership, Deanship, Research, Review and Editorship : 45 - 46 years and longer 


  My Academic Activities : 

  •       Medical, healthcare, educational, administrative and sciences academics and professing, guiding, mentorship, educational supervisorship, examinership, deanship, teaching, research, review and editorship I had done  : 

     For 45 - 46 years and longer (1992 onwards), I had participated, intensively and extensively, in the Undergraduate, Postgraduate, Doctorate and Postdoctorate interactive professing of Pharmacology, Clinical Pharmacology, Molecular Pharmacology, Therapeutics, Pharmacodynamics, Pharmacokinetics,  Pharmacogenomics, Pharmacoeconomics, Pharmaco-Haemo-Materio-Vaccine-Nutra-Cosmeto-Vigilance, Dermatopharmacology, Respiratory Pharmacology, Gynaecological and Obstetric Pharmacology, Neuropharmacology, Cardiovascular Pharmacology, Endocrinological Pharmacology, Clinical Endocrinology, Diabetology, Thyroidology, Anaesthetic and Analgesic Pharmacology, Onco-Immuno-Pharmacology, Pharmacochemotherapeutic Medicine, Rational Pharmacotherapeutics, Pharmacology Recent Advances (Paraclinicals / Clinicals); Clinical Research, Evidence-Based Medicine (Paraclinicals / Clinicals); Clinical Pathology, Pathology, Laboratory Medicine, Clinical Haematopathology, Cytopathology, Molecular Diagnostics, Immunohistochemistry, Onco-pathology (Paraclinicals / Clinicals); General Medical and Surgical subjects (Preclinicals / Paraclinicals / Clinicals); Clinical Medicine, Regenerative Medicine (Clinicals); Medicine, Paediatrics, Dermatology, Pulmonary Medicine, Psychiatry, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Surgery, Orthopaedics, Otorhinolaryngology, Ophthalmology, Oncology, Endocrinological Pharmacology, Clinical Endocrinology, Diabetology, Thyroidology, Haematology, Neonatology, Renal Medicine, Anaesthesia, Pain and Palliative Medicine (Clinicals); Postgraduate / Doctorate Course and Workshop on Pharmacovigilance and Vaccinevigilance, Postdoctorate / Doctorate Course and Workshop on Clinical Haematopathology, Postdoctorate / Doctorate Course and Workshop on Endocrinological Pharmacology, Clinical Endocrinology, Diabetology and Thyroidology; Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacovigilance Courses Guide Perceptor; Medical Laboratory Technology; Medical Education Technology; Business Administration, Hospital and Healthcare Management, Operations Management, Quality Management; and Medical Education of M.B.B.S., M.D. Pharmacology, D.N.B. Pharmacology, M.D. Pathology, M.D. Clinicals (Medicine, Paediatrics, Dermatology, Pulmonary Medicine, Psychiatry), M.S. Clinicals (Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Surgery, Orthopaedics, Otorhinolaryngology, Ophthalmology), M.D., M.S., D.M., M.Ch., Primary D.N.B. Pathology, D.C.P., B.D.S., M.D.S., G.N.M., G.N.M.(International), A.N.M., A.N.M.(I), B.Sc. Nursing, B.Sc. Nursing(I), M.Sc. Nursing, B.Pharm., D.Pharm., M.Pharm., Pharm.D., Paramedical Sciences D.O.P.T., D.C.C.T., B.Sc. C.T.C., B.Sc. O.T.T., C.O.T.T., C.O.A., C.O.S.A., C.W.T., C.E.C.G.T., D.O.T.T., D.O.T.T.(I), D.M.L.T., D.M.L.T.(I), M.M.L.T., D.PT., M.PT., D.T.C.T., D.X.R., D.M.R.I., D.R.D., B.Sc. M.R.D., D.Opt., D.D.T., B.Sc. M.Sc. D.T., B.M.L.T., B.M.R.T., B.O.T.T., B.O.P.T., B.A.T., B.E.M.T., D.M.R.T., D.D.T.H., B.Sc. (Optometry), B.Sc. M.Sc. R.I.T., B.Sc. M.Sc. B.T.T., D.B.T.T., B.Sc. O.T., M.Sc. O.T., B.B.A., M.B.A. (Hospital Management), B.B.A.(I), M.B.A.(I), B.Sc., M.Sc. Medical Pharmacology and Ph.D. Pharmacology, Therapeutics, Clinical Pharmacology, Medical Pharmacology, Pathology, Postgraduate, Doctorate and Postdoctorate Fellowships and Certifications, Faculty Development Programmes, Professional Development Programmes, and web professing forums; Postgraduate / Doctorate / Faculty Community Medicine, Medicine, Ophthalmology, Paediatrics, ENT, Dermatology, Surgery, Pulmonary Medicine, Anaesthesiology, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Radiology, Pathology, Psychiatry, Orthopaedics - Journal Club Faculty Coach; and I had also participated, co-participated, guided or co-guided in Under-Graduate (M.B.B.S., B.D.S., B.Sc.), Post-Graduate (M.D., M.S., D.N.B., D.C.P., M.B.A., P.G.D.C.R., M.Sc.), M.Phil. Stem cell Therapy and Regenerative Medicine, Doctorate (M.D., D.N.B., D.M., M.Ch., Ph.D.), Post-Doctorate (D.N.B., D.M., M.Ch., Fellowship, Certification), and Faculty Medical, Clinical, Medical Education and Management Education Research Projects, in different subject areas of academic interest, including also the following academic areas : Dermatopharmacology, Respiratory Pharmacology, Pharmacology of Antibiotics, Pharmacology of Retinoids, Onco-Molecular Pharmacology, Pharmacogenomics, Pharmacoepidemiology, Pharmacovigilance, Pharmacodynamics, Pharmacokinetics; Obstetrics and Gynaecological Pharmacology, Haematology, Cytology, Haemato-Oncology, Endocrinological Pharmacology, Endocrinological Onco-Pathology and Onco-Pharmacology, Anti-Tubercular Drugs, Anti-Diabetic Drugs, Molecular Diagnostics; Pharmacogenetics, Personalised Medicine (Therapeutics, Pharmaceuticals and Diagnostics), Drug Discovery and Development, Evidence-Based Medicine; Drug Delivery Systems, Autacoids, Therapeutic Onco-Molecular-Vaccines and Sera, Gastro-Intestinal Pharmacology, Immunosuppressants;Ocular Pharmacology; Molecular Pharmacology, Medical Oncology, Molecular Medicine; StemCell Therapy and Research, Regenerative Medicine; Competency-Based Medical Education : Competencies, Objectives, Teaching Learning Methods, Alignment and Integration in Medical Education, Assessment Methods, Aligned and Integrated Assessment Methods; and Medical Directorship, Medical Administration and Management. I had conducted and participated in Under-Graduate, Post-Graduate, Doctorate and Post-Doctorate internal and external theory and practicals curricula and syllabi development in conventional mode as well as competency-based mode, curricular governance; departmental infrastructure planning; preparation of theory and practical study materials and academic resources like different types of pharmacological and clinical pharmacological charts, models, posters, photographs, lists, write-ups,record books, log books; teaching / professing through foundation course, lecture classes / sessions, demonstrations, tutorials, practicals (including bio-assays, animal experiments, high-performance liquid chromatography, modeling and simulation, pharmacovigilance, pharmacogenomics, clinical pharmacology laboratory and clinical practice skills, molecular pharmacology, clinical research trials, quality and safety, pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics assignments, bioavailability and bioequivalence experiments, pharmaceutics and new drug development skills, and rational pharmacotherapeutics), pharmacology and clinical pharmacology skill laboratory and skill station methods, seminars, journal clubs, pedagogy, andragogy, discussion on newer drugs and nutra-pharmaceuticals, adverse drug reactions monitoring, pharmacovigilance reporting, and drug safety maintenance activities; participating in several related research-projects on these topics, departmental record maintenance of publications, journals and books in departmental library, log-book record maintenance, DOAP (demonstration, observation, assistance, performance), computer assisted learning, self directed learning (SDL) sessions, professing with LCD projector, computer, overhead projector and audio-visual systems, online digital lecture classes, simultaneous online and offline lecture classes, alignment and integration modules, electives modules, integrated teaching, early clinical exposure, clinical clerkship, log book and portfolios maintenance, assignments / examinations, summative, formative and internal assessments, objective and subjective assessments, skill assessment, aligned and integrated assessment methods, AETCOM (attitude, ethics, communication competencies) modules, viva voce, quiz, group discussion, students’ self assessment, study projects; abstracts, synopsis, proforma, thesis and publications discussion, published national and international academic resources, and national and international medical associations’ and organisations’ ongoing and archived academic resources discussion from 1992 onwards, paper presentation and publication, authorship, review and editing, books and chapters publication, patents; grants, funds and scholarships; CMEs, workshops, symposia, conferences, certifications; memberships, fellowships; guest lectures, expert talks, chairing sessions; and extracurricular activities; academic planning; departmental, institutional and university internal and external assignments / examinations, evaluation and invigilation; college exercise copies / records evaluation and other similar relevant teaching / professing activities, with innovative extensive and intensive teaching learning methods and comprehensive methods of assessment; while also enhancing and multi-orienting multi-speciality as well as multi-disciplinary Pharmacology, Clinical Pharmacology, Molecular Pharmacology, Rational Therapeutics, Evidence Based Medicine, Clinical Medicine, Clinical Pathology, Pathology, Laboratory Medicine, Haematology, Clinical Haematopathology, Cytopathology, Molecular Diagnostics, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Chest Medicine, Cardiovascular Medicine, Medical Education, Business Administration, Hospital and Healthcare Management Clinical Research Trials; with medical literary judgement, reviewership and editorship in national and international journals and books publications, on multi-disciplinary subjects including Medical Sciences, Clinical Sciences, Allergy and Asthma, Anesthesiology, Pain and Palliative Medicine, Dermatology, Diagnostic Radiology, Emergency Medicine, Family Medicine, Internal Medicine, Medical Genetics and Pharmacogenomics, Neurology, Nuclear Medicine, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Reproductive Medicine, Surgical Medicine,  Ophthalmology, Pathology, Clinical Pathology, Laboratory Medicine, Transfusion Medicine, Pharmacology, Clinical Pharmacology, Molecular Pharmacology, Therapeutics, Pharmaceutical Sciences, Clinical Research, Evidence-Based Medicine, Paediatrics, Neonatology, Preventive Medicine and Public Health, Psychiatry, General Surgery, Urology, Oncology and Cancer Research, Oncoprophylactics and Oncotherapeutics, Radiotherapy, Organ Transplantation, Stem Cells Therapy and Research, Regenerative Medicine, Cardiology, Cardiovascular Surgery, Psychiatry, Neurology, Neurosugery, Plastic Surgery, Nephro Uro Surgery, Paediatric Surgery, Laproscopic Surgery, Endocrinology and Diabetology, Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, Gastroenterology, Geriatric Medicine, Pharmacovigilance, Anatomy, Biochemistry, Physiology, Pathophysiology, Microbiology, Forensic Medicine, Medical Toxicology, Medical Law and Ethics, Haematology, Nephrology, Orthopaedics, Rheumatology, Otorhinolaryngology, Pulmonology, Sports Medicine, Nutrition, Dentistry, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Drug Discovery, Drug Development, Biotechnology, Nutrition, Zoology, Nursing, Clinical Medicine, General Medicine, Molecular Medicine, Molecular Biology, Cytology, Biomedical Sciences, Environmental Medicine, Behavioural Medicine, Nano Medicine, Vaccines and Immunotherapy, Inflammatory Medicine, Molecular Diagnostics, Drug Delivery Systems, Reconstructive Surgery, Minimally Invasive Surgery, Robotic Surgery, Occupational Medicine, Aerospace Medicine, Under-Sea and Hyperbaric Medicine, Artificial Intelligence, Medical Instrumentation, Hospital Medicine, Clinical Pharmacy, Life Sciences, Hospital Management, Clinical Management, Medical Education and Professing, Medical Examinership, Health Research, Healthcare Research, Pharmacology Research, Bioavailability Research, Pharmaceutical Research, Medical Research, Analytical Research, Clinical Case Reports, Clinical Studies, Scientific Studies, Clinical Trials, Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology, Clinical and Experimental Medicine, Review, Clinical Practice, Lifestyle Medicine. 

     My Academic Activities : 

        Professing or Associate Professing or Assistant Professing of Medical, and Guest Professing or Guest Associate Professing or Guest Assistant Professing of Dental, Nursing, Biomedical and Pharmacy undergraduate, postgraduate, doctorate and postdoctorate in Pharmacology, Clinical Pharmacology, Molecular Pharmacology and Therapeutics theory and practical classes, formulating assignments and examination assessments, assessing and evaluating their examinations, and mentoring their comprehensive subject knowledge and academic progress. In post-graduation, also professing and guiding in several medical academic activities, like, theory and practical sessions, research projects and thesis, journal clubs, seminars, pedagogy / andragogy sessions, group discussions, academic and scientific forum, conferences, workshops, continuing medical education courses, newer medical advances presentations, poster, oral or speaker paper presentations, paper publications, training courses like basic course in biomedical research, and similar academic activities. Being internal and external invigilator and examiner. Participating in conferences, workshops, continuing medical education courses, seminars, summits and similar activities. Presenting poster, oral or speaker faculty papers. Publishing papers and books. Reviewing and editing papers and books. Contributing to hospitals’ pharmacovigilance activities maintenance. Participating in the collaborative departmental administration and management. Managing the responsibilities of specific college and hospital committees and different global academic editorial and advisory boards. Collaboratively responsible for the maintenance of different medical and non-medical standardization stipulations and continuous gradual improvisations, with available multi-dimensional resources.

My Professing Styles and Methodologies (Offline and Online) :

1. Offline and online Pharmacology, Clinical Pharmacology, Molecular Pharmacology and Therapeutics professing from Undergraduate to Postdoctorate levels; Pathology and Clinical Pathology professing from Undergraduate to Postgraduate levels; Medical Sciences professing from Undergraduate to Doctorate levels; Nursing, Paramedical Sciences and Pharmacy professing from Undergraduate to Postdoctorate levels; Hospital Management and Clinical Research professing from Undergraduate to Postdoctorate levels; Biological Sciences professing from Grade 1 to Postdoctorate levels; and Doctorate, Postdoctorate, Fellowships and Certifications guiding.

2. Professing through offline educational methods and media as well as online digital media like emails, internet, websites, blogs, whatsapp, social networking media, audio calls, video calls, graphs, flow-diagrams, charts, illustrations, photographs, animations, video conferencing, audio visual powerpoint presentations, audio-visual video presentations, and so on.

3. Offline and online subjective and objective professing.

4. Both knowledge and examination oriented professing.

5. Allocation of regular assignments and subsequent assignments solving.

6. Imparting research based higher education.

7. Constant improvisation of knowledge through doubts clarifications.

8. Professing substantially includes theoretical aspects.

9. Academic study resources span extensively researched and referred books, journals and the existing vast knowledge bank.

10. Final thorough evaluation of the depth of absorbed knowledge through online comprehensive tests.

11.        Ethical, institutionalised, methodical, standardised, systematic and well-structured professing, with prioritised healthy, safe and secure considerations.

I have extensively given higher education lecturers, teaching undergraduate, postgraduate, doctorate and postdoctorate levels, in colleges, hospitals, universities, and boards, through teaching methods including lectures, seminars, tutorials, practicals, demonstrations, field work, OPD-IPD learning and e-learning with multimedia technologies; while also pursuing my own research contributing to the wider research activities of the departments, institutions or university, for further publications in journals or books. 

My academic activities has included :

delivering lectures, seminars and tutorials; 

• developing and implementing new upgraded methods of professing and research; 

• designing, preparing and developing teaching materials; 

• assessing subject courseworks; 

• setting and marking examinations; 

• performing departmental rounds; 

• participating in inspections by standardization organisations; 

• supporting through an advisory role; 

• undertaking personal research projects and actively contributing to the institution's research profile; 

• writing up research and preparing it for publication; 

• supervising, reviewing, editing, examining and judging research activities; 

• completing continuous professional development and participating in faculty training activities; 

• carrying out administrative tasks related to the department, such as student admissions, induction programmes and involvement in committees and boards; 

• managing and supervising faculty - at a senior level, including the role of head of department / head of department in-charge; 

• representing the institution at professional conferences and seminars, and contributing to these; 

• establishing collaborative links outside the university with different organisations.

My significant Academic Activities as Medical Undergraduate, Postgraduate, Doctorate, Postdoctorate and Faculty Professing and Assessments on : 

     I. Immunotherapy in Cancer (Oncoimmunotherapeutic Vaccines : Gemogenovatucel-T and Belagenpumatucel-L, Neoantigen Vaccines, Polyepitope DNA Vaccines, Oncolytic Molecules Therapies, Cell Based Immunotherapies, Nanomedicine and Nanoparticle Based Therapies, Monoclonal and Polyclonal Antibodies). (2003-till present)

     II. Chemotherapy in Cancer. (2006-till present)

     III. Quinolones and Newer Quinolones Chemotherapy. (2015-till present)

     IV. Retinoids Chemotherapy. (2015-till present)   

     V. Pharmacology, Clinical Pharmacology, Molecular Pharmacology, Pharmacotherapeutic Medicine. (2015-till present)

     VI. Respiratory Pharmacology, Recent Advances in Anti-Asthmatic Drugs, Respiratory Allergy Immuno-Pharmacology. (2015-till present)

     VII. Systemic Pharmacology, Cardiovascular Pharmacology, Neuropharmacology, Haematological Pharmacology, Gastrointestinal Pharmacology, Autacoids and Analgesics Pharmacology, Renal Pharmacology. (2015-till present)

     VIII. Endocrinological Pharmacology, Clinical Endocrinology, Endocrine Oncology, Thyroidology, Diabetology, Recent Advances in Oral Hypoglycaemic Drugs, Betatrophin, Physio-Pharmacology. (2010-till present)

     IX. Obstetric and Gynaecological Haematopharmacology, Haematinics, Clinical Haematology. (2015-till present)

     X. Experimental Pharmacology Modeling and Simulation in Computer Assisted Learning : Introductory Medical Technology, Computerised Experimental Zoopharmacology, Zoopharmacology, Pharmacognosy, Pharmacy, Chemical Pharmacology, Pharmaceuticals, Biotechnology, Biomedical Pharmacology, Physiology, Pathophysiology. (1998-till present)

     XI. Orthopaedic Pharmacotherapeutic Medicine, Analgesics and Antibiotics Medicine. (2023-till present) 

     XII. Anaesthetic and Analgesic Pharmacotherapeutic Medicine, Emergency Pharmacotherapeutic Medicine, Pre-Surgical, Surgical and Post-Surgical Intensive Pharmacotherapeutic Medicine. (2020-till present)

     XIII. Rational Pharmacotherapeutics, Evidence Based Medicine, Personalised Medicine, Clinical Trials Phases, New Drug Development, Prophylactics, Therapeutics, Prognostics, Therapeutic Drug Monitoring : Concepts in Clinical Pharmacology and Clinical Medicine. Nomenclature, Regulatory, Legal, Schedules, Amendments, Recommendations, Regimens, Guidelines, Policies, Clinical and Ethical Aspects of Medicines and Medications. (2015-till present)

     XIV. Anti-Microbial Pharmacochemotherapeutic Medicine, Anti-Malarial Patho-Pharmacological Diagnostics and Therapeutics, Anti-Fungal Chemotherapy, Antibiotics for Anaerobic Bacteria, Pseudomonas, Recent Advances in Pharmacotherapeutics for Bacillary Diseases, Tuberculosis, Leprosy, Klebsiella, Anti-Corona Virus Therapeutics, Anti-Dengue Virus Therapeutics, Hospital Antibiotic Stewardship Programmes, World Health Programmes, Immunisation. (2015-till present)

     XVa. Pharmacokinetics, Drug Biotransformation, Applied Pharmacokinetics. (2015-till present), b. Pharmacokinetics, Quantitative Pharmacokinetics, Bioavailability Bioequivalence, Kinetics of Drug Elimination, Concepts of Drug Doses-Responses (Questions Format Presentation). (2015-till present)

     XVI. Pharmacodynamics, Receptor Pharmacology and Receptor Response. (2015-till present)

     XVII. Drug Delivery Systems, Newer Drug Delivery Systems. (2019-till present)

     XVIII. Pharmacogenetics, Pharmacogenomics. (2015-till present)

     XIX. Pharmacoeconomics. (2023-till present)

     XX. Clinical Research Methodologies, Systematic Reviews, Meta-Analyses, Pharmacoepidemiology. (2000-till present)

     XXI. Attitude, Ethics and Communication, Concepts in Medical Ethics. (2021-till present)

     XXII. Pharmacovigilance, Haemovigilance, Vaccinevigilance and Materiovigilance, Nutravigilance, Cosmetovigilance : Principles, Processes and Systems, Causality Assessment. (2015-till present)

     XX. Obstetric and Gynaecological Pharmacovigilance, Mechanisms of Teratogenesis and Teratogenic Drugs. (2023-till present)

     XXI. Obstetric and Gynaecological Pharmacotherapeutic Medicine, Uterine Relaxants and Stimulants. (2006-till present)

     XXIII. Dermatopharmacology, Ophthalmological Pharmacology, Otorhinolaryngological Pharmacology, Geriatric Pharmacology, Paediatric and Neonatal Pharmacology. (2015-till present)

     XXIV. Vaccinology. (2000-till present)

     XXV. Clinical Pathology, Clinical Haematopathology, Haematology, Cytopathology, Molecular Diagnostics. (2010-till present)

     XXVI. Prescription Writing, Prescription Critical Appraisal, Prescription Audit. (2006-till present) 

     XXVII. Medical Council of India - National Medical Commission Medical Education Course : Curriculum Implementation Support Program-II : Competency Based Medical Education Curriculum, Deriving Objectives from Competencies, Linking Competency Objectives to Teaching Learning Methods, Alignment and Integration, Assessment in Competency Based Medical Education. (2020-till present)

     XXVIII. Medical Administration : Quality Management, Anti-Diabetic Tertiary Healthcare Management. (2015-till present)

     XXIX. Medical Assessment Systems : Analytical Pharmacology, Clinical Pharmacology, Molecular Pharmacology and Therapeutics Assessment and Evaluation, Clinical Analytical Review Assessment and Evaluation, Drug Monographs Assessment and Evaluation. (2006-till present)


  •   Seminars / Symposia / Workshops / Conferences / Continued Medical Educations / Webinars / Summits / Teaching and Training Programmes / Awareness and Orientaton Programmes / Health Programmes / Clinical Skills Teaching (State / National / International) I had conducted : > 32.

  •       My Original Research Papers presented in State / National / International Conferences : > 43.

  •   My Review Research Papers presented in State / National / International Conferences : > 15.

  •       My Original Research Projects including Medical / Scientific Writing, Poster / Oral Presentations, Abstract Publications, Original Research Article Publications, Review Article Publications, Systematic Review Publications, Case Report Publications, Case Series Publications, and Publication of Books (ongoing / completed) : > 179.

  •       My State / National / International Medical Original Research Articles Publications in Indexed Medical Journals : > 129.

  •   My State / National / International Medical Original Research Articles Case Series Publications in Indexed Medical Journals : > 129.

  •       My State / National / International Medical Review Article Publications in Indexed Medical Journals : > 7.

  •       My State / National / International Medical Systematic Review Article Publications in Indexed Medical Journals : > 12.

  •       My State / National / International Medical Meta-Analysis Article Publications in Indexed Medical Journals : > 12.

  •   My State / National / International Medical Research Series Article Publications in Indexed Medical Journals : > 5.

  •       My Publication of Medical Books / Books Series / Book Chapters (ongoing / completed) : > 52, with > 520 book chapters.

*    Hazra M. Recent Medical Advances in Pharmacology, Clinical Pharmacology, Molecular Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapeutic Medicine. Hazra M, book editor. 1st edition. London, United Kingdom: Rubicon Publications, 2022. ISBN: 978-1-80433-991-6.

Chapter 1 : Methods of Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

Chapter 2 : Molecular Pharmacological Pharmacodynamics and Pharmacokinetics of Newer Cancer Onco-Immunotherapeutics

Chapter 3 : Gemogenovatucel-T and Belagenpumatucel-L

Chapter 4 : Organoids, Regenerative Medicine and Biobanking

*    Hazra M. Newer Quinolones : The Novel Pharmacotherapeutics. Recent Advances in Molecular Pharmacotherapeutic Medicine. Hazra M, book editor. 1st edition. New Delhi, India: AkiNik Publications, 2022. ISBN: 978-93-5570-070-4.

*    Hazra M. Recent Medical Case Reports.  

Volume 1 : 

Hazra M. Recent Medical Case Reports. Hazra M, chief book editor. 1st edition. 

Section : Case Reports in Pharmacology and Toxicology

Chapter 1 : Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses : The Methods in Clinical Case Studies, Researches, Reviews and Analyses.

Chapter 2 : Recent Medical Advances in the Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacology of Oral Haematinics : Clinical Research and Review.

Section : Case Reports in Cancer Research and Clinical Oncology

Chapter 1 : Hazra SK, Hazra M. Oncology, Cervical Malignancy, Colposcopy and Cancer Therapeutics : A Narrative and Descriptive Review and Chrono-Analysis, in Obstetrics and Gynaecology.

  Zittau, Germany: Weser Books, 2022. ISBN: 978-3-96492-337-0.

Volume 2 : 

Hazra M. Recent Medical Case Reports. Hazra M, chief book editor. 1st edition.  

Section : Case Reports in Pharmacology and Toxicology

Chapter 1 : Cancer Pharmacotherapeutics, Immunotherapeutics and Co-Therapeutic Modalities in the treatment of Cervical Malignancy : Recent Advances in Oncochemotherapeutic Pharmacology. 

Section : Case Reports in Organ Transplantation

Chapter 1 : Volume 3 : Organoids : Glimpses of Recent Pharmacological Advances in Regenerative Medicine and Organ Transplantation

Section : Case Reports in Pharmacology and Toxicology

Chapter 2 : Cancer Oncoimmunotherapeutics, the Newer Treatment Approaches

Section : Case Reports in Pulmonology

Chapter 1 : Newer Anti-Tuberculosis Pharmacotherapeutic Agents in Multi-Drug Resistant and Extensively Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis Treatment

Section : Case Reports in Endocrinology

Chapter 1 : Gemigliptin, a newer oral hypoglycaemic drug in type-II anti-diabetic treatment.

  Zittau, Germany: Weser Books, 2022. ISBN: 978-3-96492-387-5.

Volume 3 :

 *   Hazra M. Recent Medical Case Reports. A Collection of Medical Researches and Reviews in Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacology. Hazra M, book editor. 1st edition. Zittau, Germany: Weser Books, 2022. ISBN: 978-3-96492-385-1.

*    Hazra M. Betatrophin : A Novel Medical Advance in Pharmacology : 

Volume 1 : 

Hazra M. Betatrophin : A Novel Medical Advance. Hazra M, book editor. 1st edition. India, World: World J Pharm Res, 2022; 11(1): 1-15. ISSN: 2277-7105.

Volume 2 : 

Hazra M. Betatrophin and Diabetes Mellitus : A Novel Evidence Based Medical Interaction in Molecular Pharmacology. Hazra M, book editor. 1st edition. New Delhi, India: AkiNik Publications, 2022. ISBN : 978-93-5570-142-8.

*    Hazra M, Hazra SK. A descriptive analytical research on diagnostic and prognostic immunohistochemical p-16/Ki67 staining and colposcopy imaging, cancer pharmacotherapeutics, immunotherapeutics and co-therapeutic modalities in cervical malignancy : a Medical Book. Hazra M, book editor. 1st edition. India, World: Int J Sci Stud, 2022; 10(1): 25-32. e-ISSN: 2321-595X. p-ISSN: 2321-6379.

*    Hazra M. Anti-Tuberculosis Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapeutics.

Volume 1:

Hazra M. Recent Medical and Pharmaceutical Advances in Anti-Tuberculosis Pharmacology. Hazra M, book editor. 1st edition. India, World: World J Pharm Pharm Sci, 2022; 11(3): 1109-1119. ISSN : 2278-4357.

Volume 2 : 

Hazra M. Medical Advances in Anti-Tuberculosis Pharmacotherapeutics. Hazra M, book editor. 1st edition. (in sabbatical progress)

*    Hazra M. Organoids : Recent Advances in Molecular and Clinical Pharmacology.

Volume 1 : 

Hazra M. Organoids, The Novel Medical Advances, Part I. Hazra M, book editor. 1st edition. India, World: World J Pharm Pharm Sci, 2022; 11(4): 1648-1654. ISSN : 2278-4357.

Volume 2 : 

Hazra M. Organoids, The Novel Medical Advances, Part II. Hazra M, book editor. 1st edition. India, World: World J Pharm Pharm Sci, 2022; 11(4): 1655-1661. ISSN : 2278-4357.

Volume 3 : 

Hazra M. Organoids : Glimpses of Recent Pharmacological Advances in Regenerative Medicine and Organ Transplantation. Hazra M, book editor. 1st edition. Zittau, Germany: Weser Books, 2022. ISBN: 978-3-96492-387-5.

*    Hazra M. Methods of Clinical Research Methods and Concepts of Evidence-Based Medicine.

 Volume 1 : 

Hazra M. Methods of Clinical Research in Pharmacology, Clinical Pharmacology and Evidence-Based Medicine. Hazra M, book editor. 1st edition. New Delhi, India: AkiNik Publications, 2022. ISBN: 978-93-5570-156-5.

Volume 2 : 

Hazra M. Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis, the innovative Clinical Research Methods. Hazra M, book editor. 1st edition. (in sabbatical progess)

*    Hazra M. Anti-Diabetic Drugs : Clinical Endocrinology. Hazra M, book editor. 1st edition. Andhra Pradesh, India: Lapin Press Publications, South Asian Academic Publications, 2023. ISBN: 978-81-958849-9-5.

 *   Hazra M. Transforming Growth Factor β, Telomerase and Oncoimmunotherapeutic Vaccines 

Volume 1 : 

Hazra M. Novel Oncotherapeutic Vaccines : The Millennial Medical Wonder of OncoimmunomolecularPatho-Pharmacology. Hazra M, book editor. 1st edition. (in sabbatical progess)

Volume 2 : 

Hazra M. Oncotherapeutic Vaccines : The Novel Advances and Research in Pharmaconcotherapeutic Medicine. Hazra M, book editor. 1st edition. (in sabbatical progess)

Volume 3 : 

Hazra M. Oncotherapeutic Vaccines : The Novel Metamorphosis of Molecular Oncomedicine. Hazra M, book editor. 1st edition. (in sabbatical progess)

*   Hazra M. Oncoimmunogenomics in Clinical Pharmacotherapeutic Medicine. Hazra M, book editor. 1st edition. (in sabbatical progress)

*    Hazra M. Haematinics : An insight into Obstetric and Gynaecological Rational Pharmacotherapeutic Medicine. Hazra M, book editor. 1st edition. (in sabbatical progress)

*   Hazra M. The Pharmacology of Pulmonocardiovascular Medicine : Clinical and Molecular Pharmacological aspects. Hazra M, book editor. 1st edition. (in sabbatical progress)

*    Hazra M. Recent Medical Advances: Clinical Researches, Systematic Reviews, Meta-Analyses and Case Studies Selections. Hazra M, book editor. 1st edition. (in sabbatical progress)

*    Hazra M. Recent Advances in Medical Sciences and Research : Practices on Evidence Based Medicine. Hazra M, book editor. 1st edition. (in sabbatical progress)

*    Hazra M. Newer Molecular Therapeutic Advances : Deciphering Molecular Medicine. Hazra M, book editor. 1st edition. (in sabbatical progress)


*    Hazra M. Newer Pharmacotherapeutics in Medicine and Surgery : Insights in Clinical Medicine. Hazra M, book editor. 1st edition. (in sabbatical progress)


*    Hazra M. Contemporary Medical and Surgical Case Studies. Hazra M, book editor. 1st edition. (in sabbatical progress) 


*    Hazra M. Current Medical and Surgical Therapeutic Approaches. Hazra M, book editor. 1st edition. (in sabbatical progress) 

*    Recent Advances in Academic Pharmacology. Hazra M, book editor. 1st edition. Pondicherry, India : Cornous Books Publications, 2024. (in editorial progress)

 Medical Author, Medical Co-Author, Medical Book Author, Medical Book Co-Author, National and International Publications, like International Journal of Basic and Clinical Pharmacology, International Journal of Scientific Study, International Journal of Current Medical and Pharmaceutical Research, Indian Journal of Pharmacology, Indian Journal of Pathology, International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and and Research, Journal of Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, World Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Journal of Basic and Clinical Pharmacy, International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences Review and Research, Journal of Evidence Based Medicine and Healthcare, Journal of Clinical Pharmacology South Asian Chapter, Journal of Rational Pharmacotherapeutics and Research, Journal of Community Ophthalmology of Indian Sub-Continent, International Journal of Medical Sciences and Innovative Research, International Journal of Medical Science and Advanced Clinical Research, International Journal of Health and Clinical Research, International Journal of Toxicological and Pharmacological Research, International Journal of Public Health, Pharmacy and Pharmacology, Academia Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, European Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical Research, National Journal of Physiology, Pharmacy and Pharmacology, AkiNik Publications, Weser Books, Rubicon Publications, Integrated Publications, Lapin Press Publications, South Asian Academic Publications, India, World, of 179 ongoing and published national and international medical publications, consisting of 129 medical journal articles and article series, 52 medical books and book series, with almost 520 book chapters, and several poster presentations, oral presentations, speaker presentations, video presentation and faculty presentations.

*   My Innovative Medical Journal Articles / Medical Books / Medical Book Chapters on :

     I. Pharmacology 

     II. Pharmacokinetics 

     III. Pharmacodynamics

     IV. Clinical Pharmacology 

     V. Molecular Pharmacology

     VI. Therapeutics

     VII. Rational Pharmacotherapeutics 

     VIII. Evidence Based Medicine 

     IX. Pharmacoepidemiology

     X. Pharmacovigilance 

     XI. Causality Assessment and Causality Assessment Scale 

     XII. Pharmacogenomics 

     XIII. Clinical Research Methods 

     XIV. Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis 

     XV. Systemic Pharmacology

     XVI. Analytical Case Reviews 

     XVII. Clinical Medicine 

     XVIII. Oncology 

     XIX. Oncoprophylactics and Oncotherapeutics

    XX.Oncoimmunotherapeutic Vaccines : Gemogenovatucel-T and Belagenpumatucel-L 

     XXI. Cancer Oncoimmunotherapeutics : Molecular Pharmacodynamics and Pharmacokinetics 



     XXIV. Retinoids Chemotherapy : Tretinoin and Adapalene 

     XXV. Quinolones and Newer Quinolones : Molecular Pharmacology and Pharmacochemotherapeutic Medicine

     XXVI. Anti-Acne Dermatopharmacology 

     XXVII. Obstetric and Gynaecological Haematopharmacology : Haematinics 

     XXVIII. Metastatic Gynaecological Oncoimmunohistochemistry

     XXIX. Anti-Asthmatic Respiratory Pharmacology

     XXX. Pulmono-Cardiovascular Medicine 

     XXXI. Anti-Diabetic Endocrine Pharmacology

     XXXII. Thyroid Oncocytological Haematoendocrinology

     XXXIII. Clinical Endocrinology 


     XXXV. Organoids, Biobanking 

     XXXVI. Regenerative Medicine 

     XXXVII. Organ Transplantation 

     XXXVIII. Behavioural Medicine and Medical Education Technology in Medical Education, Medical Professing and Medical Assessments 

     XXXIX. Anti-Diabetic Tertiary Healthcare Management.

Medical Editor-In-Chief, Medical Editorial Board Member, Medical Advisory Board Member, Medical Reviewer, Medical Book Reviewer, Medical Book Chapter Reviewer, Medical Book Editor, Chief Medical Book Editor, Medical Editor, Medical Associate Editor, Final Medical Evaluator, Medical Literary Judge and Lead Guest Medical Editor for the journals, books and book publications : Journal of Drug Design and Medicinal Chemistry (Lead Guest Editor of 'Respiratory Pharmacotherapeutics' and 'Anti-Cancer Pharmaco-Onco-Immunotherapeutics' Special Issues), Clinical Interventions and Clinical Trials Journal (Reviewer of Clinical Medicine, Clinical Interventions, Clinical Trials, Medicine, Surgery, Clinical Therapeutics, Clinical Research, Bioethics, Clinical Pharmacology, Clinical Sciences, Clinical Practice, Vaccines, Oncology Trials, Diabetic Trials, Diagnostic Trials, Drug Clinical Trials, Drug Development, Drug Therapy, Pharmacoepidemiology, Pharmacovigilance, Editorial Board Member, Editor-In-Chief), Vinay Institute of Technology (VIT) Press International Journal of Pathology (Reviewer of Pathology and Clinical Pathology, Editor In Chief), VIT Press International Journal of Pharmacology (Reviewer of Pharmacology, Clinical Pharmacology, Molecular Pharmacology and Therapeutics, Editor In Chief, Editorial Board Member), VIT Press International Journal of Medical Sciences (Reviewer of Medical Sciences, Editorial Board Member), VIT Press International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology (Reviewer of Gynaecology and Obstetrics, Editorial Board Member), VIT Press International Journal of Life Sciences (Reviewer of Biomedical and Life Sciences, Editorial Board Member), VIT Press International Journal of Health Research (Reviewer of Clinical Research and Health Research, Editorial Board Member), VIT Press International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine (Reviewer of Clinical Medicine and Experimental Medicine, Editorial Board Member), World Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical Research (Reviewer of Pharmacology, Clinical Pharmacology, Molecular Pharmacology, Therapeutics, Pharmaceutics, Medical Research and Clinical Research, Editorial Board Member), World Journal of Pharmaceutical Science and Research (Reviewer of Pharmacology, Clinical Pharmacology, Molecular Pharmacology, Therapeutics, Pharmaceutics, Medical and Pharmaceutics Research, Clinical Research, Editor-In-Chief), International Journal of Scientific Study (Reviewer of Scientific Study, Scientific Research, Medical Research and Clinical Research, Medical Book Editor, Editorial Board Member), Acta Scientific Pharmaceutical Sciences, Acta Scientific Clinical Case Reports, Acta Scientific Medical Sciences, Acta Scientific Paediatrics, Acta Scientific Pharmacology (Editorial Assignments Assignee and Reviewer of Clinical Medicine, Medicine and Surgery, Clinical Practice, Clinical Case Reports, Medical Administration, General Surgery, Orthopaedics, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Cardiovascular Medicine, Urology, Nephrology, Neurology, Neurosurgery, Gastroenterology, Gastrointestinal Surgery, Anaesthesiology, Pain and Palliative Medicine, Emergency Medicine, Respiratory Medicine, Psychiatry, Medical Genetics, Medical Sciences, Dental Sciences, Paediatrics, Ophthalmology,  Rheumatology, Pathology, Pharmacology, Clinical Pharmacology, Molecular Pharmacology, Therapeutics, Pharmacoepidemiology, Pharmacogenomics, Pharmacoeconomics, Pharmacy, Pharmaceutics, Pharmaceutical Science, Immunotherapy, Oncology, Radiodiagnosis, Behavioural Medicine, Medical Technology, Public Health, Epidemiology, Nutrition, Medical Education, Medical Professing, Dental Education and Professing, Clinical Research Methodologies, Educational AdministrationEditorial Board Member, Medical Literary Judge), Journal of Medical Discoveries (Reviewer of Medical Research, Medical Discoveries, Editorial Board Member), International Journal of Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences (Reviewer of Pharmacology, Clinical Pharmacology, Molecular Pharmacology, Therapeutics, Pharmaceutics, Medical and  Pharmaceutics Research, Editorial Board Member), International Journal of Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Research (Reviewer of Pharmacology, Clinical Pharmacology, Molecular Pharmacology, Therapeutics, Pharmaceutics, Medical and Pharmaceutics Research, Clinical Research, Editorial Board Member), World Journal of Advance Healthcare Research (Reviewer of Healthcare Research and Medical Research, Editorial Board Member), World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research (Reviewer of Pharmacology, Clinical Pharmacology, Molecular Pharmacology, Therapeutics, Pharmaceutics, Medical and Pharmaceutics Research, Clinical Research, Medical Book Editor, Editorial Board Member), International Journal of Modern Pharmaceutical Research (Reviewer of Pharmacology, Clinical Pharmacology, Molecular Pharmacology, Therapeutics, Pharmaceutics, Medical and Pharmaceutics Research, Clinical Research, Editorial Board Member), Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Drug Discovery (Reviewer of Pharmacology, Clinical Pharmacology, Molecular Pharmacology, Therapeutics, Pharmacodynamics, Pharmaceutics, Medical and Pharmaceutics Research, Drug Development, Drug Discovery, Editorial Board Member), Open Access Journal of Clinical Pharmacology and Medical Research (Reviewer of Pharmacology, Clinical Pharmacology, Molecular Pharmacology, Therapeutics, Medical Research, Clinical Research, Editor), Global Journal of Clinical Medicine and Medical Research (Reviewer of Clinical Medicine, Clinical Sciences, Clinical Research, Medical Research, Associate Editor), Advances in Pharmacology and Clinical Trials (Reviewer of Pharmacology, Clinical Pharmacology, Molecular Pharmacology, Pharmacovigilance, Drug Safety, Pharmacognosy, Public Health, Therapeutics, Oncology, Personalised Medicine, Clinical Research, Clinical Trials, Associate Editor), Current Trends in Pharmacology and Clinical Trials (Reviewer of Pharmacology, Clinical Pharmacology, Molecular Pharmacology, Therapeutics, Pharmacoepidemiology, Pharmacovigilance, Clinical Research, Clinical Research Trials, Editor), European Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical Research (Reviewer of Pharmacology, Clinical Pharmacology, Molecular Pharmacology, Therapeutics, Pharmaceutics, Medical and Pharmaceutics Research, Clinical Research, Editorial Board Member), European Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences (Reviewer of Biomedical Sciences, Pharmaceutical Sciences, Pharmacology, Clinical Pharmacology, Molecular Pharmacology, Therapeutics, Editorial Board Member), Asian Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology (Reviewer of Pharmacology, Clinical Pharmacology, Molecular Pharmacology, Therapeutics, Pharmaceutics, Pharmacy, and Medical and Pharmaceutics Research, Pharmacology Research), Biomedical and Pharmacology Journal (Reviewer of Pharmacology, Clinical Pharmacology, Molecular Pharmacology, Therapeutics, Orthopaedics, Pharmacognosy, Zoology, Biomedical Sciences, Pharmaceutical Sciences, Diagnostics, Laboratory Medicine, Pathology, Dermatology, Drug Delivery Systems, Endocrinology, Neurology, Respiratory Medicine, Cardiology, Clinical Research, Nanomedicine, Chemotherapy, Biochemistry, Haematology, Nephrology, Neurology, Medical Education, Medical Professing), Open Science Journal (Reviewer of Science, Medical Research, Medicine), Pharmaceutical Sciences and Analytical Research Journal (Reviewer of Pharmacology, Clinical Pharmacology, Molecular Pharmacology, Therapeutics, Pharmaceutics, Medical and Pharmaceutics Research, Clinical Research, and Analytical Research, Editorial Board Member), Current Clinical Pharmacology and Current Reviews in Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology (Reviewer of Pharmacology, Clinical Pharmacology, Molecular Pharmacology, Therapeutics, Experimental Pharmacology) Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, International Journal of Clinical Reports and Studies (Reviewer of Clinical Endocrinology, Diabetology, Metabolic Medicine, Clinical Medicine, Medicine and Surgery, Clinical Practice, Clinical Case Reports, Medical Sciences, Clinical Studies and Clinical Research, Editorial Board Member), Clinical Neuroscience and Neurological Research International Journal (Reviewer of Neurosciences, Neurology, Neuromedicine, Neuropharmacology, Neurological Research, Editorial Board Member), Journal of General Medicine and Clinical Practice (Reviewer of General Medicine, Clinical Medicine, Internal Medicine, Clinical Practice and Medical Sciences, Editorial Board Member), Journal of Pharmaceutical Research International (Reviewer of Pharmacology, Clinical Pharmacology, Molecular Pharmacology, Therapeutics, Pharmaceutics, Medical and Pharmaceutics Research and Clinical Research), Biosciences Biotechnology Research Asia (Reviewer of Biomedical Sciences, Biotechnology, Pharmacognosy, Drug Development, Drug Delivery Systems, Chemotherapy, Nanomedicine), Journal of Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapeutics (Reviewer of Pharmacology, Clinical Pharmacology, Molecular Pharmacology, Pharmacotherapeutics, Pharmacokinetics, Clinical Research, Drug Delivery Systems), Research Journal of Pharmacology and Pharmacodynamics (Reviewer of Pharmacology, Pharmacodynamics, Pharmacokinetics, Clinical Pharmacology, Molecular Pharmacology, Therapeutics, Clinical Research, Oncology, Obstetrics and Gynaecology), International Journal of Physiology, Pathophysiology and Pharmacology (Reviewer of Pharmacology, Clinical Pharmacology, Molecular Pharmacology, Therapeutics, Physiology and Pathology), World Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences (Reviewer of Pharmacology, Clinical Pharmacology, Molecular Pharmacology, Therapeutics, Pharmaceutics, Pharmacy, Medical and Pharmaceutics Research and Clinical Research, Medical Book Editor, Ediorial Board Member), Uttar Pradesh Journal of Zoology (Reviewer of Biomedical Sciences including Zoology, Experimental Pharmacology, Bioassay), Journal of Clinical Paediatrics and Child Health Care (Reviewer of Clinical Paediatrics, Child Health Care, Pharmacology, Clinical Pharmacology), Asian Journal of Pediatric Research (Reviewer of Paediatrics, Neonatology, Transplantation Medicine, and Regenerative Medicine), Asian Journal of Research and Reports in Endocrinology (Reviewer in Endocrinology, Pharmacology, Clinical Pharmacology, Molecular Pharmacology, Clinical Medicine, Oncology), Asian Journal of Research and Reports in Ophthalmology (Reviewer in Ophthalmology, Pharmacology, Clinical Pharmacology, Molecular Pharmacology, Therapeutics, Clinical Medicine, Transplant and Regenerative Medicine), Journal of Scientific Research and Reports (Reviewer of Pharmacology, Clinical Pharmacology, Molecular Pharmacology, Pharmacotherapeutics, Pharmacovigilance, Zoopharmacology, Zoology, Pharmacognosy, Haematology, Clinical Pathology, Clinical Haematopathology, Biochemistry, Laboratory Medicine, Scientific Studies, Scientific Research, Medical Research, Clinical Research), PriMera Scientific Medicine and Public Health (Reviewer of Medicine, Clinical Medicine, Pharmacology, Pharmacoepidemiology, Pathology, Public Health, Medical Administration, Biomedical Sciences, Editorial Board Member), Journal of Advances in Medicine and Medical Research (Reviewer of Medicine, Medical Research, Recent Advances, Chest Medicine, Radiodiagnosis, General Surgery, Pharmacology, Clinical Pharmacology, Clinical Research), Covid Research and Treatment Journal (Reviewer of Clinical Research, Covid Research, Clinical Medicine, Covid Treatment, Pharmacology, Clinical Pharmacology, Molecular Pharmacology, Therapeutics, Clinical Pathology, Pathology, Respiratory Medicine, Nephrology, Critical Care Medicine), AkiNik Publications (Chief Medical Book Series Editor), Weser Books (Chief Medical Book Series Editor), Rubicon Publications (Chief Medical Book Series Editor), Integrated Publications (Chief Medical Book Series Editor), Lapin Press Publications, South Asian Academic Publications (Medical Book Editor), e-Century Publishing Corporation (Journal Articles Reviewer), Book Publisher International (Medical Book Chapters Reviewer for a. "Medicine and Medical Research - New Perspectives", 1st edition, United Kingdom, India, 2024, b. "Paediatric Abdominopelvic Trauma", 1st edition, United Kingdom, India, 2024, c. "Medical Research and its Applications", 1st edition, United Kingdom, India, 2024, d. "Recent Developments in Chemistry and Biochemistry Research", 1st edition, United Kingdom, India, 2024, Final Evaluator), Open Access Academic Press (Medical Book Chapters Reviewer, Final Evaluator), Medwin Publishers (Medical Book Chapters Reviewer, Final Evaluator), Cornous Books Publications (Medical Book Chapters Reviewer, Medical Book Editor), Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers Pvt. Ltd. (Medical Book Chapters Reviewer for "Essentials of Medical Pharmacology", 9th edition, India, 2024, K.D. Tripathi), Journal of Evidence Based Medicine and Healthcare (Editorial Assignments Asignee and Reviewer of Pharmacology, Clinical Pharmacology, Molecular Pharmacology, Rational Pharmacotherapeutics, Pharmacoepidemiology, Pharmacovigilance, Pharmacokinetics, Bioavailability and Bioequivalence, Evidence Based Medicine, Rational Pharmacotherapeutics, Rational Chemotherapy, Medical Education, Medical Ethics, Public Health, Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation, Emergency Medicine, Clinical Pathology, Molecular Diagnostics, Pathology, Clinical Medicine, Respiratory Medicine, Cardiovascular Medicine, Cardiology, Ophthalmology, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Reproductive Endocrinology, Maternal Medicine, Neonatal Medicine, General Surgery, Gastrointestinal Surgery, Chemotherapy, Orthopaedics, Clinical Endocrinology and Diabetology, Endocrinology, Haematology, Neurology, Neurosurgery, Oncology, Immunotherapy, Vitamins Pharmacology, Radiology, Drug Delivery Systems, Drug Quality and Safety, Hospital and Healthcare Management, Quality of Life Medicine, Lifestyle Medicine, and Editor), Journal of Pharmacy and Drug Development (Reviewer of Pharmacology, Clinical Pharmacology, Molecular Pharmacology, Therapeutics, Pharmacodynamics, Pharmaceutics, Pharmacy, Medical and Pharmaceutics Research and Drug Development, Editor), International Journal of Stem Cells and Medicine (Reviewer of Pharmacology, Clinical Pharmacology, Molecular Pharmacology, Therapeutics, Stem Cell Therapy and Research, Haematology, Oncology, Transplantation Medicine, Regenerative Medicine, Experimental Pharmacology, Zoopharmacology, Editorial Board Member), Journal of Hospital and Clinical Management (Reviewer of Hospital Medicine, Clinical Medicine, Hospital Management, Clinical Management, Hospital Administration, Medical Administration, Editorial Board Member), Biomedical and Biotechnological Sciences (Reviewer of Biomedical Sciences, Biotechnology, Drug Development and Drug Delivery Systems, Editorial Board Member), Journal of Clinical Sciences and Clinical Research (Reviewer of Clinical Medicine, Clinical Sciences and Clinical Research, Editorial Board Member), Journal of Clinical Trials and Bioavailability Research (Reviewer of Clinical Research, Clinical Research Trials, Pharmacology, Clinical Pharmacology, Molecular Pharmacology, Therapeutics, Vascular Medicine, Neurology, Cardiology, Cardiovascular Surgery, Gastroenterology, Haematology, Paediatrics, Vaccines, Immunotherapy, Vaccine vigilance, Laboratory Medicine, Pain and Palliative Medicine, Pharmacognosy, Pharmacoepidemiology, Pharmacovigilance, Pharmacokinetics, Drug Discovery, Pharmacodynamics, Bioavailability, Bioequivalence, Editorial Board Member), Journal of Pharmaceutics and Pharmacology Research (Reviewer of Pharmaceutics, Pharmacology, Clinical Pharmacology, Molecular Pharmacology, Therapeutics, Editorial Board Member), Global Institute Of Stem Cell Therapy And Research and Institute of Regenerative Medicine Digital Publications (Chief Medical Editor of Stem Cell Therapy and Research, Transplantation Medicine, Regenerative Medicine), India, World, 4 years 8 months 15 days and longer.

  • I am Medical Book Author, Medical Book / Book Chapter Reviewer / Medical Book Editor / Chief Editor of Medical Books / Book Series / Book Chapters : > 54, with > 532 book chapters.

  •   My Participation in Courses / Workshops (State / National / International) : > 500.

  •       My Participation in Courses / Conferences / CMEs / Seminars (State / National / International) : > 1000.

  •       My Participation in State / National / International Conferences / Summits / Congress as Speaker Faculty : Many.

  •   My Participation in Medical Council of India – National Medical Commission Medical Education Courses as Medical Education Unit Resource Faculty Speaker : 4.

  •      My Participation in Medical Council of India – National Medical Commission Medical Education Courses as Medical Council of India  National Medical Commission Medical Education Unit Coordinator : 4.

  •       My Participation as Medical Colleges and Hospitals Committees Member : Many.

  •       My Participation as Medical / Dental / Nursing / Paramedical / Biomedical / Pharmacy / Aligned Integrated Medicine Undergraduate / Postgraduate / Doctorate / Postdoctorate / Faculty Academic Internal Quality Control and Assurance Co-ordinator : 1.

  •       My Participation as Pharmacovigilance and Causality Assessment Committees Member, Co-ordinator and Member Secretary : 3.

  •        My Participation as a Chairperson Causality Assessment Committee : 1.

  •       Original Research Article, Review Article, Conceptual Articles, Mini Reviews, Case Discussion Publications, Opinions, Perspectives Publications (State / National / International), I had reviewed : > 250.

  •   My Participation as State / National / International Publications Reviewer : > 250.

  •       My Participation as State / National / International Publications Editor / Editor-In-Chief / Editorial Board Member / Advisory Board Member : Many.

  •       My Participation as State / National / International Publications Lead Guest Editor of Special Issue : 2.

  •       My Participation as International Conference / Congress / Summit Advisory Board and Faculty : > 9.

  •       My Participation as International Conference / Congress / Summit Mentor : > 9.

  •        My participation as Medical Students' Mentor : > 3.

  •       My Participation as International Conference / Congress / Summit / Symposium / Forums Discussion Panelist / Participant : > 5.

  •       My Participation as National Medical Council of India and National Medical Commission Resource Faculty : 1.

  •       Special Medical Lectures Modules, I have given : > 9.

  •       My Medical Multi-Speciality Integrated Professing Lectures in Aligned Integrated Medicine : Many. 

  •       My Participation as Moderator in Medical Students’ Seminars : >15.

      •        My Participation as a National Board of Examinations National Eligibility and Entrance Test Medical Postgraduate Appraiser : 2.

    •         My Participation as Medical / Dental / Nursing / Biomedical / Paramedical / Pharmacy / Aligned Integrated Medicine University / College Undergraduate / Postgraduate / Doctorate / Postdoctorate Examinations Question Paper Setter / Invigilator / Internal Examiner / External Examiner / Chief Examiner / Assessor / Evaluator / Reviewer : Many.

      •        My Participation as a Chairman and Assessor University Pharmacology Examinations : 1.

  •        My Participation as Judges' Panel or Final Evaluator in Medical Students' Seminars / Quizzes / Academic Competitions / Journals or Books Publications : > 17. 

     •          My Participation as a Medical Literary Judge in State / National / International Publications / Academic Functions : 2.

      •          My Participation as Convocant and Guest MBBS Degree Entitlement Endower : 1.

  •           My Participation as Pharmacology, Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacovigilance Undergraduate Elective Courses Guide / Perceptor : 3.

  •           My Participation as Course Director in Medical Undergraduate, Postgraduate, Doctorate and Postdoctorate Courses and Workshops on Clinical Pharmacology, Pharmacovigilance, Haemovigilance, Vaccine Vigilance, Materiovigilance, Clinical Haematopathology and Good Clinical Practice : Many.

  •          My Participation as Curriculum Creator in Medical Undergraduate, Postgraduate, Doctorate and Postdoctorate Courses and Workshops on Clinical Pharmacology, Pharmacovigilance, Haemovigilance, Vaccine Vigilance, Materiovigilance, Clinical Haematopathology and Good Clinical Practice : Many.

  •           My Participation as Speaker Faculty and Clinical Skills Trainer in Medical Undergraduate, Postgraduate, Doctorate and Postdoctorate Courses and Workshops on Clinical Pharmacology, Pharmacovigilance, Haemovigilance, Vaccine Vigilance, Materiovigilance, Clinical Haematopathology and Good Clinical Practice : Many.

  •           My Participation as Organising Member Secretary and Organising Chairperson and Convener in Medical Undergraduate, Postgraduate, Doctorate and Postdoctorate Courses, Symposia and Workshops on Clinical Pharmacology, Pharmacovigilance, Haemovigilance, Vaccine Vigilance, Materiovigilance, Clinical Haematopathology and Good Clinical Practice : Many.

  •          My Participation as Postgraduate and Doctorate Pharmacology, Clinical Pharmacology, Molecular Pharmacology and Therapeutics Guide / Co-Guide / Mentor : Few.

     •         My Participation as Medical / Dental / Nursing / Paramedical / Biomedical / Pharmacy / Aligned Integrated Medicine Undergraduate / Postgraduate / Doctorate / Postdoctorate / Faculty Research InCharge or Head of Department Research : 1.

  •        My Participation in National and International Publications Editorial Board Meetings : Many.

  •        My Participation in National and International Advisory Board Meetings : Many.
  •        My Participation in National and International Board Meetings : Many.
  •        My Participation in National and International Trustee Governance Board Meetings : Many.
  •       My Participation in National and International Medical Administrative, Medical Consultation and Medical Educational Roundtable Meetings and Review Meetings : Many.


  •       My  Participation in National and International Medical Administrative, Medical Consultation and Medical Educational Annual General Meetings and Review Meetings : Many.
  •      My  Participation in National and International Medical Administrative, Medical Consultation and Medical Educational Committees' Annual Meetings, Monthly Meetings, Weekly Meetings and Daily Meetings and Review Meetings : Many.
  •      My Participation in International Federation's Annual General Meetings and Review Meetings : 1.
  •      My Participation in International Royal College Inter-Continental and Inter-Country Meetings and Review Meetings : 1.  

  •      My Participation in Health and Medical Coalition Meetings : Many.

  •     My Participation in National and International Pharmacovigilance, Haemovigilance, Vaccine Vigilance, Materiovigilance Programme Meetings : Many

  •      My National and International Medical, Professing, Research, Scientific, Technological and Administrative Awards and Prizes : > 21.   

  •       My Academic and Educational Supervisorship, Deanship, Planning, Strategic, Management and Directorship Experience in Medical, Educational, Healthcare, Sciences and Administrative Professional Establishments : 44 - 45 years. 

  •       My Experience in Multi-Speciality Medical, Educational, Administrative and Sciences Practice and Consultancy : 25 - 26 years. 

Associate Medical Member, Royal College of Physicians, Royal College of Obstetricians and GynaecologistsRoyal College of Paediatrics and Child Health, London, United Kingdom.

Medical Fellow, Associate Member, Life Member, Academician and Affiliations, Medical Associations, Academies, Colleges, Universities, Hospitals, India, United Kingdom, United States of America, Canada, Australia, Western World, World.

Medical MBBS Pharmacology Pathology, MD Pharmacology, DM Clinical Pharmacology, DCP Clinical Pathology, Dental BDS Pharmacology, BSc Nursing, Pharmacy, Paramedical, Biomedical MSc Medical Pharmacology, PhD Medical Pharmacology and Aligned Integrated Medicine Undergraduate / Postgraduate / Doctorate / Postdoctorate Courses University Invigilator, Question Paper Setter, University Medical Internal Examiner, University Dental Internal Examiner, Medical University External Examiner, Dental University External Examiner, University Chief Examiner, Nursing Examiner, Paramedical Internal Examiner, Biomedical MSc PhD Medical Pharmacology Internal Examiner, Biomedical MSc PhD Medical Pharmacology University Thesis Examiner, Examiner, Assessor, Evaluator, Reviewer, Chairman and Assessor University Pharmacology Examinations, Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Dr. B. R. Ambedkar University, Atal Bihari Vajpayee Medical University, West Bengal University of Health Sciences, Sambalpur University, Rama University, Kaloji Narayana Rao University of Health Sciences, Dr. Y. S. R. University of Health Sciences (Dr. N. T. R. University of Health Sciences), Pandit Deendayal Upadhyay Memorial Health Sciences and Ayush University, Swami Vivekanand Subharti University, Mahatma Jyotiba Phule Rohilkhand University, Krishna Mohan University, Chaudhary Charan Singh University (Meerut University), Utkal University, Odisha University of Health Sciences, India, 17 years 7 months 15 days and longer.

My Total Faculty Experiences :

Tutor Pathology : 2 years, Tutor Pharmacology : 3 years, Assistant Professor Pharmacology : 4 years 5 months, Associate Professor Pharmacology : 3 years 2.5 months, Professor Pharmacology : 9 months and longer. Total Faculty Experience (after MBBS and internship) : 13 years 4.5 months – 13 years 1 month. Total Faculty Experience with MBBS and internship : 19 years 4.5 months – 19 years 1 month. Total Faculty Experience (after 12th Standard) : 21 years 4.5 months – 21 years 1 month. Total Faculty Experience : 45 years.

Former Resident, Medical and Surgical Departments (including Pharmacology, Clinical Pharmacology, Pathology and Clinical Pathology(Medical Undergraduate, Postgraduate and Doctorate), Medical Invigilator, Dr. B. R. Ambedkar Medical College and and Hospital, Ananda Social and Educational Trust, K. C. General Hospital, Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bangalore, Smart City, Karnataka, India, 5.5 years (August, 2000 to April, 2006).

Former Resident and Tutor (Medical Undergraduate, Postgraduate, Doctorate and Postdoctorate) and Guest Tutor (Nursing Undergraduate and Postgraduate), Departments of Pharmacology, Clinical Pharmacology and Molecular Pharmacology, Medical Invigilator, J.J.M. Medical College and Hospitals (semi-government), Bapuji Educational Association, Chigateri General Hospital, Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Davangere, Smart City, Karnataka, India, 3 years (May, 2012 to April, 2015). 

Former Resident and Tutor (Medical Undergraduate, Postgraduate, Doctorate and Postdoctorate), Departments of Pathology and Clinical Pathology, Medical Invigilator, J.J.M. Medical College and Hospitals (semi-government), Bapuji Educational Association, Chigateri General Hospital, Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Davangere, Smart City, Karnataka, India, 2 years (June, 2008 to May, 2010).

Former Assistant Professor (Medical Undergraduate, Postgraduate and Doctorate), and Guest Assistant Professor (Dental, Nursing, Paramedical and Pharmacy Undergraduate), Head of Department, Clinical Pharmacologist, Pharmaco-Haemo-Materio-Vigilance Specialist, Departments of Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacology, Anti-Ragging and Anti-Gender Harassment College and Hospital Committees' Member, Academic Planner, K. D. Medical College Hospital and Research Center, R. K. Group, Dr. B. R. Ambedkar University, Atal Bihari Vajpayee Medical University, Mathura - Delhi Road, Uttar Pradesh, India, 7 months (October, 2015 to April, 2016).

Former Assistant Professor (Medical Undergraduate, Postgraduate and Doctorate) and Guest Assistant Professor (Nursing Undergraduate), Clinical Pharmacologist, Pharmaco-Haemo-Materio-Vigilance Specialist, University Medical Invigilator, Hostel Management and Cultural College and Hospital Committees' Member, Head of Department, Department of Pharmacology, Medical Invigilator, Gouri Devi Institute of Medical Sciences and Hospital, The Rahul Foundation, West Bengal University of Health Sciences, Durgapur, West Bengal, India, 9 months, (October, 2016 to June, 2017).

Former Deputy Medical Superintendent, Medical Superintendent, Vice Principal, Department of Medical Administration, All College and Hospital Committees' Member, Assistant Professor (Medical Undergraduate, Postgraduate and Doctorate) and Guest Assistant Professor (Paramedical Undergraduate), Head of Department In Charge, Clinical Pharmacologist, Pharmaco-Haemo-Materio-Vigilance Specialist, Department of Pharmacology, Shri Ramkrishna Institute of Medical Sciences and Sanaka Hospitals, Sanaka Educational Trust, West Bengal University of Health Sciences, Durgapur, West Bengal, India, 1 year 11 months (September, 2017 to July, 2019).

Former Assistant Professor (Medical Undergraduate, Postgraduate and Doctorate) and Guest Assistant Professor (Nursing and Pharmacy Undergraduate and Postgraduate), Clinical Pharmacologist, Pharmaco-Haemo-Materio-Vigilance Specialist, University Medical Invigilator, Question Paper Setter, University Medical Internal Examiner, Head of Department, Department of Pharmacology, In Charge Central Pathological Laboratory, Hi-Tech Medical College and Hospital, Vigyan Bharati Charitable Trust, Sambalpur University, Rourkela, Smart City, Odisha, India, 1 year 2 months (September, 2019 to October, 2020).

Former Associate Professor (Medical Undergraduate, Postgraduate, Doctorate and Postdoctorate) and Guest Associate Professor (Dental, Nursing, Pharmacy, Paramedical and Biomedical Undergraduate, Postgraduate, Doctorate and Postdoctorate), Head of Department In Charge, Clinical Pharmacologist, Pharmaco-Haemo-Materio-Vigilance Specialist, Medical Council of India - National Medical Commission Medical Education Unit Faculty, Medical Invigilator, Question Paper Setter, Medical Internal Examiner, Paramedical Internal Examiner, Biomedical MSc PhD Medical Pharmacology Internal Examiner, Biomedical MSc PhD Medical Pharmacology Thesis Examiner, Pharmacology MD Co-Guide, Departments of Pharmacology, Clinical Pharmacology and Molecular Pharmacology, Rama Medical College Hospital and Research Centre, Rama Educational Society, Assistant Super Warden, Chief Super Warden In Charge, Rama University, Dr. B. R. Ambedkar University, Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh, Counter Magnet Area to National Capital Region of Delhi, India, 9 months (October, 2020 to July, 2021).

Former Associate Professor (Medical Undergraduate, Postgraduate, Doctorate and Postdoctorate) and Guest Associate Professor (Dental, Nursing, Paramedical and Biomedical Undergraduate, Postgraduate, Doctorate and Postdoctorate), Head of Department In Charge, Clinical Pharmacologist, Pharmaco-Haemo-Materio-Vigilance Specialist, Departments of Pharmacology, Clinical Pharmacology and Molecular Pharmacology, Medical Invigilator, Question Paper Setter, University Medical Internal Examiner, Medical University External Examiner, Dental Internal Examiner, Dental University External Examiner, Mamata Medical College, Mamata Hospitals, Mamata Educational Society, Khammam, University Invigilator, Question Paper Setter, University Medical Internal Examiner, University Medical External Examiner, Kakatiya Medical College and Hospital, Mamata Dental College, Kaloji Narayana Rao University of Health Sciences, Telangana, Dr. Y. S. R. University of Health Sciences (Dr. N. T. R. University of Health Sciences), Kakatiya Andhra Pradesh, India, 1 year 3 months (August, 2021 to October, 2022).

Former Associate Professor (Medical Undergraduate, Postgraduate, Doctorate and Postdoctorate) and Guest Associate Professor (Dental, Pharmacy, Nursing, Paramedical and Biomedical Undergraduate, Postgraduate, Doctorate and Postdoctorate), Clinical Pharmacologist, Pharmaco-Haemo-Materio-Vigilance Specialist, Departments of Pharmacology and Therapeutics, Clinical Pharmacology and Molecular Pharmacology, Head of Department In Charge, Undergraduate / Postgraduate / Doctorate / Postdoctorate / Faculty Academic Research In Charge, Undergraduate / Postgraduate / Doctorate / Postdoctorate / Faculty Academic Internal Quality Assurance and Control Co-ordinator, Medical Invigilator, Question Paper Setter, University Medical Internal Examiner, Medical University External Examiner, MD Pharmacology Question Paper Setter, MD Pharmacology Internal Examiner, MD Pharmacology and PhD Medical Pharmacology Mentor and Co-Guide, Narayana Medical College, Narayana Hospitals, Narayana Educational Society, Dr. Y. S. R. University of Health Sciences (Dr. N. T. R. University of Health Sciences), Nellore, Andhra Pradesh, India, in collaboration with University of Kentucky, University of North Texas, Association of American Medical Colleges, USA, Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute, Canada, New Delhi, Smart City, India, Indian Institute of Technology, Chennai, Smart City, India, Lincoln University College, Malaysia, University of Puthisastra, Cambodia, Wiley Researcher Academy, World, 2 months (October, 2022 to December, 2022).

Former Associate Professor / Professor (Medical Undergraduate, Postgraduate and Doctorate) and Guest Associate Professor (Dental, Nursing and Paramedical Undergraduate and Postgraduate), Clinical Pharmacologist, Pharmaco-Haemo-Materio-Vigilance Specialist, Departments of Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacology, Medical Council of India - National Medical Commission Medical Education Unit Faculty, University Invigilator, Medical Examiner, Shri Balaji Institute of Medical Science, Shri Balaji Hospital, Shri Balaji Medical Foundation, Pandit Deendayal Upadhyay Memorial Health Sciences and Ayush University, Raipur, Smart City, Chhattisgarh, India, 4 months (December, 2022 to April, 2023).

Former Associate Professor (Medical Undergraduate), Clinical Pharmacologist, Pharmaco-Haemo-Materio-Vigilance Specialist, Department of Pharmacology, Jagannath Gupta Institute of Medical Sciences and Hospital, Urmila Devi Jagannath Gupta Charitable Trust, West Bengal University of Health Sciences, Kolkata, Smart City, West Bengal, India, 1 month (May, 2023).

Former Associate Professor (Medical Undergraduate, Postgraduate, Doctorate and Postdoctorate), and Guest Associate Professor (Dental, Nursing, Paramedical, Pharmacy and  Biomedical Undergraduate and Postgraduate, Doctorate and Postdoctorate), Clinical Pharmacologist, Pharmaco-Haemo-Materio-Vigilance Specialist, Departments of Pharmacology, Clinical Pharmacology and Molecular Pharmacology, Krishna Mohan Medical CollegeKrishna Mohan Hospital, Krishna Mohan University, Shri Mohan Singh Siksha Sansthan, Krishna Mohan Group, Dr. B. R. Ambedkar University, Mathura, Uttar Pradesh, India, 2 months (May, 2023 to July, 2023).

Former Associate Professor (Medical Undergraduate, Postgraduate, Doctorate and Postdoctorate), and Guest Associate Professor (Dental, Nursing, and Paramedical Undergraduate, Postgraduate, Doctorate and Postdoctorate), Clinical Pharmacologist, Pharmaco-Haemo-Materio-Vigilance Specialist, Departments of Pharmacology, Clinical Pharmacology and Molecular Pharmacology, Rama Medical College Hospital and Research Centre, Rama Educational Society, Atal Bihari Vajpayee Medical University, Chaudhary Charan Singh University (Meerut University), Hapur, National Capital Region of Delhi, Uttar Pradesh, India, 2 months (July, 2023 to September, 2023).

Former Associate Professor (Medical Undergraduate, Postgraduate, Doctorate and Postdoctorate), and Guest Associate Professor (Dental, Nursing, Paramedical and Biomedical Undergraduate, Postgraduate, Doctorate and Postdoctorate), Head of Department Interim, Clinical Pharmacologist, Pharmaco-Haemo-Materio-Vigilance Specialist, Departments of Pharmacology, Clinical Pharmacology, Molecular Pharmacology and Pharmacovigilance (Paraclinicals / Clinicals), and Postgraduate / Doctorate Clinicals (Medicine, Paediatrics, Dermatology, Pulmonary Medicine, Psychiatry, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Surgery, Orthopaedics, Otorhinolaryngology, Ophthalmology), Pharmacovigilance and Ethics College and Hospital Committees' Member, Medical Council of India - National Medical Commission Medical Education Unit Member, Postgraduate / Doctorate / Faculty Academic Co-ordinator (Community Medicine, Medicine, Ophthalmology, Paediatrics, ENT, Dermatology, Surgery, Pulmonary Medicine, Anaesthesiology, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Radiology, Pathology, Psychiatry, Orthopaedics), Invigilator, Question Paper Setter, Medical Internal Examiner, Medical University External Examiner, Maharajah's Institute of Medical Sciences and Hospital, Sri Rama Educational Trust, Dr. Y. S. R. University of Health Sciences (Dr. N. T. R. University of Health Sciences), Vizianagaram, Andhra Pradesh, India, 3 months 15 days (September, 2023 to December, 2023).

Former Professor (Medical Undergraduate, Postgraduate, Doctorate and Postdoctorate), and Guest Professor (Dental, Nursing, Paramedical and Biomedical Undergraduate, Postgraduate, Doctorate and Postdoctorate), Head of Department Interim, Clinical Pharmacologist, Pharmaco-Haemo-Materio-Vigilance Specialist, Departments of Pharmacology, Clinical Pharmacology, Molecular Pharmacology and Pharmacovigilance (Paraclinicals / Clinicals), and Postgraduate / Doctorate Clinicals (Medicine, Paediatrics, Dermatology, Pulmonary Medicine, Psychiatry, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Surgery, Orthopaedics, Otorhinolaryngology, Ophthalmology), Pharmacovigilance and Ethics College and Hospital Committees' Member, Medical Council of India - National Medical Commission Medical Education Unit Member, Postgraduate / Doctorate / Faculty Academic Co-ordinator (Community Medicine, Medicine, Ophthalmology, Paediatrics, ENT, Dermatology, Surgery, Pulmonary Medicine, Anaesthesiology, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Radiology, Pathology, Psychiatry, Orthopaedics)Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacovigilance Courses Guide Perceptor, Invigilator, Question Paper Setter, Medical Internal Examiner, Medical University External Examiner, Maharajah's Institute of Medical Sciences and Hospital, Sri Rama Educational Trust, Vizianagaram, University Invigilator, Question Paper Setter, University Medical External Examiner, Gayatri Vidya Parishad Medical College and Hospital, Dr. Y. S. R. University of Health Sciences (Dr. N. T. R. University of Health Sciences), Andhra Pradesh, India, 2 months 15 days (December, 2023 to March, 2024).

Professor (Medical Undergraduate, Postgraduate, Doctorate and Postdoctorate), and Guest Professor (Dental, Nursing, Paramedical and Pharmacy Undergraduate, Postgraduate, Doctorate and Postdoctorate), Head of Departments, Clinical Pharmacologist, Pharmaco-Haemo-Vaccine-Materio-Nutra-Cosmeto-Vigilance Specialist, PG Departments of Pharmacology, Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacovigilance (Paraclinicals / Clinicals) and Undergraduate Clinicals, Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacovigilance Courses Guide Perceptor; University Invigilator, Question Paper Setter, University Medical Internal Examiner, University Dental Internal Examiner, University Chief Examiner, Chairman and Assessor University Pharmacology Examinations, Medical Literary Judge, Convocant, Guest MBBS Degree Entitlement Endower,  Pharmacovigilance and Vaccinevigilance and Causality Assessment Committees Co-ordinator, Member Secretary Pharmacovigilance and Vaccinevigilance Committee and Causality Assessment Committee, Chairperson Causality Assessment Committee, Pharmacovigilance and Causality Assessment and Vaccine Vigilance Speaker Faculty Curriculum Creator Skills Trainer, Clinical Trainer, Technical Skills Trainer, Courses Trainer, Pharmacovigilance and Vaccinevigilance PG Course and Workshop (Postgraduate / Doctorate Course) Speaker Faculty Course Trainer Clinical Skills Trainer Technical Skills Trainer Curriculum Creator Course Director Co-ordinator Convener Organising Secretary, Clinical Haematopathology (Postdoctorate / Doctorate Course) Speaker Faculty Curriculum Creator Clinical Skills Trainer, Technical Skills Trainer, Clinical Haematopathology Course Director and Organising Secretary and Convener, Good Clinical Practice Speaker Faculty Curriculum Creator Clinical Skills Trainer, Good Clinical Practice Course Director and Organising Chairperson and Convener, Endocrinological Pharmacology, Clinical Endocrinology, Diabetology and Thyroidology (Postdoctorate / Doctorate Course) Speaker Faculty Curriculum Creator Clinical Skills Trainer, Endocrinological Pharmacology, Clinical Endocrinology, Diabetology and Thyroidology Course Director, Endocrinological Pharmacology, Clinical Endocrinology, Diabetology and Thyroidology Course and Symposium Organising Chairperson and Convener, Anaesthetic and Analgesic Pharmacology Speaker Faculty Curriculum Creator Clinical Skills Trainer, Anaesthetic and Analgesic Pharmacology Course Director, Anaesthetic and Analgesic Pharmacology Course and Symposium Organising Chairperson and Convener, Phamacovigilance and Causality Assessment Course Director, Vaccine Vigilance Course Director, Pharmacovigilance and Causality Assessment and Vaccine Vigilance Symposium and Workshop Organising Member Secretary and Convener, Undergraduate / Postgraduate / Doctorate / Postdoctorate Medical Courses Curriculum Creator, Pharmacology Seminars Moderator, Hi-Tech Medical College and Hospital, Vigyan Bharati Charitable Trust, University Invigilator, Question Paper Setter, University Medical Internal Examiner, University Medical External Examiner, Chief Examiner, Hi-Tech Dental College and Hospital, Utkal University, Odisha University of Health Sciences, Bhubaneshwar, Smart City, Odisha, India, 7 months and longer (March, 2024 onwards).

Medical National Eligibility and Entrance Test - Postgraduate Entrance Examinations Medical Appraiser, National Board of Examinations in Medical Sciences, New Delhi, Smart City, Delhi, India, 2 years and longer (Telangana State 2021, Telangana State 2022).

Former Associate Professor (Medical Undergraduate, Postgraduate, Doctorate and Postdoctorate) and Guest Associate Professor (Dental, Pharmacy, Nursing, Paramedical and Biomedical Undergraduate, Postgraduate, Doctorate and Postdoctorate), Clinical Pharmacologist, Pharmaco-Haemo-Materio-Vaccine Vigilance Specialist, Departments of Pharmacology, Clinical Pharmacology and Molecular Pharmacology, Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose Subharti Medical College, Chhatrapati Shivaji Subharti Hospital, Lok Priya Hospital, Swami Vivekanand Subharti University, Meerut, Smart City, Uttar Pradesh, National Capital Region of Delhi, India, 16 days (May, 2023).

Former Associate Professor / Professor (Medical Undergraduate, Postgraduate, Doctorate and Postdoctorate), and Guest Associate Professor / Professor (Dental, Nursing and Paramedical Undergraduate, Postgraduate, Doctorate and Postdoctorate) Pharmacologist, Pharmaco-Haemo-Materio-Vigilance Specialist, Head of Department In Charge, Head of Department, Departments of Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacology, Medical Council of India - National Medical Commission Medical Education Unit Co-ordinator, MD Pharmacology Guide, MD Pharmacology Question Paper Setter, MD Pharmacology Examiner, College and Hospital Committees' Member, Rajshree Medical Research Institute, Rajshree Hospital, Rajshree Educational Trust, Chief Warden, Mahatma Jyotiba Phule Rohilkhand University, Atal Bihari Vajpayee Medical University, Bareilly, Smart City, Uttar Pradesh, Counter Magnet Area to National Capital Region of Delhi, India, 20 days (April, 2023 to May, 2023).

Former Assistant Professor (Medical Undergraduate) and Guest Assistant Professor (Nursing Undergraduate), Department of Pharmacology, Deputy Medical Superintendent, Department of Medical Administration, All College and Hospital Committees' Member, College Council Member, Raipur Institute of Medical Sciences, Lord Buddha Education Society, Former Assistant Professor (Medical Undergraduate, Postgraduate and Doctorate), Department of Pharmacology, Shri Shankaracharya Institute of Medical Sciences, Shri Gangajali Education Society, Pandit Deen Dayal Upadhyay Memorial Health Science and Ayush University, Chhattisgarh, Former Assistant Professor (Medical Undergraduate)Department of Pharmacology, Lord Buddha Koshi Medical College and Hospital, Lord Buddha Shiksha Pratisthan, B. N. Mandal University, Bihar, India, 1 month 15 days.

Former Guest Professor (Nursing Undergraduate and Postgraduate), Question Paper Setter, Nursing Examiner, Head of Department, Department of Pharmacology, Hi-Tech College of Nursing, Vigyan Bharati Charitable Trust, Sambalpur University, Rourkela, Smart City, Odisha, India, 3 years 2 months (June, 2019 to July, 2022).

Medical Director, Medical Superintendent, Hospitals, Polyclinics and Diagnostic Centres Director, Apollo Diagnostics Patient Care Centre Director, Clinical Director, Academic Centres Director, Educational Centres Director, Planning, Strategies, Administration and Management Centre Director, Chief Hospitals, Polyclinics, Diagnostic Centres, Academic Centres, Educational Centres and Administration Centre Operations Management, Hospitals, Polyclinics and Diagnostic Centres Administrator, Principal Academic Centres and Educational Centres Operating and Administrative Officer-Administrator, Principal Hospitals, Polyclinics And Diagnostic Centres Operating and Administrative Officer, Hospital Administrator, Director Medical Administration / Dean Administration, Laboratory Director, Medical Academics and Clinical Research Director, Principal / Dean Academics, Medical Academician, Professor, Administrative Director, Managing Director, Chief Executive Officer, Clinical Demographer, Registrar, Senior Resident Pharmacology, Clinical Pharmacology, Molecular Pharmacology and Therapeutics, Senior Resident Pathology and Clinical Pathology, Specialist Medical Officer, Senior Medical Officer, General Duty Medical Officer, Consultant Multi-Specialist Clinical Pharmacological Physician, Consultant Multi-Specialist Clinical Pathologist, Head of Departments Pharmacology, Clinical Pharmacology, Molecular Pharmacology and Therapeutics, Head of Departments Clinical Medicine and Medication Management, Head of Departments Clinical Pathology, Haematology, Cytopathology, Pathology and Molecular Diagnostics, Head of Departments Laboratory Medicine, Clinical Diagnostics and Molecular Diagnostics, Consultant Rational Pharmacotherapeutic Physician, Consultant Drug Safety and Quality Physician, Consultant Respiratory Physician, Consultant Cardiologist, Consultant Neonatologist, Consultant Diabetologist, Consultant Thyroidologist, Consultant Infertility Treatment and Reproductive Endocrinologist, Consultant Reproductive Medicine Physician, Consultant Maternal Medicine Physician, Consultant Maternal Health Physician, Consultant Women Health Physician, Consultant Child Health Physician, Consultant Clinical Endocrinologist, Consultant Oncologist, Consultant Gynaecological and Obstetric Pharmacological Physician, Consultant Infertility Treatment and Reproductive Endocrinological Pharmacological Physician, Consultant Clinical Endocrinological Pharmacological Physician, Consultant Diabetological Pharmacological Physician, Consultant Metabolic Medicine Physician, Consultant Respiratory and Cardiovascular Pharmacological Physician, Consultant Paediatric and Neonatal Pharmacological Physician, Consultant Orthopaedic and Rheumatological Pharmacological Physician, Consultant Dermatopharmacological Physician, Consultant Cancer Immunotherapeutic and Molecular Oncologist, Consultant Pharmaco-Haemo-Materio-Vigilance Specialist, Consultant Pharmaco-Nutri-Cosmeto-Vigilance Specialist, Consultant Pharmaco-Vaccine-Vigilance Specialist, Consultant Pharmacogenomics Specialist, Clinical Pharmacologist, Consultant Molecular Pharmacologist, Consultant Evidence Based Medicine Specialist, Consultant Pharmacoeconomics Specialist, Consultant Medical and Healthcare Economics Specialist, Consultant Anti-Respiratory Allergy and Asthma Pharmacologist, Consultant Emergency Medicine Physician, Consultant Anti-Hypertensive Pharmacologist, Consultant Anti-Thyroid Disorders Pharmacologist, Consultant Anti-Diabetes Pharmacologist, Consultant Anti-Anaemia Pharmacologist, Consultant Anti-Acne Pharmacologist, Consultant Multi-Specialist Laboratory Medicine Specialist, Consultant Haematologist, Consultant Cytopathologist, Consultant Molecular Diagnostics Specialist, General / Consultant Multi-Specialist Clinical Medicine Physician, Clinical Research Patho-Pharmacologist; Co-Medical Entrepreneur, Co-Educational Entrepreneur, Co-Founder, Multi-Speciality and Super-Speciality Medical and Surgical Departments of Maternity, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Infertility Treatment and Reproductive Endocrinology, Reproductive Medicine, Maternal Medicine, Paediatrics, Neonatology, Internal Medicine and Super Specialities of Internal Medicine, General Surgery and Super Specialities of General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Otorhinolaryngology, Orthopaedics, Rheumatology, Cardiology, Cardiovascular Medicine, Renal Medicine, Pharmacology, Clinical Pharmacology, Molecular Pharmacology, Rational Pharmacotherapeutics , Pharmacogenomics, Pharmacohaemomate riovigilance, Haematology, Pathology, Clinical Pathology, Molecular Diagnostics, Clinical Endocrinology, Diabetology, Thyroidology, Clinical Oncology, Clinical Medicine, Metabolic Medicine, Respiratory Medicine, ECG Imaging, Physiotherapy, Nursing, Hospital Management and Paramedical Sciences, Hazra Nursing Home, Hazra Polyclinic And Diagnostic Centre, Hazra Academic Centre, Hazra Educational Centre, Howrah, Kolkata, Smart City, West Bengal, India, in collaboration with Dr. Moumita Hazra's Group of Organisations : Dr. Moumita Hazra’s Polyclinic And Diagnostic Centre, Dr. Moumita Hazra’s Academic Centre, Dr. Moumita Hazra’s Educational Centre, Dr. Moumita Hazra's World Administrative Enterprises, Mother Teresa University College of Nursing, Management and Paramedical Sciences, and Apollo Diagnostics Patient Care Centre (Pathology Partnership), Dr. Lal Path Labs and Patient Service Centre, and Thyrocare Aarogyam CenterIndia, World, 45 - 46 years (July, 1982 to January, 2024) (at different times).

Former Academic and Research Scholar in Department of Clinical Research, Symbiosis Centre of Health Care, Symbiosis International University (DE), India, World, and Clinical Research Project Manager at Departments of Clinical Pharmacology, Gynaecology and Obstetrics and Clinical Medicine, Hazra Nursing Home, Hazra Polyclinic And Diagnostic Centre, Howrah, West Bengal, India, for 1 year (2012 to 2013).

Former Academic and Research Scholar, Departments of Biomedical Sciences : Zoology (Honours) (including Genetics, Cell and Molecular Biology, Immunology, Oncology, Biochemistry, Physiology, Histology, Embryology, Developmental Biology, Biotechnology), and Physiology, and Department of Chemistry, Presidency College, University of Calcutta / Presidency University, Kolkata, Smart City, West Bengal, India, 2 years (1998 to 2000).

Former part-time Senior Research Fellow, Department of Paediatrics and Neonatology, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, Smart City, Delhi, India, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, USA, World Health Organisation, 1 month (December, 2006).

Former Senior Resident, Department of Pathology, Tata Main Hospital, Jamshedpur, Jharkhand, in collaboration with Tata Memorial Centre and Tata Memorial Hospital, Mumbai, Smart City, India, 1 month 15 days (May, 2011 to June, 2011).

Apollo Diagnostics Patient Care Centre Director, India, World, Consultant Multi-Specialist Clinical Pharmacological Physician, Consultant Multi-Specialist Clinical Pathologist, Consultant Multi-Specialist Clinical Medicine Physician, Consultant Quality and Safety Physician, Clinical Pharmacologist, Pharmaco-Haemo-Materio-Vigilance Specialist, Consultant Pathologist, Consultant Physician and General Physician : Respiratory Cardiovascular Renal Physician, Asthma Physician, Hypertension Physician, Baby and Child Physician, Diabetologist, Thyroidologist, Infertility Treatment and Reproductive Endocrinologist, Gynaecological and Obstetric Physician, Rheumatological Physician, Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecological Medicine Specialist, Peptic Ulcer Physician, Anaemia Physician, Acne Physician, Emergency Medicine Physician, Specialist Medical Officer, Laboratory Director, Technical Manager, Indus Nursing Home, Polyclinics and Indus Diagnostic Centres, Laboratory Advisor and Supervisor, Iris Hospitex and B. S. Diagnostic Centres, Mahuya Diagnostic Centre and Doctors’ Chamber, Bhramar Seva Sadan, Bargachia Pathological Lab, Medilab Pathological Laboratory, Howrah, Kolkata, Smart City, West Bengal, General Patho Clinic, Rourkela, Smart City, Odisha, India, Dr. Lal Path Labs, and Thyrocare  Aarogyam Center, India, 9 years 15 days and longer (at different times). 

Former Junior Resident, Departments of Obstetrics and Gynaecology and Paediatrics, Vardhman Mahavir Medical College and Safdarjung Hospital, Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, New Delhi, Smart City, Delhi, India, few days.

Mentor, Subject Expert (Questions and Answers Expert), Discussion Panel, Board Member, Editorial Board Member, Advisory Board Member, Speaker Faculty, Academic Delegate, Participant, Royal Colleges, Institutes, Universities, Academic Organisations, Medical Organisations, Pharmaceutical Organisations, Publications, and World Organisations, Associations, Conferences, Summits and Federations, India, World.

Medical Academic Delegate, Medical Administrative Meetings Delegate, Medical Education Meetings Delegate, Medical Consultation Meetings Delegate, Medical Academic Roundtable Meetings Delegate, Medical Administrative Roundtable Meetings Delegate, Medical Consultation Roundtable Meetings Delegate, Annual General Body Meetings Delegate, Board Meetings Delegate, Advisory Board Meetings Delegate, Trustee Governance Board Meetings Delegate, Health and Medical Coalition Meeting Delegate, Pharmacovigilance Meeting Delegate, Cancer Summit Special Commission Delegate, Medical Specialist, Governance Specialist, Academic, Mentor, Medical Discussion Panel, Medical Board Member, University of Leeds, Harvard Medical School, Boston Hospital and Medical Center, Brigham and Women's Hospital, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Massachusetts General Hospital Cancer Center, Boston Children's Hospital, Harvard Business School, Harvard Graduate School of Education, Rutgers University, Stanford University, University of Michigan, University of Colorado, Food and Drug Administration, National Health Service England, Johns Hopkins University, McMaster University,  University of Cambridge, University of Oxford, Cardiff University College of Biomedical and Life Sciences School of Medicine, The Birmingham Medical Institute The Park Hospital, Hull York Medical School, European School of Haematology, Royal College of Physicians London, Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists London, Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health London, United Kingdom, United States of America, Canada, Europe; All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research, St. John's Research Institute, St. John's National Academy of Health Sciences, Manipal Academy of Higher Education, Manipal University, Mamata Medical College, Gandhi Medical College, Christian Medical College, Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College, Rama Medical College Hospital and Research Centre, King George's Medical University, Medical Council of India, National Medical Commission, Indian Pharmacological Society, Indian Society for Rational Pharmacotherapeutics, Indian Pharmacopoeia Commission : Pharmacovigilance Programme of India, Uppsala Monitoring Centre, Sweden, Indian Council of Medical Research, National Institute of Epidemiology, National Accreditation Board for Hospitals and Healthcare Providers, National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories, Quality Council of India, India; Centre for Research in Assessment and Digital Learning, Deakin University, Australia; World Health Organisation, International Union of Basic and Clinical Pharmacology, World; Royal College of Surgeons (Orthopaedics and Trauma Surgery) of England; Sickle Cell Society, UK; Multiple Sclerosis Society Governance Board of Trustees, UK, Europe; Hampshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust England; Derbyshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust England; National Health Service England, NHS Improvement, Total Health Oncology, Amedco, University of Illinois, Cancer Treatment Centers of America, Washington University, Cancer Wellness for Life, Northwell Health, Colorectal Cancer Alliance, West Clinic, Tigerlily Foundation, University of Kansas, Intermountain Healthcare, Northwestern University, Emory University, Huntsman Cancer Center, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, Lakeland Regional Health, Duke University Medical Center, Moffitt Cancer Center, Miami Cancer Institute, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, MGH Cancer Center, Lymphoma Center, Massachusetts General Hospital Cancer Center, Intermountain Healthcare, California Pacific Medical Center, Palo Alto Medical Foundation, Sutter Cancer Research Consortium, Colorectal Cancer Alliance, Tigerlily Foundation, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Cancer Treatment Centers of America, Genesis Care, Northwest Georgia Oncology, University of Toronto, Clinical Cancer Center, Medical College of Wisconsin, Genomic Sciences and Precision Medicine Center, Baptist Health, Cancer Wellness for Life, Florida Medical Clinic, Sidney Kimmel Medical College, Yale Cancer Center, Yale School of Medicine, Yale University, University of Southern California Norris Cancer Center, Keck School of Medicine, MD Anderson Cancer Center at North Colorado Medical Center, The Ohio State University, University of Colorado, Ironwood Cancer and Research Centers, Cancer Treatment Centers of America, Intermountain Healthcare, University of Pennsylvania Health System, Houston Methodist Cancer Center, Baylor University Medical Center, Rocky Mountain Cancer Center, Comprehensive Cancer Centers of Nevada, Florida Cancer Specialist and Research Institution, Providence Cancer Institute, Huntsman Cancer Institute, Cancer Wellness for Life, Levine Cancer Institute, Texas Oncology, Sisters of Charity of Leavenworth Health Medical Group, Stanford Health ValleyCare Cancer Programme, Cancer Treatment Centers of America, Florida Cancer Specialists and Research Institute, Thomas Jefferson University Hospital, University of Pittsburgh, University of Pennsylvania, University of Alabama Medical School in Birmingham, Washington University, University of Cincinnati, Intermountain Healthcare, The Center for Cancer and Blood Disorders, John Theurer Cancer Center, Fox Chase Cancer Center, Cancer Wellness for Life, Texas Oncology, Baylor Charles A. Sammons Cancer Center, University of Virginia, and Cleveland Clinic, Intermountain Healthcare, Cancer Treatment Centers of America, New York University, University of California, University of Washington, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Comprehensive Cancer Centers of Nevada, Palo Alto Medical Foundation, Karmanos Cancer Institute, City of Hope, University of Southern California, University of Kansas Cancer Center, Cancer Wellness for Life, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, Annadel Medical Group, University of California Irvine Health, Ironwood Cancer and Research Centers, Houston Methodist Hospital, Baylor College of Medicine, David Geffen School of Medicine, Vanderbilt – Ingram Cancer Center, Rocky Mountain Cancer Centers, Duke University, University of Nebraska Medical Center, Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center, University of Miami Health System, Cancer Treatment Centers of America, University of Illinois, and City of Hope National Medical Center, eMedEvents Corporation, Reproductive Medicine Associates of New York, Spring Fertility, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation, Climate Law and Governance Initiative, United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, International Commission, Voices of Future Generations Children’s Initiative, The Centre for International Sustainable Development Law, Sustainable Development Law and Policy, World Future Council, UN Committee on the Rights of the Child, UN Decade for Indigenous Languages, The World Largest Lesson, World Health Organisation, United States Food and Drug Administration, Institute of Health and Social Care Management, B A Healthcare, Williams Medical, NHS South Cumbria and Lancashire Integrated Care Board, Guy's and St. Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust, Mersey and West Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust, Walsall Healthcare NHS Trust, The Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust, Suffolk Association of Independent Care Providers Limited, Arden University, Operose Health, Royal Air Force Medical Services, Voror Health Tecnologies, Liaison Group, Oracle Cerner, Blend Associates Limited, Nectar HR, Orcha, Surrey Care Association, Lincolnshire Care Association, ECA, The National Care Forum, Athena Healthcare Group, IELTS, IDP, Scottish Care, Care England, West Sussex Partners in Care, Diabetes Professional Care, Association of British Clinical Diabetologists, UK Clinical Pharmacy Association, Diabetes Specialist Nurse Forum UK, Practice Managers Association UK, Diabetes Research and Wellness Foundation, Diabetes Inpatient Specialist Nurses UK Group, Diabetes Times, Pentucket Medical PMA, The Association of UK Diabetes, British Dietetic Association, British Society of Lifestyle Medicine, Trend Diabetes, DTN-UK, Royal College of Nursing Institute, Data4NHS, Practical Diabetes, Prescriber, Cardiovascular Professional Care, Primary Care Cardiovascular Society, MA Healthcare, Astrazeneca, Abbott, A. Menarini Farmaceutica Internazionale SRL, Novo Nordisk, Viatris, Boehringer Ingelheim, Lilly, Insulet, Roche, Sanofi, Dexcom, Ascensia, GlucoRx, Omnipod, European Wound Management Association, Independent Diabetes Trust, Institute of Chiropodists and Podiatrists, Northampton General Hospital, Leicester Diabetes Centre, University Hospitals of Leicester, University Hospitals Dorset, NHS England and Improvement, East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust, University of East Anglia, Primary Care Cardiovascular Society, Primary Care Dermatology Society, Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation,  Nottingham Children’s Hospital, Norfolk and Norwich University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Moorefields Eye Hospital and University College London, North Berwick Health Centre, Wiltshire Health and Care, University Hospital Llandough, Cardiff, University of Surrey, Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust, Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust, Milton Keynes University NHS Foundation Trust, Annual Chicago Gynaecologic Cancer Summit, The University of Chicago Medicine and Biological Sciences, Respiratory Professional Care, Primary Care Respiratory Society, NHS England, RCGP, Staffordshire and West Midlands Cancer Alliance, University Hospitals of North Midlands NHS Trust, Leicester Children Hospital, Liverpool Heart and Chest Hospital, George Elliot Hospital, Hereford County Hospital, NHS England, Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust, University Hospitals of Birmingham, Hereford County Hospital, UK Inhaler Group, RightBreathe, Aerogen, Chiesi, Cipla, FeNO by NIOX, Glenmark, GSK, Inspire, Kenvue, Nutricia Ltd, NuvoAir, Oniris, SenTec Medical Ltd, Thermofisher Scientific Diagnostics, The Thyroid Trust, British Thyroid Foundation, Thyroid Eye Disease Charitable Trust, Thyroid Federation International, Thyroid Cancer Alliance, European Congress of Endocrinology, European Society for Paediatric Endocrinology, European Thyroid Association, American Thyroid Association, Latin American Thyroid Society, Eurordis, European Economic Community, The Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children, Professional Record Standards Body, Wisconsin Department of Health Services, USA, UK, Government of Alberta, Canada, Europe, Western World, World.

Delegate and Mentor, Discussion Panelist, International Medical Conferences, Total Health Conferencing, Amedco, USA, Advisory Boards Member and Speaker Faculty, Medical International Conferences, Congresses and Summits; Former Clinical Research Scientist, with International Medical Research Scholarship Project Abstract Presentation and International Medical Group Discussion Panelist on Cancer Immuno-Pharmacotherapeutic Medicine and Molecular Oncology : "The role of TGF-β in Cancer Genetics, Onco - Molecular Medicine and Onco - Molecular Biology; and the discovery of Vaccines in the prevention and treatment of malignancies; and the role of Vaccines in Onco-Therapeutics”, at Dr. B. R. Ambedkar Medical College and Hospitals, Karnataka, India (2002 - 2003); Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research, Karanataka, India (2002 – 2003); Presidency College/University, West Bengal, India (2002 - 2003); Indian Institute of Science, Karnataka, India (2002 - 2003); The Wistar Institute, Pennsylvania, United States of America (2002 – 2003); and Gouri Devi Institute of Medical Sciences and Hospital, West Bengal, India (2016 - 2017).


  My Designatory Affiliations in Medical, Healthcare, Educational and Business Administration, Planning, Strategies, Management and Directorship : 45 - 46 years and longer


My activities in national and multi-national hospital and healthcare management in primary, secondary, tertiary and quarternary healthcare include basically to develop, improvise, supervise and maintain splendidly operating comprehensive hospital and healthcare establishment conglomerates, with a prime focus on the Hospital Organisation Operations, Productions and Supply of Medical and Surgical Services, Hospital Processes of Medical and Surgical Services, Primary, Secondary, Tertiary and Quarternary National and International Patient Care Satisfaction, Time-wise Medical Project Completion, Economics and Business Development, Human Resources and Medical Administration, Medical Information System, Quality Assurance and Quality Control, Hospital Strategies and Policies, Accreditations, Standardisations and Regulatory Affairs, Entire Medical Team Leadership, Hospital Processes Improvement and Medical Courses, Conferences, Symposiums, Workshops, Continuing Medical Education, Seminars, with continuous recent advancements and prolonged maintenance; with similar activities in educational sectors, administrative sector and national and multi-national business sectors.


     My National and Multi-National Hospital and Healthcare, Educational and Medical Establishments Directorship, Administrative and Management Activities :

▪︎  NABH, NABL, JCI and other hospital accreditations and standardizations maintenance in multi-speciality and super-speciality hospitals, with comprehensive ethical, healthy, safe and secure considerations.

▪︎ Hospital Licensing from several regulatory authorities.

▪︎ Hospital Operations Management of Multi-Speciality and Super-Speciality Medical and Surgical Departments of Maternity, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Infertility Treatment and Reproductive Endocrinology, Reproductive Medicine, Maternal Medicine, Paediatrics, Neonatology, Internal Medicine and Super Specialities of Internal Medicine, General Surgery and Super Specialities of General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Otorhinolaryngology, Orthopaedics, Rheumatology, Cardiology, Cardiovascular Medicine, Renal Medicine, Pharmacology, Clinical Pharmacology, Molecular Pharmacology, Rational Pharmacotherapeutics , Pharmacogenomics, Pharmacohaemomate riovigilance, Haematology, Pathology, Clinical Pathology, Molecular Diagnostics, Clinical Endocrinology, Diabetology, Thyroidology, Clinical Oncology, Clinical Medicine, Metabolic Medicine, Respiratory Medicine, ECG Imaging, Physiotherapy, Nursing, Hospital Management and Paramedical Sciences of Hospitals, Nursing Homes, Polyclinics, Diagnostic Centres, Medical Colleges and Universities.

▪︎ Clinical Demographics Record maintenance and monthly reporting of unit-wise hospital activities.

▪︎ Medico-Clinical Record maintenance and Medical Informatics Management and maintenance.

▪︎ Registration of Hospital events.

▪︎ Hospital Camps and Medico-Social activities management.

▪︎ Directorship and participation in regular Hospital Committee and Council meetings regarding daily Hospital activities for improvisation.

▪︎ Daily, weekly, monthly and yearly Hospital Rosters maintenance.

▪︎ Medical and Economic Management, Directorship and Advisory. 

▪︎ Hospital Fund-Raising and Economic co-ordination with internal and external stakeholders. 

▪︎ Medical Administration.

▪︎ Medical Regulatory Management.

▪︎ Medical Planning and Strategising with proper departmental co-ordination. 

▪︎ Medical and Clinical Establishment Functioning and Maintenance. 

▪︎ Clinical Consultation and Practice, Guidance, Mentorship, Educational Supervisorship and Deanship.

▪︎ Development, Functioning, Maintenance, Co-ordination, Supervision and Directorship of the Departments of Clinical and Molecular Diagnostics Development, Functioning, Maintenance, Co-ordination, Supervision and Directorship of the Departments of Pharmacology, Clinical Pharmacology, Therapeutics, Molecular Pharmacology, Pharmaco-haemo-materio-vigilance, Molecular Pharmacogenomics, Pharmacoepidemiology, Pharmacoeconomics, Rational Pharmacotherapeutics, Evidence Based Medicine, Drug Quality and Safety, Medication Safety and Medication Management within national and international government, semi-government, public private partnership and private universities, medical colleges, institutes, hospitals, nursing homes, polyclinics, diagnostic centres, laboratories and medical organisations.

▪︎  Development, Functioning, Maintenance, Co-ordination, Supervision and Directorship of the Departments of Laboratory Medicine, Clinical and Molecular Diagnostics, Pathology, Clinical Pathology, Haematopathology, Cytopathology, Histopathology, Immunohistochemistry, Cytogenetics, Molecular Diagnostics and Biochemistry, within national and international government, semi-government, public private partnership and private universities, medical colleges, hospitals, nursing homes, polyclinics, diagnostic centres, laboratories and medical organisations.

▪︎ Daily Clinical Rounds for proper Clinical Supervision.

▪︎ Clinical Excellence maintenance. 

▪︎ Maintenance of Clinical Pharmacology and Advisory. 

▪︎ Clinical Pharmacology Analytics-Record keeping and improvisation.

▪︎ Development, Supervision, and Maintenance of Pharmaco-Haemo-Materio-Vigilance units, Pharmaco-Haemo-Vigilance units, Pharmacovigilance units and Pharmacoepidemiological units for Treatment Quality and Safety Assurance and Control.

▪︎ Internal and External Quality Assurance and Control Management.

▪︎ Medical Appraisership.

▪︎    Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics units, Molecular Pharmacology units, Pharmacogenomics units, and Evidence Based Medicine units development, supervision and maintenance.

▪︎ Medical College, Hospital and surroundings Sterilisation and Patient Safety, Health and Hygiene Management and Maintenance, with regular Quality Assurance and Quality Control scoring.

▪︎    Medical Professing, Co-ordination and Management of Medical Academics, Medical Research, Medical Courses, Continuing Medical Education, Conferences, Workshops and Seminars.    

▪︎ Staff Interviews, Recruitments and Appointments Management.

▪︎    Function-oriented and time-oriented proper Six Sigma Indicators vigilance, management and maintenance.

 ▪︎   Tertiary and Quarternary Patient Healthcare Management, with adequate Hospital Average Length of Stay Control.

▪︎    Hospital Economic Management, with continuous vigilance, scoring, management and maintenance of P/E Ratio (Price to Earnings Ratio) equilibrium, EBITA (Earnings before interest, taxes, amortization), EBITDA (Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, amortization), and Enterprise Value to EBITDA Ratio equilibrium.

▪︎    Comprehensive Hospital Management oriented on the DMAIC Cycle (Define, Measure, Analyse, Improve, Control), the DMADV Cycle (Define, Measure, Analyse, Design, Verify), and the DFSS Cycle (Define, Measure, Analyse, Design, Verify).


Former Assistant Medical Director, Departments of Medical Administration, Medical Organisations Management and Directorate, Medical Editor, Clinical Trials Manager, Global Institute of Stem Cell Therapy and Research and Institute of Regenerative Medicine Institutes, Hospitals and Laboratories, New Delhi, Smart City, Delhi, Ahmedabad, Smart City, Gujarat, India, USA, World, 1 month (February, 2020 to March, 2020).

Former Manager, Clinical Excellence, Quality Management, Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics, All Hospital Committees' Member, Quality Management Faculty, Fortis Hospitals, Kolkata, Smart City, West Bengal, India, 1 month 1 week (August, 2016 to September, 2016).

Former Head of Department, Clinical Pharmacologist, Pharmaco-Haemo-Materio-Vigilance Specialist, Departments of Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacology, Anti-Ragging and Anti-Gender Harassment College and Hospital Committees' Member, Academic Planner, K. D. Medical College Hospital and Research Center, R. K. Group, Dr. B. R. Ambedkar University, Atal Bihari Vajpayee Medical University, Mathura - Delhi Road, Uttar Pradesh, India, 6 months (October, 2015 to April, 2016). 

Former Head of Department, Clinical Pharmacologist, Pharmaco-Haemo-Materio-Vigilance Specialist, Department of Pharmacology, University Invigilator, Hostel Management and Cultural College and Hospital Committees' Member, Gouri Devi Institute of Medical Sciences and Hospital, The Rahul Foundation, West Bengal University of Health Sciences, Durgapur, West Bengal, India, 8.5 months (October, 2016 to June, 2017).

Former Deputy Medical Superintendent, Medical Superintendent, Vice Principal, Department of Medical Administration, Clinical Pharmacologist, Pharmaco-Haemo-Materio-Vigilance Specialist, Head of Department In Charge, Department of Pharmacology, All College and Hospital Committees' Member, Shri Ramkrishna Institute of Medical Sciences and Sanaka Hospitals, Sanaka Educational Trust, West Bengal University of Health Sciences, Durgapur, West Bengal, India, 1 year 11 months (September, 2017 to July, 2019).

Former Head of Department, Clinical Pharmacologist, Pharmaco-Haemo-Materio-Vigilance Specialist, Departments of Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacology, In Charge Central Pathological Laboratory, University Invigilator, Question Paper Setter, University Medical Internal Examiner, Hi-Tech Medical College and Hospital, Vigyan Bharati Charitable Trust, Sambalpur University, Rourkela, Smart City, Odisha, India, 1 year 3 months (September, 2019 to October, 2020).

Former Head of Department In Charge, Clinical Pharmacologist, Pharmaco-Haemo-Materio-Vigilance Specialist, Departments of Pharmacology, Clinical Pharmacology and Molecular Pharmacology, Medical Council of India - National Medical Commission Medical Education Unit Faculty, Medical Invigilator, Question Paper Setter, Medical Internal Examiner, Paramedical Internal Examiner, Biomedical MSc PhD Medical Pharmacology Internal Examiner, Biomedical MSc PhD Medical Pharmacology Thesis Examiner,  Pharmacology MD Co-Guide, Rama Medical College Hospital and Research Centre, Rama Educational Society, Assistant Super Warden, Chief Super Warden In Charge, Rama University, Dr. B. R. Ambedkar University, Atal Bihari Vajpayee Medical University, Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh, Counter Magnet Area to National Capital Region of Delhi, India, 9 months (October, 2020 to July, 2021).

Former Head of Department In Charge, Clinical Pharmacologist, Pharmaco-Haemo-Materio-Vigilance Specialist, Departments of Pharmacology, Clinical Pharmacology and Molecular Pharmacology, Medical Invigilator, Question Paper Setter, University Medical Internal Examiner, Medical University External Examiner, Dental Internal Examiner, Dental University External Examiner, Mamata Medical College, Mamata Hospitals, Mamata Educational Society, Kaloji Narayana Rao University of Health Sciences, Khammam, University Invigilator, Question Paper Setter, University Medical Internal Examiner, University Medical External Examiner, Kakatiya Medical College and Hospital, Telangana, Dr. Y. S. R. University of Health Sciences (Dr. N. T. R. University of Health Sciences), Andhra Pradesh, India, 1 year 3 months (August, 2021 to October, 2022).

Former Head of Department In-Charge, Clinical Pharmacologist, Pharmaco-Haemo-Materio-Vigilance Specialist, Departments of Pharmacology, Clinical Pharmacology, Molecular Pharmacology and Therapeutics, Undergraduate / Postgraduate / Doctorate / Postdoctorate / Faculty Academic Internal Quality Assurance and Control Co-ordinator, Undergraduate / Postgraduate / Doctorate / Postdoctorate / Faculty Academic Research In Charge, Medical Invigilator, Question Paper Setter, Medical Internal Examiner, Medical University External Examiner, MD Pharmacology Question Paper Setter, MD Pharmacology Internal Examiner, MD Pharmacology and PhD Medical Pharmacology Mentor and Co-Guide, Narayana Medical College, Narayana Hospitals, Narayana Educational Society, Dr. Y. S. R. University of Health Sciences (Dr. N. T. R. University of Health Sciences), Nellore, Andhra Pradesh, India, in collaboration with University of Kentucky, University of North Texas, Association of American Medical Colleges, USA, Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute, Canada, New Delhi, Smart City, India, Indian Institute of Technology, Chennai, Smart City, India, Lincoln University College, Malaysia, University of Puthisastra, Cambodia, Wiley Researcher Academy, World, 2 months (October, 2022 to December, 2022).

Former Head of Department Interim, Clinical Pharmacologist, Pharmaco-Haemo-Materio-Vigilance Specialist, Departments of Pharmacology, Clinical Pharmacology, Molecular Pharmacology and Pharmacovigilance (Paraclinicals / Clinicals), and Postgraduate / Doctorate Clinicals (Medicine, Paediatrics, Dermatology, Pulmonary Medicine, Psychiatry, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Surgery, Orthopaedics, Otorhinolaryngology, Ophthalmology), Pharmacovigilance and Ethics College and Hospital Committees' Member, Medical Council of India - National Medical Commission Medical Education Unit Member, Postgraduate / Doctorate / Faculty Academic Co-ordinator and Journal Club Faculty Coach (Community Medicine, Medicine, Ophthalmology, Paediatrics, ENT, Dermatology, Surgery, Pulmonary Medicine, Anaesthesiology, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Radiology, Pathology, Psychiatry, Orthopaedics), Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacovigilance Courses Guide Perceptor, Invigilator, Question Paper Setter, Medical University External Examiner, Medical Internal Examiner, Maharajah's Institute of Medical Sciences and Hospital, Sri Rama Educational Trust, Vizianagaram, University Invigilator, Question Paper Setter, University Medical External Examiner, Gayatri Vidya Parishad Medical College and Hospital, Dr. Y. S. R. University of Health Sciences (Dr. N. T. R. University of Health Sciences), Andhra Pradesh, India, 6 months (September, 2023 to March, 2024).

Head of Departments, Clinical Pharmacologist, Pharmaco-Haemo-Materio-Vaccine-Nutra-Cosmeto Vigilance Specialist, PG Departments of Pharmacology, Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacovigilance (Paraclinicals / Clinicals) and Undergraduate Clinicals, Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacovigilance Courses Guide Perceptor, University Invigilator, Question Paper Setter, University Medical Internal Examiner, University Dental Internal Examiner, University Chief Examiner, Chairman and Assessor University Pharmacology Examinations, Medical Literary Judge, Convocant, Guest MBBS Degree Entitlement Endower, Pharmacovigilance and Vaccinevigilance and Causality Assessment Committees Co-ordinator, Member Secretary Pharmacovigilance Committee and Vaccinevigilance and Causality Assessment Committee, Chairperson Causality Assessment Committee, Pharmacovigilance and Causality Assessment and Vaccine Vigilance Speaker Faculty Curriculum Creator Skills Trainer, Clinical Trainer, Courses Trainer, Pharmacovigilance and Vaccinevigilance PG Course and Workshop (Postgraduate / Doctorate Course) Speaker Faculty Course Trainer Clinical Skills Trainer Technical Skills Trainer Curriculum Creator Course Director Co-ordinator Convener Organising Secretary, Clinical Haematopathology (Postdoctorate / Doctorate Course) Speaker Faculty Curriculum Creator Clinical Skills Trainer, Technical Skills Trainer, Clinical Haematopathology Course Director and Organising Secretary and Convener, Good Clinical Practice Speaker Faculty Curriculum Creator Clinical Skills Trainer, Good Clinical Practice Course Director and Organising Chairperson and Convener, Phamacovigilance and Causality Assessment Course Director, Vaccine Vigilance Course Director, Pharmacovigilance and Causality Assessment and Vaccine Vigilance Symposium and Workshop Organising Member Secretary and Convener, Endocrinological Pharmacology, Clinical Endocrinology, Diabetology and Thyroidology (Postdoctorate / Doctorate Course) Speaker Faculty Curriculum Creator Clinical Skills Trainer, Endocrinological Pharmacology, Clinical Endocrinology, Diabetology and Thyroidology Course Director, Endocrinological Pharmacology, Clinical Endocrinology, Diabetology and Thyroidology Course and Symposium Organising Chairperson and Convener, Anaesthetic and Analgesic Pharmacology Speaker Faculty Curriculum Creator Clinical Skills Trainer, Anaesthetic and Analgesic Pharmacology Course Director, Anaesthetic and Analgesic Pharmacology Course and Symposium Organising Chairperson and Convener, Undergraduate / Postgraduate / Doctorate / Postdoctorate Medical Courses Curriculum Creator, Pharmacology Seminars Moderator, Hi-Tech Medical College and Hospital, Vigyan Bharati Charitable Trust, Utkal University, Odisha University of Health Sciences, Bhubaneshwar, Smart City, Odisha, India, 7 months and longer (March, 2024 onwards).

Former Deputy Medical Superintendent, Medical Superintendent, Department of Medical Administration, Clinical Pharmacologist, Pharmaco-Haemo-Materio-Vigilance Specialist, Casualty Medical Officer, All College and Hospital Committees' Member, College Council Member, Raipur Institute of Medical Sciences, Lord Buddha Education Society, Pandit Deen Dayal Memorial and Ayush University, Raipur, Smart City, Chhattisgarh, India, 1 month (August, 2019 to September, 2019).

Former Clinical Pharmacologist, Pharmaco-Haemo-Materio-Vigilance Specialist, Head of Department In Charge, Head of Department, Departments of Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacology, Medical Council of India - National Medical Commission Medical Education Unit Co-ordinator, MD Pharmacology Guide, MD Pharmacology Question Paper Setter, MD Pharmacology Examiner, College and Hospital Committees' Member, Rajshree Medical Research Institute, Rajshree Hospital, Rajshree Educational Trust, Chief Warden, Mahatma Jyotiba Phule Rohilkhand University, Atal Bihari Vajpayee Medical University, Bareilly, Smart City, Uttar Pradesh, Counter Magnet Area to National Capital Region of Delhi, India, 20 days (April, 2023 to May, 2023).

Medical Director, Medical Superintendent, Hospitals, Polyclinics and Diagnostic Centres Director, Apollo Diagnostics Patient Care Centre Director, Clinical Director, Academic Centres Director, Educational Centres Director, Planning, Strategies, Administration and Management Centre Director, Chief Hospitals, Polyclinics, Diagnostic Centres, Academic Centres, Educational Centres and Administration Centre Operations Management, Hospitals, Polyclinics and Diagnostic Centres Administrator, Principal Academic Centres and Educational Centres Operating and Administrative Officer-Administrator, Principal Hospitals, Polyclinics And Diagnostic Centres Operating and Administrative Officer, Hospital Administrator, Director Medical Administration / Dean Administration, Laboratory Director, Medical Academics and Clinical Research Director, Principal / Dean Academics, Medical Academician, Professor, Administrative Director, Managing Director, Chief Executive Officer, Clinical Demographer, Registrar, Senior Resident Pharmacology, Clinical Pharmacology, Molecular Pharmacology and Therapeutics, Senior Resident Pathology and Clinical Pathology, Specialist Medical Officer, Senior Medical Officer, General Duty Medical Officer, Consultant Multi-Specialist Clinical Pharmacological Physician, Consultant Multi-Specialist Clinical Pathologist, Head of Departments Pharmacology, Clinical Pharmacology, Molecular Pharmacology and Therapeutics, Head of Departments Clinical Medicine and Medication Management, Head of Departments Clinical Pathology, Haematology, Cytopathology, Pathology and Molecular Diagnostics, Head of Departments Laboratory Medicine, Clinical Diagnostics and Molecular Diagnostics, Consultant Rational Pharmacotherapeutic Physician, Consultant Drug Safety and Quality Physician, Consultant Respiratory Physician, Consultant Cardiologist, Consultant Neonatologist, Consultant Diabetologist, Consultant Thyroidologist, Consultant Infertility Treatment and Reproductive Endocrinologist, Consultant Reproductive Medicine Physician, Consultant Maternal Medicine Physician, Consultant Maternal Health Physician, Consultant Women Health Physician, Consultant Child Health Physician, Consultant Clinical Endocrinologist, Consultant Oncologist, Consultant Gynaecological and Obstetric Pharmacological Physician, Consultant Infertility Treatment and Reproductive Endocrinological Pharmacological Physician, Consultant Clinical Endocrinological Pharmacological Physician, Consultant Diabetological Pharmacological Physician, Consultant Metabolic Medicine Physician, Consultant Respiratory and Cardiovascular Pharmacological Physician, Consultant Emergency Medicine Physician, Consultant Paediatric and Neonatal Pharmacological Physician, Consultant Orthopaedic and Rheumatological Pharmacological Physician, Consultant Dermatopharmacological Physician, Consultant Cancer Immunotherapeutic and Molecular Oncologist, Consultant Pharmaco-Haemo-Materio-Vigilance Specialist, Consultant Pharmaco-Nutri-Cosmeto-Vigilance Specialist, Consultant Pharmaco-Vaccine-Vigilance Specialist, Consultant Pharmacogenomics Specialist, Clinical Pharmacologist, Consultant Molecular Pharmacologist, Consultant Evidence Based Medicine Specialist, Consultant Pharmacoeconomics Specialist, Consultant Medical and Healthcare Economics Specialist, Consultant Anti-Respiratory Allergy and Asthma Pharmacologist, Consultant Anti-Hypertensive Pharmacologist, Consultant Anti-Thyroid Disorders Pharmacologist, Consultant Anti-Diabetes Pharmacologist, Consultant Anti-Anaemia Pharmacologist, Consultant Anti-Acne Pharmacologist, Consultant Multi-Specialist Laboratory Medicine Specialist, Consultant Haematologist, Consultant Cytopathologist, Consultant Molecular Diagnostics Specialist, General / Consultant Multi-Specialist Clinical Medicine Physician, Clinical Research Patho-Pharmacologist; Co-Medical Entrepreneur, Co-Educational Entrepreneur,  Co-Founder, Multi-Speciality and Super-Speciality Medical and Surgical Departments of Maternity, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Infertility Treatment and Reproductive Endocrinology, Reproductive Medicine, Maternal Medicine, Paediatrics, Neonatology, Internal Medicine and Super Specialities of Internal Medicine, General Surgery and Super Specialities of General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Otorhinolaryngology, Orthopaedics, Rheumatology, Cardiology, Cardiovascular Medicine, Renal Medicine, Pharmacology, Clinical Pharmacology, Molecular Pharmacology, Rational Pharmacotherapeutics , Pharmacogenomics, Pharmacohaemomate riovaccinevigilance, Haematology, Clinical Haematopathology,  Pathology, Clinical Pathology, Molecular Diagnostics, Clinical Endocrinology, Diabetology, Thyroidology, Clinical Oncology, Clinical Medicine, Metabolic Medicine, Respiratory Medicine, ECG Imaging, Physiotherapy, Nursing, Hospital Management and Paramedical Sciences, Hazra Nursing Home, Hazra Polyclinic And Diagnostic Centre, Hazra Academic Centre, Hazra Educational Centre, Howrah, Kolkata, Smart City, West Bengal, India, in collaboration with Dr. Moumita Hazra's Group of Organisations : Dr. Moumita Hazra’s Polyclinic And Diagnostic Centre, Dr. Moumita Hazra’s Academic Centre, Dr. Moumita Hazra’s Educational Centre, Dr. Moumita Hazra's World Administrative Enterprises, Mother Teresa University College of Nursing, Management and Paramedical Sciences, and Apollo Diagnostics Patient Care Centre (Pathology Partnership), Dr. Lal Path Labs, and Thyrocare Aarogyam Center, India, World, 45 - 46 years (July, 1982 to January, 2024) (at different times).

Former Academic and Research Scholar, and Hospital and Healthcare Project Manager in Departments of Business Administration and Healthcare Management, Sikkim Manipal University (DE), Manipal, Karnataka, Gangtok, Smart City, Sikkim, India, World, in collaboration with Dayanand Medical College and Hospital, Christian Medical College and Hospital, Satguru Partap Singh Apollo Hospital, Mohan Dai Oswal Cancer Hospital, and Guru Teg Bahadur Charitable Hospital, Ludhiana, Smart City, Punjab, India, 1.5 years (2011 to 2012).

Apollo Diagnostics Patient Care Centre Director, India, World, Consultant Multi-Specialist Clinical Pharmacological Physician, Consultant Multi-Specialist Clinical Medicine Physician, Consultant Quality and Safety Physician, Clinical Pharmacologist, Pharmaco-Haemo-Materio-Vigilance Specialist, Consultant Pathologist, Consultant Physician and General Physician : Respiratory Cardiovascular Renal Physician, Asthma Physician, Hypertension Physician, Baby and Child Physician, Diabetologist, Thyroidologist, Infertility Treatment and Reproductive Endocrinologist, Gynaecological and Obstetric Physician, Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecological Medicine Specialist, Rheumatological Physician, Peptic Ulcer Physician, Anaemia Physician, Acne Physician, Emergency Medicine Physician, Specialist Medical Officer, Laboratory Director, Technical Manager, Laboratory Advisor and Supervisor, Honorary Consultant Pathologist, Consultant Multi-Specialist Clinical Pathologist, Indus Nursing Home, Polyclinics and Indus Diagnostic Centres, Iris Hospitex and B. S. Diagnostic Centres, Mahuya Diagnostic Centre and Doctors’ Chamber, Bhramar Seva Sadan, Bargachia Pathological Lab, Medilab Pathological Laboratory, Howrah, Kolkata, Smart City, West Bengal, General Patho Clinic, Rourkela, Smart City, Odisha, India, Dr. Lal Path Labs and Patient Service Centre, and Thyrocare  Aarogyam Center, India, 9 years 15 days and longer (at different times).

Mentor, Subject Expert (Questions and Answers Expert), Discussion Panel, Board Member, Editorial Board Member, Advisory Board Member, Speaker Faculty, Academic Delegate, Participant, Royal Colleges, Institutes, Universities, Academic Organisations, Medical Organisations, Pharmaceutical Organisations, Publications, and World Organisations, Associations, Conferences, Summits and Federations, India, World.

 Medical Academic Delegate, Medical Administrative Meetings Delegate, Medical Education Meetings Delegate, Medical Consultation Meetings Delegate, Medical Academic Roundtable Meetings Delegate, Medical Administrative Roundtable Meetings Delegate, Medical Consultation Roundtable Meetings Delegate, Annual General Body Meetings Delegate, Board Meetings Delegate, Advisory Board Meetings Delegate, Trustee Governance Board Meetings Delegate, Pharmacovigilance Meeting Delegate, Cancer Summit Special Commission Delegate, Health and Medical Coalition Meeting Delegate, Medical Specialist, Governance Specialist, Academic, Mentor, Medical Discussion Panel, Medical Board Member, University of Leeds, Harvard Medical School, Boston Hospital and Medical Center, Brigham and Women's Hospital, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Massachusetts General Hospital Cancer Center, Boston Children's Hospital, Harvard Business School, Harvard Graduate School of Education, Rutgers University, Stanford University, University of Michigan, University of Colorado, Food and Drug Administration, National Health Service England, Johns Hopkins University, McMaster University, University of Cambridge, University of Oxford, Cardiff University College of Biomedical and Life Sciences School of Medicine, The Birmingham Medical Institute The Park Hospital, Hull York Medical School, European School of Haematology, Royal College of Physicians London, Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists London, Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health London, United Kingdom, United States of America, Canada, Europe; All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research, St. John's Research Institute, St. John's National Academy of Health Sciences, Manipal Academy of Higher Education, Manipal University, Mamata Medical College, Gandhi Medical College, Christian Medical College, Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College, Rama Medical College Hospital and Research Centre, King George's Medical University, Medical Council of India, National Medical Commission, Indian Pharmacological Society, Indian Society for Rational Pharmacotherapeutics, Indian Pharmacopoeia Commission : Pharmacovigilance Programme of India, Uppsala Monitoring Centre, Sweden, Indian Council of Medical Research, National Institute of Epidemiology, National Accreditation Board for Hospitals and Healthcare Providers, National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories, Quality Council of India, India; Centre for Research in Assessment and Digital Learning, Deakin University, Australia; World Health Organisation, International Union of Basic and Clinical Pharmacology, WorldRoyal College of Surgeons (Orthopaedics and Trauma Surgery) of England; Sickle Cell Society, UK; Multiple Sclerosis Society Governance Board of Trustees, UK, Europe; Hampshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust England; Derbyshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust England; National Health Service England, NHS Improvement, Total Health Oncology, Amedco, University of Illinois, Cancer Treatment Centers of America, Washington University, Cancer Wellness for Life, Northwell Health, Colorectal Cancer Alliance, West Clinic, Tigerlily Foundation, University of Kansas, Intermountain Healthcare, Northwestern University, Emory University, Huntsman Cancer Center, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, Lakeland Regional Health, Duke University Medical Center, Moffitt Cancer Center, Miami Cancer Institute, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, MGH Cancer Center, Lymphoma Center, Massachusetts General Hospital Cancer Center, Intermountain Healthcare, California Pacific Medical Center, Palo Alto Medical Foundation, Sutter Cancer Research Consortium, Tigerlily Foundation, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Cancer Treatment Centers of America, GenesisCare, Northwest Georgia Oncology, University of Toronto, Clinical Cancer Center, Medical College of Wisconsin, Genomic Sciences and Precision Medicine Center, Baptist Health, Cancer Wellness for Life, Florida Medical Clinic, Sidney Kimmel Medical College, Yale Cancer Center, Yale School of Medicine, Yale University, University of Southern California Norris Cancer Center, Keck School of Medicine, MD Anderson Cancer Center at North Colorado Medical Center, The Ohio State University, University of Colorado, Ironwood Cancer and Research Centers, Cancer Treatment Centers of America, Intermountain Healthcare, University of Pennsylvania Health System, Houston Methodist Cancer Center, Baylor University Medical Center, Rocky Mountain Cancer Center, Comprehensive Cancer Centers of Nevada, Florida Cancer Specialist and Research Institution, Providence Cancer Institute, Huntsman Cancer Institute, Cancer Wellness for Life, Levine Cancer Institute, Texas Oncology, Sisters of Charity of Leavenworth Health Medical Group, Stanford Health ValleyCare Cancer Programme, Cancer Treatment Centers of America, Florida Cancer Specialists and Research Institute, Thomas Jefferson University Hospital, University of Pittsburgh, University of Pennsylvania, University of Alabama Medical School in Birmingham, Washington University, University of Cincinnati, Intermountain Healthcare, The Center for Cancer and Blood Disorders, Annual Chicago Gynaecologic Cancer Summit, The University of Chicago Medicine and Biological Sciences, John Theurer Cancer Center, Fox Chase Cancer Center, Cancer Wellness for Life, Texas Oncology, Baylor Charles A. Sammons Cancer Center, University of Virginia, and Cleveland Clinic, Intermountain Healthcare, Cancer Treatment Centers of America, Colorectal Cancer Alliance, New York University, University of California, University of Washington, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Comprehensive Cancer Centers of Nevada, Palo Alto Medical Foundation, Karmanos Cancer Institute, City of Hope, University of Southern California, University of Kansas Cancer Center, Cancer Wellness for Life, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, Annadel Medical Group, University of California Irvine Health, Ironwood Cancer and Research Centers, Houston Methodist Hospital, Baylor College of Medicine, David Geffen School of Medicine, Vanderbilt – Ingram Cancer Center, Rocky Mountain Cancer Centers, Duke University, University of Nebraska Medical Center, Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center, University of Miami Health System, Cancer Treatment Centers of America, University of Illinois, and City of Hope National Medical Center, eMedEvents Corporation, Reproductive Medicine Associates of New York, Spring Fertility, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation, Climate Law and Governance Initiative, United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, International Commission, Voices of Future Generations Children’s Initiative, The Centre for International Sustainable Development Law, Sustainable Development Law and Policy, World Future Council, UN Committee on the Rights of the Child, UN Decade for Indigenous Languages, The World Largest Lesson, World Health Organisation, United States Food and Drug Administration, Institute of Health and Social Care Management, B A Healthcare, Williams Medical, NHS South Cumbria and Lancashire Integrated Care Board, Guy's and St. Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust, Mersey and West Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust, Walsall Healthcare NHS Trust, The Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust, Suffolk Association of Independent Care Providers Limited, Arden University, Operose Health, Royal Air Force Medical Services, Voror Health Tecnologies, Liaison Group, Oracle Cerner, Blend Associates Limited, Nectar HR, Orcha, Surrey Care Association, Lincolnshire Care Association, ECA, The National Care Forum, Athena Healthcare Group, IELTS, IDP, Scottish Care, Care England, West Sussex Partners in Care, Diabetes Professional Care, Association of British Clinical Diabetologists, UK Clinical Pharmacy Association, Diabetes Specialist Nurse Forum UK, Practice Managers Association UK, Diabetes Research and Wellness Foundation, Diabetes Inpatient Specialist Nurses UK Group, Diabetes Times, Pentucket Medical PMA, The Association of UK Diabetes, British Dietetic Association, British Society of Lifestyle Medicine, Trend Diabetes, DTN-UK, Royal College of Nursing Institute, Data4NHS, Practical Diabetes, Prescriber, Cardiovascular Professional Care, Primary Care Cardiovascular Society, MA Healthcare, Astrazeneca, Abbott, A. Menarini Farmaceutica Internazionale SRL, Novo Nordisk, Viatris, Boehringer Ingelheim, Lilly, Insulet, Roche, Sanofi, Dexcom, Ascensia, GlucoRx, Omnipod, European Wound Management Association, Independent Diabetes Trust, Institute of Chiropodists and Podiatrists, Northampton General Hospital, Leicester Diabetes Centre, University Hospitals of Leicester, University Hospitals Dorset, NHS England and Improvement, East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust, University of East Anglia, Primary Care Cardiovascular Society, Primary Care Dermatology Society, Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation,  Nottingham Children’s Hospital, Norfolk and Norwich University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Moorefields Eye Hospital and University College London, North Berwick Health Centre, Wiltshire Health and Care, University Hospital Llandough, Cardiff, University of Surrey, Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust, Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust, Milton Keynes University NHS Foundation Trust, Respiratory Professional Care, Primary Care Respiratory Society, NHS England, RCGP, Staffordshire and West Midlands Cancer Alliance, University Hospitals of North Midlands NHS Trust, Leicester Children Hospital, Liverpool Heart and Chest Hospital, George Elliot Hospital, Hereford County Hospital, NHS England, Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust, University Hospitals of Birmingham, Hereford County Hospital, UK Inhaler Group, RightBreathe, Aerogen, Chiesi, Cipla, FeNO by NIOX, Glenmark, GSK, Inspire, Kenvue, Nutricia Ltd, NuvoAir, Oniris, SenTec Medical Ltd, Thermofisher Scientific Diagnostics, The Thyroid Trust, British Thyroid Foundation, Thyroid Eye Disease Charitable Trust, Thyroid Federation International, Thyroid Cancer Alliance, European Congress of Endocrinology, European Society for Paediatric Endocrinology, European Thyroid Association, American Thyroid Association, Latin American Thyroid Society, Eurordis, European Economic Community, The Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children, Professional Record Standards Body, Wisconsin Department of Health Services, USA, UK, Government of Alberta, Canada, Europe, Western World, World.

     My Designatory Affiliations in Multi-Speciality Medical, Educational, Administrative and Sciences Practice and Consultancy : 26 - 27 years and longer 

Former Resident (Medical Undergraduate, Postgraduate and Doctorate), Medical and Surgical Departments (including Pharmacology, Clinical Pharmacology, Pathology and Clinical Pathology), Medical Invigilator, Dr. B. R. Ambedkar Medical College and and Hospital, Ananda Social and Educational Trust, K. C. General Hospital, Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bangalore, Smart City, Karnataka, India, 5.5 years (August, 2000 to April, 2006).

Former Resident and Tutor (Medical Undergraduate, Postgraduate, Doctorate and Postdoctorate) and Guest Tutor (Nursing Undergraduate and Postgraduate), Clinical Pharmacologist, Pharmaco-Haemo-Materio-Vigilance Specialist, Departments of Pharmacology, Clinical Pharmacology and Molecular Pharmacology, Medical Invigilator, J.J.M. Medical College and Hospitals (semi-government), Bapuji Educational Association, Chigateri General Hospital, Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Davangere, Smart City, Karnataka, India, 3 years (May, 2012 to April, 2015).

Former Resident and Tutor (Medical Undergraduate, Postgraduate, Doctorate, and Postdoctorate), Departments of Pathology and Clinical Pathology, Medical Invigilator, J.J.M. Medical College and Hospitals (semi-government), Bapuji Educational Association, Chigateri General Hospital, Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Davangere, Smart City, Karnataka, India, 2 years (June, 2008 to May, 2010).

Resident, Tutor, Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, Professor, Guest Professor, Head of Departments, Head of Department In Charge, Head of Department Interim, Guide, Co-Guide, Consultant Multi-Specialist Clinical Pharmacological Physician, Clinical Pharmacologist, Molecular Pharmacologist, Consultant Rational Pharmacotherapeutic Physician, Consultant Drug Quality and Safety Physician, Consultant Pharmaco-Haemo-Materio-Vaccine Vigilance Specialist, Consultant Pharmaco-Nutra-Cosmeto-Vigilance Specialist, Consultant Pharmaco-Vaccine-Vigilance Specialist, Consultant Evidence Based Medicine Specialist, Consultant Pharmacoepidemiologist, Consultant Pharmacogenomics Specialist, Consultant Pharmacoeconomics Specialist, Consultant Clinical Pharmacotherapeutic Physician, Consultant Systemic Clinical Pharmacological Physician, Consultant Multi-Specialist Clinical Pathologist, Consultant Haematologist, Consultant Clinical Haematopathologist, Consultant Cytopathologist, Consultant Molecular Diagnostics Specialist, Consultant Multi-Specialist Clinical Medicine Physician, Medical Officer, Specialist Medical Officer, Casualty Medical Officer and General Physician, in Medical and Surgical Departments (Preclinicals / Paraclinicals / Clinicals), particularly, in Departments of Pharmacology, Clinical Pharmacology, Molecular Pharmacology, Pharmacovigilance, Therapeutics, (Paraclinicals / Clinicals), Clinical Pathology, Pathology, Clinical Haematopathology, Molecular Diagnostics (Paraclinicals / Clinicals), and Undergraduate / Postgraduate / Doctorate Clinicals (Medicine, Paediatrics, Dermatology, Pulmonary Medicine, Psychiatry, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Surgery, Orthopaedics, Otorhinolaryngology, Ophthalmology, Clinical Endocrinology, Diabetology), Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacovigilance Courses Guide Perceptor, In Charge Central Pathological Laboratory, Pharmacovigilance Co-ordinator, Undergraduate / Postgraduate / Doctorate / Postdoctorate / Faculty Academic Internal Quality Assurance and Control Co-ordinator, Undergraduate / Postgraduate / Doctorate / Postdoctorate / Faculty Academic Research In Charge, Senior Research Fellow, Clinical Research Patho-Pharmacologist, National and International Journals and Books Publications Author, Book Author, Reviewer, Editor, Associate Editor, Editor In-Chief, Book Chief Editor, Editorial Board Member and Advisory Board Member, Academic Planner, Postgraduate / Doctorate / Faculty Academic Co-ordinator and Journal Club Faculty Coach (Community Medicine, Medicine, Ophthalmology, Paediatrics, ENT, Dermatology, Surgery, Pulmonary Medicine, Anaesthesiology, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Radiology, Pathology, Psychiatry, Orthopaedics), Medical Council of India - National Medical Commission Medical Education Unit Co-ordinator and Member and Faculty, National and International Conferences, Symposia, Congresses and Summits Delegate, Orator, Presenter, Faculty, Mentor, Advisory Board Member and Discussion Panelist, Assistant Super Warden, Chief Warden, All College and Hospital Committees' Member, College Council Member, Deputy Medical Superintendent, Medical Superintendent, Vice Principal, Medical Postgraduate Entrance Examinations Board Appraiser, Medical MBBS Pharmacology Pathology, MD Pharmacology, DM Clinical Pharmacology, DCP Clinical Pathology, Dental BDS Pharmacology, BSc Nursing, Pharmacy, Paramedical, Biomedical MSc Medical Pharmacology, PhD Medical Pharmacology and Aligned Integrated Medicine Undergraduate / Postgraduate / Doctorate / Postdoctorate Courses University Invigilator, Question Paper Setter, University Medical Internal Examiner, University Dental Internal Examiner, Medical University External Examiner, Dental University External Examiner, University Chief Examiner, Nursing Examiner, Paramedical Internal Examiner, Biomedical MSc PhD Medical Pharmacology Internal Examiner, Biomedical MSc PhD Medical Pharmacology University Thesis Examiner, Examiner, Assessor, Evaluator, Reviewer, Chairman and Assessor University Pharmacology Examinations, Medical Literary Judge, Convocant, Guest MBBS Degree Entitlement Endower, Pharmacovigilance and Vaccinevigilance and Causality Assessment Committees Co-ordinator, Member Secretary Pharmacovigilance and Vaccinevigilance Committee and Causality Assessment Committee, Chairperson Causality Assessment Committee, Pharmacovigilance and Causality Assessment and Vaccine Vigilance Speaker Faculty Curriculum Creator Skills Trainer, Clinical Trainer, Courses Trainer, Technical Skills Trainer, Pharmacovigilance and Vaccinevigilance PG Course and Workshop (Postgraduate / Doctorate Course) Speaker Faculty Course Trainer Clinical Skills Trainer Technical Skills Trainer Curriculum Creator Course Director Co-ordinator Convener Organising Secretary, Clinical Haematopathology (Postdoctorate / Doctorate Course) Speaker Faculty Curriculum Creator Clinical Skills Trainer, Technical Skills Trainer, Clinical Haematopathology Course Director and Organising Secretary and Convener, Good Clinical Practice Speaker Faculty Curriculum Creator Clinical Skills Trainer, Good Clinical Practice Course Director and Organising Chairperson and Convener, Phamacovigilance and Causality Assessment Course Director, Vaccine Vigilance Course Director, Pharmacovigilance and Causality Assessment and Vaccine Vigilance Symposium and Workshop Organising Member Secretary and Convener, Endocrinological Pharmacology, Clinical Endocrinology, Diabetology and Thyroidology (Postdoctorate / Doctorate Course) Speaker Faculty Curriculum Creator Clinical Skills Trainer, Endocrinological Pharmacology, Clinical Endocrinology, Diabetology and Thyroidology Course Director, Endocrinological Pharmacology, Clinical Endocrinology, Diabetology and Thyroidology Course and Symposium Organising Chairperson and Convener, Anaesthetic and Analgesic Pharmacology Speaker Faculty Curriculum Creator Clinical Skills Trainer, Anaesthetic and Analgesic Pharmacology Course Director, Anaesthetic and Analgesic Pharmacology Course and Symposium Organising Chairperson and Convener, Undergraduate / Postgraduate / Doctorate / Postdoctorate Medical Courses Curriculum Creator, Pharmacology Seminars Moderator in Dr. B. R. Ambedkar Medical College and Hospital, K. C. General Hospital, J. J. M. Medical College and Hospital, Chigateri General Hospital, K. D. Medical College, Hospital and Research Center, Gouri Devi Institute of Medical Sciences and Hospital, Sri Ramkrishna Institute of Medical Sciences and Sanaka Hospitals, Hi-Tech Medical College and Hospital, Rama Medical College Hospital and Research Centre, Mamata Medical College, Mamata Hospitals, Kakatiya Medical College and Hospital, Narayana Medical College, Narayana Hospitals, Shri Balaji Institute of Medical Science, Shri Balaji Hospital, Jagannath Gupta Institute of Medical Sciences and Hospital, Krishna Mohan Medical College, Krishna Mohan Hospital, Krishna Mohan University, Rama Medical College Hospital and Research Centre, Maharajah's Institute of Medical Sciences and Hospital, Gayatri Vidya Parishad Medical College and Hospital, Hi-Tech Medical College and Hospital, Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose Subharti Medical College, Chhatrapati Shivaji Subharti Hospital, Lok Priya Hospital, Rajshree Medical Research Institute, Rajshree Hospital, Raipur Institute of Medical Sciences, Shri Shankaracharya Institute of Medical Sciences, Lord Buddha Koshi Medical College and Hospital, Universities including Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Dr. B. R. Ambedkar University, Atal Bihari Vajpayee Medical University, West Bengal University of Health Sciences, Sambalpur University, Rama University, Kaloji Narayana Rao University of Health Sciences, Dr. Y. S. R. University of Health Science (Dr. N. T. R. University of Health Sciences), Chaudhary Charan Singh University (Meerut University), Utkal University, Odisha University of Health Sciences, University of Kentucky, University of North Texas, Association of American Medical Colleges, USA, Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute, Canada, India, Indian Institute of Technology, India, Lincoln University College, Malaysia, University of Puthisastra, Cambodia, Wiley Researcher Academy, World, Pandit Deen Dayal Upadhyay Memorial Health Sciences and Ayush University, Swami Vivekanand Subharti University, Mahatma Jyotiba Phule Rohilkhand Medical University, Rama University, Vardhman Mahavir Medical College and Safdarjung Hospital, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, Dental Colleges, Nursing Colleges including Hi-Tech College of Nursing, Paramedical Colleges, Biomedical Colleges, and Pharmacy Colleges, India, World, 26 - 27 years and longer (from September, 2000 onwards) (in past and present).

Former Senior Resident, Department of Pathology, Tata Main Hospital, Jamshedpur, Jharkhand, in collaboration with Tata Memorial Centre, Tata Memorial Hospital, Mumbai, Smart City, India, 1.5 months (May, 2011 to June, 2011).

Medical Director, Medical Superintendent, Hospitals, Polyclinics and Diagnostic Centres Director, Apollo Diagnostics Patient Care Centre Director, Clinical Director, Academic Centres Director, Educational Centres Director, Planning, Strategies, Administration and Management Centre Director, Chief Hospitals, Polyclinics, Diagnostic Centres, Academic Centres, Educational Centres and Administration Centre Operations Management, Hospitals, Polyclinics and Diagnostic Centres Administrator, Principal Academic Centres and Educational Centres Operating and Administrative Officer-Administrator, Principal Hospitals, Polyclinics And Diagnostic Centres Operating and Administrative Officer, Hospital Administrator, Director Medical Administration / Dean Administration, Laboratory Director, Medical Academics and Clinical Research Director, Principal / Dean Academics, Medical Academician, Professor, Administrative Director, Managing Director, Chief Executive Officer, Clinical Demographer, Registrar, Senior Resident Pharmacology, Clinical Pharmacology, Molecular Pharmacology and Therapeutics, Senior Resident Pathology and Clinical Pathology, Specialist Medical Officer, Senior Medical Officer, General Duty Medical Officer, Consultant Multi-Specialist Clinical Pharmacological Physician, Consultant Multi-Specialist Clinical Pathologist, Head of Departments Pharmacology, Clinical Pharmacology, Molecular Pharmacology and Therapeutics, Head of Departments Clinical Medicine and Medication Management, Head of Departments Clinical Pathology, Haematology, Cytopathology, Pathology and Molecular Diagnostics, Head of Departments Laboratory Medicine, Clinical Diagnostics and Molecular Diagnostics, Consultant Rational Pharmacotherapeutic Physician, Consultant Drug Safety and Quality Physician, Consultant Respiratory Physician, Consultant Cardiologist, Consultant Neonatologist, Consultant Diabetologist, Consultant Thyroidologist, Consultant Infertility Treatment and Reproductive Endocrinologist, Consultant Reproductive Medicine Physician, Consultant Maternal Medicine Physician, Consultant Maternal Health Physician, Consultant Women Health Physician, Consultant Child Health Physician, Consultant Clinical Endocrinologist, Consultant Oncologist, Consultant Gynaecological and Obstetric Pharmacological Physician, Consultant Infertility Treatment and Reproductive Endocrinological Pharmacological Physician, Consultant Clinical Endocrinological Pharmacological Physician, Consultant Diabetological Pharmacological Physician, Consultant Metabolic Medicine Physician, Consultant Respiratory and Cardiovascular Pharmacological Physician, Consultant Emergency Medicine Physician, Consultant Paediatric and Neonatal Pharmacological Physician, Consultant Orthopaedic and Rheumatological Pharmacological Physician, Consultant Dermatopharmacological Physician, Consultant Cancer Immunotherapeutic and Molecular Oncologist, Consultant Pharmaco-Haemo-Materio-Vaccine Vigilance Specialist, Consultant Pharmaco-Nutri-Cosmeto-Vigilance Specialist, Consultant Pharmaco-Vaccine-Vigilance Specialist, Consultant Pharmacogenomics Specialist, Clinical Pharmacologist, Consultant Molecular Pharmacologist, Consultant Evidence Based Medicine Specialist, Consultant Pharmacoeconomics Specialist, Consultant Medical and Healthcare Economics Specialist, Consultant Anti-Respiratory Allergy and Asthma Pharmacologist, Consultant Anti-Hypertensive Pharmacologist, Consultant Anti-Thyroid Disorders Pharmacologist, Consultant Anti-Diabetes Pharmacologist, Consultant Anti-Anaemia Pharmacologist, Consultant Anti-Acne Pharmacologist, Consultant Multi-Specialist Laboratory Medicine Specialist, Consultant Haematologist, Consultant Clinical Haematopathologist, Consultant Cytopathologist, Consultant Molecular Diagnostics Specialist, General / Consultant Multi-Specialist Clinical Medicine Physician, Clinical Research Patho-Pharmacologist; Co-Medical Entrepreneur, Co-Educational Entrepreneur,  Co-Founder, Multi-Speciality and Super-Speciality Medical and Surgical Departments of Maternity, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Infertility Treatment and Reproductive Endocrinology, Reproductive Medicine, Maternal Medicine, Paediatrics, Neonatology, Internal Medicine and Super Specialities of Internal Medicine, General Surgery and Super Specialities of General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Otorhinolaryngology, Orthopaedics, Rheumatology, Cardiology, Cardiovascular Medicine, Renal Medicine, Pharmacology, Clinical Pharmacology, Molecular Pharmacology, Rational Pharmacotherapeutics, Pharmacogenomics, Pharmacohaemomate riovigilance, Haematology, Clinical Haematopathology, Pathology, Clinical Pathology, Molecular Diagnostics, Clinical Endocrinology, Diabetology, Thyroidology, Clinical Oncology, Clinical Medicine, Metabolic Medicine, Respiratory Medicine, ECG Imaging, Physiotherapy, Nursing, Hospital Management and Paramedical Sciences, Hazra Nursing Home, Hazra Polyclinic And Diagnostic Centre, Hazra Academic Centre, Hazra Educational Centre, Howrah, Kolkata, Smart City, West Bengal, India, in collaboration with Dr. Moumita Hazra's Group of Organisations : Dr. Moumita Hazra’s Polyclinic And Diagnostic Centre, Dr. Moumita Hazra’s Academic Centre, Dr. Moumita Hazra’s Educational Centre, Dr. Moumita Hazra's World Enterprises, Mother Teresa University College of Nursing, Management and Paramedical Sciences, and Apollo Diagnostics Patient Care Centre (Pathology Partnership), Dr. Lal Path Labs and Patient Service Centre, and Thyrocare Aarogyam Center, India, World, 45 - 46 years (July, 1982 to January, 2024) (at different times).

Apollo Diagnostics Patient Care Centre Director, India, World, Consultant Multi-Specialist Clinical Pharmacological Physician, Consultant Multi-Specialist Clinical Medicine Physician, Consultant Quality and Safety Physician, Clinical Pharmacologist, Pharmaco-Haemo-Materio-Vigilance Specialist, Consultant Pathologist, Consultant Physician and General Physician : Respiratory Cardiovascular Renal Physician, Asthma Physician, Hypertension Physician, Baby and Child Physician, Diabetologist, Thyroidologist, Infertility Treatment and Reproductive Endocrinologist, Gynaecological and Obstetric Physician, Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecological Medicine Specialist, Rheumatological Physician, Peptic Ulcer Physician, Anaemia Physician, Acne Physician, Emergency Medicine Physician, Specialist Medical Officer, Laboratory Director, Technical Manager, Laboratory Advisor and Supervisor, Honorary Consultant Pathologist, Consultant Multi-Specialist Clinical Pathologist, Indus Nursing Home, Polyclinics and Indus Diagnostic Centres, Iris Hospitex and B. S. Diagnostic Centres, Mahuya Diagnostic Centre and Doctors’ Chamber, Bhramar Seva Sadan, Bargachia Pathological Lab, Medilab Pathological Laboratory, Howrah, Kolkata, Smart City, West Bengal, General Patho Clinic, Rourkela, Smart City, Odisha, India, Dr. Lal Path Labs, and Thyrocare  Aarogyam Center, India, 9 years 15 days and longer (at different times). 

Former part-time Senior Medical Officer, Pharmaco-Haemo- Materio-Vigilance Specialist, Ruby General Hospital, Kolkata, Smart City, West Bengal, India, 19 days (August, 2016).

Former part-time Resident Medical Officer, Casualty Medical Officer, Daya Memorial Hospital, Hygiea Hospital, New Delhi, Smart City, Delhi, India, 1 year (June, 2006 to July, 2007).

Former part-time Resident Medical Officer, Casualty Medical Officer, Greenland Hospital (under retired Indian Army and Non-Army Proprietorship), New Delhi, Delhi, India, 1 month (May 2006 to June 2006).

Former part-time Resident Medical Officer, Casualty Medical Officer, Chaitanya Hospital, Bangalore, Karnataka, India, 1 month (May 2006).

Former part-time Consultant Clinical Pathologist, Central Pathological Laboratory, Clinical Pharmacologist, Pharmaco-Haemo-Materio-Vigilance Specialist, Departments of Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacology, K. D. Medical College Hospital and Research Center, R. K. Group, Dr. B. R. Ambedkar University, Atal Bihari Vajpayee Medical University, Mathura - Delhi Road, Uttar Pradesh, India, 1 month.

Former part-time Consultant Clinical Pathologist, Central Pathological Laboratory, Casualty Medical Officer, Clinical Pharmacologist, Pharmaco-Haemo-Materio-Vigilance Specialist, Department of Pharmacology, Raipur Institute of Medical Sciences, Lord Buddha Education Society, Pandit Deen Dayal Memorial and Ayush University, Raipur, Smart City, Chattisgarh, India, 20 days.

Former In-Charge Central Pathological Laboratory, Clinical Pharmacologist, Pharmaco-Haemo-Materio-Vigilance Specialist, Departments of Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacology, Hi-Tech Medical College and Hospital, Vigyan Bharati Charitable Trust, Sambalpur University, Rourkela, Smart City, Odisha, India, 1 month.

Former part-time Consultant Clinical Pathologist, Central Pathological Laboratory, Clinical Pharmacologist, Pharmaco-Haemo-Materio-Vigilance Specialist, Departments of Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacology, Shri Shankaracharya Institute of Medical Sciences, Shri Gangajali Education Society, Pandit Deen Dayal Memorial and Ayush University, Bhilai, Chhattisgarh, India, 1 month.

Former Junior Resident, Departments of Obstetrics and Gynaecology and Paediatrics, Vardhman Mahavir Medical College and Safdarjung Hospital, Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, New Delhi, Smart City, Delhi, India, 1-2 days.

Apollo Diagnostics Patient Care Centre Director, India, World, Consultant Multi-Specialist Clinical Pharmacological Physician, Consultant Multi-Specialist Clinical Pathologist, Consultant Multi-Specialist Clinical Medicine Physician, Consultant Quality and Safety Physician, Clinical Pharmacologist, Pharmaco-Haemo-Materio-Vigilance Specialist, Consultant Pathologist, Consultant Physician and General Physician : Respiratory Cardiovascular Renal Physician, Asthma Physician, Hypertension Physician, Baby and Child Physician, Diabetologist, Thyroidologist, Infertility Treatment and Reproductive Endocrinologist, Gynaecological and Obstetric Physician, Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecological Medicine Specialist, Rheumatological Physician, Peptic Ulcer Physician, Anaemia Physician, Acne Physician, Emergency Medicine Physician, General / Clinical Medicine Department Advisor and Supervisor, Obstetrics and Gynaecology Department Advisor and Supervisor, Paediatrics and Neonatal Medicine, Specialist Medical Officer, Hospitals, Hazra Nursing Home, Ujala Eye Care Nursing Home, Bargachhia Nursing Home, Bahana Nursing Home, Indus Diagnostic Centres, Polyclinics and Nursing Home, B.S. Diagnostic Centres and Iris Hospitex, Ashif Nursing Home, Gourhari Nursing Home, Polyclinics, Dispensaries, Diagnostic Centres, Howrah, Hooghly, South 24 Parganas, Kolkata, Smart City, West Bengal, India, Apollo Diagnostics Patient Care Centres, and Thyrocare  Aarogyam Center, India, World, 2 years 9 months 15 days and longer (at different times).

Mentor, Subject Expert (Questions and Answers Expert), Discussion Panel, Board Member, Editorial Board Member, Advisory Board Member, Speaker Faculty, Academic Delegate, Participant, Royal Colleges, Institutes, Universities, Academic Organisations, Medical Organisations, Pharmaceutical Organisations, Publications, and World Organisations, Associations, Conferences, Summits and Federations, India, World.

Medical Academic Delegate, Medical Administrative Meetings Delegate, Medical Education Meetings Delegate, Medical Consultation Meetings Delegate, Medical Academic Roundtable Meetings Delegate, Medical Administrative Roundtable Meetings Delegate, Medical Consultation Roundtable Meetings Delegate, Annual General Body Meetings Delegate, Board Meetings Delegate, Advisory Board Meetings Delegate, Trustee Governance Board Meetings Delegate, Pharmacovigilance Meeting Delegate, Cancer Summit Special Commission Delegate, Health and Medical Coalition Meeting Delegate, Medical Specialist, Governance Specialist, Academic, Mentor, Medical Discussion Panel, Medical Board Member, University of Leeds, Harvard Medical School, Boston Hospital and Medical Center, Brigham and Women's Hospital, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Massachusetts General Hospital Cancer Center, Boston Children's Hospital, Harvard Business School, Harvard Graduate School of Education, Rutgers University, Stanford University, University of Michigan, University of Colorado, Food and Drug Administration, National Health Service England, Johns Hopkins University, McMaster University, University of Cambridge, University of Oxford, Cardiff University College of Biomedical and Life Sciences School of Medicine, The Birmingham Medical Institute The Park Hospital, Hull York Medical School, European School of Haematology, Royal College of Physicians London, Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists Londonĺ Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health London, United Kingdom, United States of America, Canada, Europe; All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research, St. John's Research Institute, St. John's National Academy of Health Sciences, Manipal Academy of Higher Education, Manipal University, Mamata Medical College, Gandhi Medical College, Christian Medical College, Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College, Rama Medical College Hospital and Research Centre, King George's Medical University, Medical Council of India, National Medical Commission, Indian Pharmacological Society, Indian Society for Rational Pharmacotherapeutics, Indian Pharmacopoeia Commission : Pharmacovigilance Programme of India, Uppsala Monitoring Centre, Sweden, Indian Council of Medical Research, National Institute of Epidemiology, National Accreditation Board for Hospitals and Healthcare Providers, National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories, Quality Council of India, India; Centre for Research in Assessment and Digital Learning, Deakin University, Australia; World Health Organisation, International Union of Basic and Clinical Pharmacology, WorldRoyal College of Surgeons (Orthopaedics and Trauma Surgery) of England; Sickle Cell Society, UK; Multiple Sclerosis Society Governance Board of Trustees, UK, Europe; Hampshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust England; Derbyshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust England; National Health Service England, NHS Improvement, Total Health Oncology, Amedco, University of Illinois, Cancer Treatment Centers of America, Washington University, Cancer Wellness for Life, Northwell Health, Colorectal Cancer Alliance, West Clinic, Tigerlily Foundation, University of Kansas, Intermountain Healthcare, Northwestern University, Emory University, Huntsman Cancer Center, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, Lakeland Regional Health, Duke University Medical Center, Moffitt Cancer Center, Miami Cancer Institute, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, MGH Cancer Center, Lymphoma Center, Massachusetts General Hospital Cancer Center, Intermountain Healthcare, California Pacific Medical Center, Palo Alto Medical Foundation, Sutter Cancer Research Consortium, Tigerlily Foundation, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Cancer Treatment Centers of America, GenesisCare, Northwest Georgia Oncology, University of Toronto, Clinical Cancer Center, Medical College of Wisconsin, Genomic Sciences and Precision Medicine Center, Baptist Health, Cancer Wellness for Life, Florida Medical Clinic, Sidney Kimmel Medical College, Yale Cancer Center, Yale School of Medicine, Yale University, University of Southern California Norris Cancer Center, Keck School of Medicine, MD Anderson Cancer Center at North Colorado Medical Center, The Ohio State University, University of Colorado, Ironwood Cancer and Research Centers, Cancer Treatment Centers of America, Intermountain Healthcare, University of Pennsylvania Health System, Houston Methodist Cancer Center, Baylor University Medical Center, Rocky Mountain Cancer Center, Comprehensive Cancer Centers of Nevada, Florida Cancer Specialist and Research Institution, Providence Cancer Institute, Huntsman Cancer Institute, Cancer Wellness for Life, Levine Cancer Institute, Texas Oncology, Sisters of Charity of Leavenworth Health Medical Group, Stanford Health ValleyCare Cancer Programme, Cancer Treatment Centers of America, Florida Cancer Specialists and Research Institute, Thomas Jefferson University Hospital, University of Pittsburgh, University of Pennsylvania, University of Alabama Medical School in Birmingham, Washington University, University of Cincinnati, Intermountain Healthcare, Colorectal Cancer Alliance, The Center for Cancer and Blood Disorders, John Theurer Cancer Center, Fox Chase Cancer Center, Cancer Wellness for Life, Annual Chicago Gynaecologic Cancer Summit, The University of Chicago Medicine and Biological Sciences, Texas Oncology, Baylor Charles A. Sammons Cancer Center, University of Virginia, and Cleveland Clinic, Intermountain Healthcare, Cancer Treatment Centers of America, Colorectal Cancer Alliance, New York University, University of California, University of Washington, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Comprehensive Cancer Centers of Nevada, Palo Alto Medical Foundation, Karmanos Cancer Institute, City of Hope, University of Southern California, University of Kansas Cancer Center, Cancer Wellness for Life, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, Annadel Medical Group, University of California Irvine Health, Ironwood Cancer and Research Centers, Houston Methodist Hospital, Baylor College of Medicine, David Geffen School of Medicine, Vanderbilt – Ingram Cancer Center, Rocky Mountain Cancer Centers, Duke University, University of Nebraska Medical Center, Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center, University of Miami Health System, Cancer Treatment Centers of America, University of Illinois, and City of Hope National Medical Center, eMedEvents Corporation, Reproductive Medicine Associates of New York, Spring Fertility, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation, Climate Law and Governance Initiative, United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, International Commission, Voices of Future Generations Children’s Initiative, The Centre for International Sustainable Development Law, Sustainable Development Law and Policy, World Future Council, UN Committee on the Rights of the Child, UN Decade for Indigenous Languages, The World Largest Lesson, World Health Organisation, United States Food and Drug Administration, Institute of Health and Social Care Management, B A Healthcare, Williams Medical, NHS South Cumbria and Lancashire Integrated Care Board, Guy's and St. Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust, Mersey and West Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust, Walsall Healthcare NHS Trust, The Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust, Suffolk Association of Independent Care Providers Limited, Arden University, Operose Health, Royal Air Force Medical Services, Voror Health Tecnologies, Liaison Group, Oracle Cerner, Blend Associates Limited, Nectar HR, Orcha, Surrey Care Association, Lincolnshire Care Association, ECA, The National Care Forum, Athena Healthcare Group, IELTS, IDP, Scottish Care, Care England, West Sussex Partners in Care, Diabetes Professional Care, Association of British Clinical Diabetologists, UK Clinical Pharmacy Association, Diabetes Specialist Nurse Forum UK, Practice Managers Association UK, Diabetes Research and Wellness Foundation, Diabetes Inpatient Specialist Nurses UK Group, Diabetes Times, Pentucket Medical PMA, The Association of UK Diabetes, British Dietetic Association, British Society of Lifestyle Medicine, Trend Diabetes, DTN-UK, Royal College of Nursing Institute, Data4NHS, Practical Diabetes, Prescriber, Cardiovascular Professional Care, Primary Care Cardiovascular Society, MA Healthcare, Astrazeneca, Abbott, A. Menarini Farmaceutica Internazionale SRL, Novo Nordisk, Viatris, Boehringer Ingelheim, Lilly, Insulet, Roche, Sanofi, Dexcom, Ascensia, GlucoRx, Omnipod, European Wound Management Association, Independent Diabetes Trust, Institute of Chiropodists and Podiatrists, Northampton General Hospital, Leicester Diabetes Centre, University Hospitals of Leicester, University Hospitals Dorset, NHS England and Improvement, East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust, University of East Anglia, Primary Care Dermatology Society, Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation,  Nottingham Children’s Hospital, Norfolk and Norwich University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Moorefields Eye Hospital and University College London, North Berwick Health Centre, Wiltshire Health and Care, University Hospital Llandough, Cardiff, University of Surrey, Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust, Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust, Milton Keynes University NHS Foundation Trust, Respiratory Professional Care, Primary Care Respiratory Society, NHS England, RCGP, Staffordshire and West Midlands Cancer Alliance, University Hospitals of North Midlands NHS Trust, Leicester Children Hospital, Liverpool Heart and Chest Hospital, George Elliot Hospital, Hereford County Hospital, NHS England, Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust, University Hospitals of Birmingham, Hereford County Hospital, UK Inhaler Group, RightBreathe, Aerogen, Chiesi, Cipla, FeNO by NIOX, Glenmark, GSK, Inspire, Kenvue, Nutricia Ltd, NuvoAir, Oniris, SenTec Medical Ltd, Thermofisher Scientific Diagnostics, The Thyroid Trust, British Thyroid Foundation, Thyroid Eye Disease Charitable Trust, Thyroid Federation International, Thyroid Cancer Alliance, European Congress of Endocrinology, European Society for Paediatric Endocrinology, European Thyroid Association, American Thyroid Association, Latin American Thyroid Society, Eurordis, European Economic Community, The Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children, Professional Record Standards Body, Wisconsin Department of Health Services, USA, UK, Government of Alberta, Canada, Europe, World.

My Novel Educational Career Achievements :

1. Medical Multi-Specialist Doctor (in Postgraduation / Doctorate) : DCP (Diploma in Clinical Pathology), MD (Doctor of Medicine in Pharmacology).

2. Multi-Disciplinary Educational Professional : MD (Pharmacology), DCP (Clinical Pathology), MBA (Business Administration, with Hospital and Healthcare Management), PGDCR (Clinical Research).

3. Multi-Speciality Royal College Medical and Surgical Associate Memberships : Associate MRCP (Royal College of Clinical Physicians, London, United Kingdom), Associate MRCOG (Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, London, United Kingdom), Associate MRCPCH (Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health, London, United Kingdom).

4. Multi-Speciality Medical and Surgical Fellowships and Memberships : MIPS (Pharmacology), MISRPT (Rational Pharmacotherapeutics), MAPPI (Pharmacology, Physiology), MCCP (Chest Medicine), MPCCS (Cardiovascular Medicine), FIAMS (Pathology), MIAPM (Pathology, Clinical Pathology, Laboratory Medicine), MIAC (Cytology, Cytopathology), MKCIAPM (Pathology, Clinical Pathology, Laboratory Medicine), MIMA (Medicine), MIAMS (Pathology), MNSWSCN (Stem Cell Therapy, Regenerative Medicine), MECRTDUK (Research Training and Development), MCLCR (Climate Law, Environmental Medicine), MVCCCALA (Comprehensive Oncology, Leadership).

5. Multi-Speciality Multi-Disciplinary Medical and Surgical Certifications : Pharmacology, Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics, Molecular Pharmacology, Medical Pharmacology, Systemic Pharmacology, Applied Pharmacology,  Pharmacokinetics, Pharmacodynamics, Pharmaco-Haemo-Materio-Vaccine-Nutra-Cosmeto Vigilance, Pharmacogenetics, Medical Genetics, Pharmacogenomics, Spatial Genomics, Oncoimmunogenomics, Genomic Medicine, Paediatric and Foetal Genomics, Proteomics, Biomedicine, Biotechnology, Pharmacoepidemiology, Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Community Medicine, Community and Population Health, Environmental Medicine, Pharmacoeconomics, Rational Pharmacotherapeutics, Clinical Pharmacotherapeutics, Evidence Based Medicine, Good Clinical Practices, Drug Development, Drug Discovery, Drug Innovation, Drug Invention, Therapeutics Invention, Drug Repurposing, Drug Delivery Systems, Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research, Pharmacy, Polypharmacy, Drug Quality and Safety, Medication Safety, Patient Safety, Practitioner Safety, Medication Administration, Medication Management, Evidence Based Medicine, Personalised Medicine, Medical Technology, Artificial Intelligence Technology, Machine Learning, Medical Education Technology, Good Academic Practices, Health Professions Education Instructional Methods, Efficient and Effective Interactive Professing, Interactive Workshops, Health Professions Education Methods of Assessment, Medical Professing, Medical Education, Curriculum Creation and Implementation, Professing, Education, Research, Guidance, Mentorship, Invigilation, Examinership, Assessment, Review, Supervision, Administration and Directorship of Pharmacology, Clinical Pharmacology, Molecular Pharmacology and Therapeutics, Medical Educational and Medical Higher Educational Educatorship, Ambassadorship, Supervision, Deanship, Commissionership, and Directorship, Educational Management and Directorship in Hospital and Healthcare Management, Joint Royal Colleges Curriculum Implementation, Healthy Futures Curriculum, Medical, Academic and Research Administration, Management and Directorship of Global Hospitals, Institutes, Universities and Laboratories, Global Medical, Academic, Administrative and Research Financial Management, Global Medical, Educational, Administrative and Research Planning and Strategies, Inter-Professional Educational Alignment and Integration, Clinical Teaching Methods, Medical Practice Attitude, Ethics and Communication, World Online Teaching Methods, Health Librarianship, Advanced Evidence-Based Personalised Professing, Medical Research Professing, International Committees, Boards and Trustees Member, Secretary, Treasurer and Chairperson Performance, International Committees, Boards and Trustees Meetings, Precision Medicine, Precision Oncology, Onco-Immuno-Pharmacology, Oncology, Paediatric Oncology, Neonatal Oncology, Oncoimmunoprophylactic Vaccines,  Oncoimmunotherapeutic Vaccines, Experimental Oncovaccinology, Vaccinology, Integrated Cancer Epidemiology, Integrated Cancer Medicine, Experimental Medicine, Cancer Immunotherapy, Advances in Cancer Immunotherapy, Oncoprophylactics and Oncotherapeutics, Molecular Oncology, Cancer Chemotherapy, Dermatological Pharmacology including Anti-Acne Pharmacology, Dermatology, Paediatric Dermatology, Cosmetology, Clinical Aesthetics, Obstetric and Gynaecological Pharmacology, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Consultant or Specialist Performance, Infertility Treatment and Reproductive Endocrinology, Reproductive Medicine, Maternal Medicine, Uro-Gynaecology, Obstetric and Gynaecological Cancer, Women Health, Maternal and Child Health, Paediatric and Neonatal Pharmacology, Paediatrics, Neonatology, Foetal Medicine, Respiratory Pharmacology including Pharmacology of Asthma, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease and Respiratory Allergy, Respiratory Medicine, Chest Medicine, Lung Cancer, Paediatric Pulmonology, Otorhinolaryngological Pharmacology and Pharmacology of Allergy, Otorhinolaryngology, Paediatric Otorhinolaryngology, Ophthalmological Pharmacology, Ophthalmology, Internal Medicine Pharmacotherapeutics, Internal Medicine, Clinical Medicine, Clinical Endocrinology including Diabetology, Critical Care Diabetology, Thyroidology, Endocrinological Pharmacology, Endocrine Oncology, Endocrinological Emergencies, Paediatric Endocrinology, Gastrointestinal Pharmacology including Anti-Peptic Ulcer Pharmacology, Gastroenterology, Cardiovascular Pharmacology including Anti-Hypertensive Pharmacology, Cardiology, Critical Care Cardiology, Cardiovascular Medicine, Paediatric Cardiovascular Medicine, Pulmono-Cardiovascular Medicine, Infant Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Safety, Anti-Obesity Pharmacology, Metabolic Medicine, Surgical Pharmacology, Surgical Medicine, General Surgery, Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery, Colorectal Surgery, Obstetric and Gynaecological Surgery, Cardiovascular Surgery, Head and Neck Surgery, Thoracic Surgery, Urological Surgery, Surgical Oncology, Plastic Surgery, Minimally Invasive Surgery, Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery, Laparoscopic Surgery, Robotic Surgery, Medical Robotics, Digital Surgery, Paediatric Surgery, Surgical Leadership, Orthopaedic and Rheumatological Pharmacology, Orthopaedics, Rheumatology, Paediatric Orthopaedics and Rheumatology, Medical Emergencies in Rheumatology, Sports and Exercise Medicine, NeuroPharmacology, Neurology, Neuromedicine, Paediatric Neurology, Functional Neurology, Behavioural Medicine, Neuro-Urology, Urology, Bladder Cancer, Paediatric Urology, Nephrology, Paediatric Nephrology, Cardiorenal Medicine, Renal Pharmacology, Paediatric Nephrology, Renal Cancer, Geriatric Pharmacology, Geriatric Medicine, Anaesthetic and Analgesic Pharmacology, Anaesthesiology, Pain and Palliative Medicine, Emergency Medicine, Intensive Care Medicine, Paediatric Emergency Medicine, Paediatric Trauma Medicine, Acute and Chronic Medicine, Haematopharmacology, Haematology, Haemato-Oncology, Stem Cell Treatment and Research, Regenerative Medicine, Transplant Medicine, Medicinal Chemistry, Biochemistry, Physiology, Pathophysiology, Pathopharmacology, Pathology, Clinical Pathology, Laboratory Medicine, Haematopathology, Clinical Haematopathology, Cytology, Cytopathology, Histopathology, Clinical Diagnostics, Molecular Diagnostics, Immunohistochemistry, Onco-Immuno-Pathology, Precision Pathology, Health Research Methodology, Medical Ethics and Regulatory Studies, Medical Law, Clinical Research, Clinical Innovations, Clinical Pharmacological Research, Clinical Pathological Research, Medical Research, Paediatric Research, Biomedical Research, Medical Pharmacological Research, Medical Educational Research, Health Research, Medical Academic Writing, Hospital and Healthcare Management Research, Project Management in Medical Higher Education Research and Practice, Patent Trends, Intellectual Property Rights, International Copyrights, Molecular Medicine, Nano-Pharmacology, Nanomedicine, Experimental Pharmacology, Zoopharmacology, Pharmacognosy, Phytomedicine, Sonographical Medicine, Radiodiagnosis, Paediatric Radiodiagnosis, Radiotherapy, Radiomics, Advanced Therapies, Advanced Clinical Practice, Professional Practice and Ethics, Business Administration, Hospital and Healthcare Management, Universities, Medical Colleges, Hospitals and Institutional Management, Medical Colleges, Hospitals and Diagnostic Centres Accreditations and Standardisations, Hospital and Healthcare Organisations Operations Management, Strategic Management, Business Processes Management, Health Systems, Business Economics, Healthcare Technology, Healthcare Incidents Command System Training, Global Universities, Medical Colleges, Institutes, Hospitals, Nursing Homes, Polyclinics, Diagnostic Centres and Laboratories Administration, Management and Directorship, Planetary Health, Education and Sustainable Healthcare Consensus Statement, Medical Administration, Quality and Safety Management and Clinical Excellence, Clinical Audit, Laboratory Quality Management and Internal Audit, Nephrological, Pulmonological, Paediatric, Neonatal, Maternal Asthma, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, Chronic Kidney Disease, Obstetric, Diabetes Treatments Quality, Safety and Audit, Clinical Supervisorship, Medical Appraisership, Health - Hospitals Transformation Programmes, Pharmaceutical Multi-National Companies Management, World Trade, Development and Sustainability : Globalisation, Sustainability and the Power of Ideas and Lifestyle Medicine courses.

My Career Achievements in Early Life :


     Early Educational Qualifications achieved by me :

1.Double promotion from Lower Nursery in Margaret’s English Medium School, Howrah, West Bengal, India, for high academic excellence in 1983.

2.MBA (Business Administration, with Hospital and Healthcare Management), (Professional Executive Level, Medical Lateral Entry), Departments of Business Administration, and Hospital and Healthcare Management, Sikkim Manipal University (DE), Manipal, Karnataka, Sikkim, India, World, completed within 1.5 years, in 2012.


     Early Medical Administration Career achievements I have worked as :

1. Deputy Medical Superintendent, Medical Superintendent In Charge and Vice Principal In Charge, in Shri Ramkrishna Institute of Medical Sciences and Sanaka Hospitals, Sanaka Educational Trust, West Bengal University of Health Sciences, Durgapur, Smart City, West Bengal, India, for 1 month, from 06/09/2017 to 11/10/2017.

2. Deputy Medical Superintendent, Medical Superintendent In Charge and Vice Principal In Charge, in Raipur Institute of Medical Sciences, Lord Buddha Education Society, Pandit Deen Dayal Upadhyay Memorial Health Science and Ayush University, Raipur, Smart City, Chhattisgarh, India, for 1 month, in August, 2019.

3. Assistant Director (Medical Services), at G.I.O.S.T.A.R. groups of Institutes, Hospitals, Laboratories and University, New Delhi Centre, India (Global Institute Of Stem Cell Therapy And Research and Institute of Regenerative Medicine and Hospitals and Laboratories), New Delhi, Smart City, Delhi, Ahmedabad, Smart City, Gujarat, India, World, headquartered at California, USA, for 1 month, from 14/02/2020 to 14/03/2020.

4. Associate Professor, Head of Departments In Charge, Undergraduate / Postgraduate / Doctorate / Postdoctorate / Faculty Academic Internal Quality Assurance Coordinator, Undergraduate / Postgraduate / Doctorate / Postdoctorate / Faculty Research In Charge, Postgraduate, Doctorate and Postdoctorate Departments of Pharmacology, Clinical Pharmacology, Molecular Pharmacology and Therapeutics, Narayana Medical College, Narayana Hospitals, Narayana Educational Society, Dr. Y. S. R. University of Health Sciences (Dr. N. T. R. University of Health Sciences), Nellore, Andhra Pradesh, India, in collaboration with University of Kentucky, University of North Texas, Association of American Medical Colleges, USA, Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute, Canada, New Delhi, Smart City, India, Indian Institute of Technology, Chennai, Smart City,  India, Lincoln University College, Malaysia, University of Puthisastra, Cambodia, Wiley Researcher Academy, World, for 52 days from 02/11/2022 to 21/12/2022; and for 30 days from 08/11/2022 to 07/12/2023.

5. Professor and Head of Departments, Convocant, Guest MBBS Degree Entitlement Endower, Chairman and Assessor University Pharmacology Examinations, Chairperson Causality Assessment Committee, Pharmacovigilance Vaccinevigilance Causality Assessment Co-ordinator Member-Secretary, Pharmaco-Haemo-Vaccine-Materio-Nutra-Cosmeto-vigilance Specialist, Medical Undergraduate / Postgraduate / Doctorate / Postdoctorate / Aligned Integrated Medicine Symposia Workshops and Courses Trainer Speaker Faculty Clinical Skills Trainer and Technical Skills Trainer, Medical Undergraduate / Postgraduate / Doctorate / Postdoctorate / Aligned Integrated Medicine Symposia Workshops and Courses Director Curriculum Creator Convener, Clinical Electives Guide Peceptor, Postgraduate Doctorate and Postdoctorate Departments of Pharmacology, Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacovigilance, Hi-Tech Medical College and Hospital, Utkal University, Odisha University of Health Sciences, Bhubaneswar, Smart City, Odisha, India, for 6 months, from 11/03/2024 onwards; Associate Professor, Head of Departments In Charge, Medical Council of India-National Medical Commission Medical Education Unit Faculty, Postgraduate Doctorate and Postdoctorate Departments of Pharmacology, Clinical Pharmacology and Molecular Pharmacology, Rama Medical College Hospital and Research Centre, Dr. B. R. Ambedkar University, Rama University, Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh, India, for 6 months, from 05/10/2015 to 09/04/2016; Associate Professor, Head of Departments In Charge, Aligned Integrated Medicine Courses Faculty, Pharmaco-Haemo-Vaccine-Materio-vigilance Specialist, Postgraduate Doctorate and Postdoctorate Departments of Pharmacology, Clinical Pharmacology and Molecular Pharmacology, Mamata Medical College, Mamata Hospitals, Kaloji Narayana Rao University of Health Sciences, Dr. Y. S. R. University of Health Sciences (Dr. N. T. R. University of Health Sciences), Khamam, Telengana, Andhra Pradesh, India, for 1 year 3 months, from 01/08/2021 to 29/10/2022; Associate Professor, Head of Departments In ChargeMedical Council of India-National Medical Commission Medical Education Unit Faculty, Postgraduate and Doctorate Departments of Pharmacology, Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacovigilance, Shri Balaji Institute of Medical Science, Shri Balaji Hospital, Pandit Deendayal Upadhyay Memorial Health Sciences and Ayush University, Raipur, Smart City, Chhattisgarh, India, 4 months (December, 2022 to April, 2023); Professor, Head of Departments In Charge, Medical Postgraduate / Doctorate / Faculty Clinicals Academic Journal Club Co-ordinator and Clinical Electives Guide Perceptor, Medical Council of India-National Medical Commission Medical Education Unit Member, Pharmacovigilance Co-ordinator, Institutional Ethics Committee Member, Postgraduate and Doctorate Departments of Pharmacology, Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacovigilance, Maharajah's Institute of Medical Sciences, Maharajah's Institute of Medical Sciences Hospital, Dr. Y. S. R. University of Health Sciences (Dr. N. T. R. University of Health Sciences), Vizianagaram, Andhra Pradesh, India, for 6 months, from 16/09/2023 to 07/03/2024; Associate Professor, Head of Departments, Medical Council of India-National Medical Commission Medical Education Unit Co-ordinator, Chief Warden, Postgraduate and Doctorate Departments of Pharmacology, Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacovigilance, Rajshree Medical Research Institute, Rajshree Educational Trust, Mahatma Jyotiba Phule Rohilkhand University, Bareilly, in May, 2023.

6. Assistant Professor, Head of Departments, University Medical Examiner, In Charge Central Pathological Laboratory, Departments of Pharmacology, Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacovigilance, Hi-Tech Medical College and Hospital, Sambalpur University, Odisha University of Health Sciences, Rourkela, Odisha, India, for 1 year 2 months, from 05/09/2019 to 24/10/2020.

7. Medical Director, Medical Superintendent, Co-Medical Entrepreneur, Co-Founder, Medical Academics and Clinical Research Director, Head of Departments Pharmacology, Clinical Pharmacology, Molecular Pharmacology and Therapeutics, Head of Departments Clinical Medicine and Medication Management, Head of Departments Clinical Pathology, Haematology, Cytopathology, Pathology and Molecular Diagnostics, Head of Departments Laboratory Medicine, Clinical Diagnostics and Molecular Diagnostics, Hazra Nursing Home, Hazra Polyclinic And Diagnostic Centre, Dr. Moumita Hazra's Polyclinic And Diagnostic Centre, Mother Teresa University College of Nursing, Management and Paramedical Sciences, Howrah, Kolkata, Smart City, West Bengal, India, World, for 45 - 46 years, from 18/07/1982 onwards; Consultant Physician, Consultant Pathologist, Hazra Nursing Home, Hazra Polyclinic And Diagnostic Centre, Dr. Moumita Hazra's Polyclinic And Diagnostic Centre, Apollo Diagnostics and Patient Care Centre, Dr. Lal Path Labs Patient Service Centre, Howrah, Kolkata, Smart City, West Bengal, India, World, for 18 years, from 01/05/2006 onwards; Principal, Academic Dean, Administrative Dean, Medical Director, Medical Superintendent, Medical Entrepreneur, Founder, Sole Medical, Educational and Administrative Proprietor and Entrepreneur, Medical Academics and Clinical Research Director, Head of Departments Pharmacology, Clinical Pharmacology, Molecular Pharmacology and Therapeutics, Head of Departments Clinical Medicine and Medication Management, Head of Departments Clinical Pathology, Haematology, Cytopathology, Pathology and Molecular Diagnostics, Head of Departments Laboratory Medicine, Clinical Diagnostics and Molecular Diagnostics, Head of Department Emergency Medicine, Head of Departments Paediatrics, Neonatal Medicine and Child Health, Head of Departments Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Infertility Treatment and Reproductive Endocrinology, Head of Department Pulmonocardiovascular Medicine, Head of Departments Clinical Endocrinology and Diabetology, Head of Departments Orthopaedics and Rheumatology, Head of  Department Renal Medicine, Head of Departments Neurology and Neuropharmacology, Head of Departments Oncology and Cancer Medicine, Head of Departments Hospital, Healthcare and Medical Establishment Management and Medical Administration, Hazra Polyclinic And Diagnostic Centre, Dr. Moumita Hazra's Polyclinic And Diagnostic Centre, Dr. Moumita Hazra's Academic Centre, Dr. Moumita Hazra's Educational Centre, Dr. Moumita Hazra's World Administrative Enterprises, Mother Teresa University College of Nursing, Management and Paramedical Sciences, Howrah, Kolkata, Smart City, West Bengal, India, World, for 45 - 46 years, from 18/07/1982 onwards.


     Early Medical Professing and Medical Publications Career achievements I have worked as :

1. Assistant Professor, Head of Department, Postgraduate and Doctorate Departments of Pharmacology, Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacovigilance, K. D. Medical College Hospital and Research Center, Dr. B. R. Ambedkar University, Atal Bihari Vajpayee Medical University, Mathura-Delhi Road, Uttar Pradesh, India, for 6 months, from 05/10/2015 to 09/04/2016.

2. Associate Professor, Head of Department In Charge, Postgraduate Doctorate and Postdoctorate Departments of Pharmacology, Clinical Pharmacology and Molecular Pharmacology, Rama Medical College Hospital and Research Centre, Rama University, Dr. B. R. Ambedkar University, Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh, India, for 9 months, from 28/10/2020 to 28/07/2021.

3. Professor, Head of Department In Charge, Postgraduate and Doctorate Departments of Pharmacology, Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacovigilance, Maharajah's Institute of Medical Sciences, Maharajah's Institute of Medical Sciences Hospital, Dr. Y. S. R. University of Health Sciences (Dr. N. T. R. University of Health Sciences), Vizianagaram, Andhra Pradesh, India, for 6 months, from 16/09/2023 to 07/03/2024.

4. Head of Department, Departments of Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacology, as Assistant Professor and Associate Professor, in K. D. Medical College , Hospital and Research Center, R. K. Group, Dr. B. R. Ambedkar University; Gouri Devi Institute of Medical Sciences and Hospital, The Rahul Foundation, West Bengal University of Health Sciences; College Council Member, Raipur Institute of Medical Sciences, Lord Buddha Education Society, Pandit Deen Dayal Upadhyay Memorial Health Science and Ayush University; University Examiner, Hi-Tech Medical College and Hospital, Vigyan Bharati Charitable Trust, Sambalpur University; Rajshree Medical Research Institute, Rajshree Educational Trust, Mahatma Jyotiba Phule Rohilkhand University, India, in 2015 – 2023.       

5.Guest Professor, Head of Department, ExaminerDepartments of Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacology, Hi-Tech College of Nursing, Vigyan Bharati Charitable Trust, Sambalpur University, Rourkela, Smart City, Odisha, India, for 3 years 2 months, from 04/06/2019 to 29/07/2022.

6. University Medical Internal Examiner, University Medical External Examiner, University Medical Chief Examiner, University Medical Invigilator, Chairman and Assessor University Pharmacology Examinations, Hi-Tech Medical College and Hospital, Odisha in 2024 (Utkal University, Odisha University of Health Sciences)Hi-Tech Medical College and Hospital, Rourkela, Odisha in 2020 (Sambalpur University), Mamata Medical College and Hospitals, Kakatiya Medical College and Hospital, Telangana in 2021-2024 (Kaloji Narayana Rao University of Health Sciences, Dr. N. T. R. University of Health Sciences), Maharajah’s Institute of Medical Sciences and Hospital,  Gayatri Vidya Parishad Medical College, Andhra Pradesh in 2023 – 2024, Narayana Medical College and Hospitals in 2022 (Dr. Y. S. R. University of Health Sciences, Dr. N. T. R. University of Health Sciences), Sambalpur University, Dr. B.R. Ambedkar University, Rama University, Kaloji Narayana Rao University of Health Sciences, Dr. N.T.R. University of Health Sciences, Dr. Y.S.R. University of Health Sciences, Utkal University, Odisha University of Health Sciences, West Bengal University of Health Sciences, Sambalpur University, Pandit Deendayal Upadhyay Memorial Health Science and Ayush University of Chhattisgarh; University Dental Internal Examiner, University Dental External Examiner, University Dental Chief Examiner, University Dental Invigilator, Hi-Tech Dental College and Hospital, Odisha in 2024 (Utkal University, Odisha University of Health Sciences), Mamata Medical College and Hospitals, Kaloji Narayana Rao University of Health Sciences, Dr. N.T.R. University of Health Sciences, Dr. Y.S.R. University of Health Sciences, Telangana in 2021-2024; Medical MBBS Pharmacology Pathology, MD Pharmacology, DM Clinical Pharmacology, DCP Clinical Pathology, Dental BDS Pharmacology, BSc Nursing, Pharmacy, Paramedical, Biomedical MSc Medical Pharmacology, PhD Medical Pharmacology and Aligned Integrated Medicine Undergraduate / Postgraduate / Doctorate / Postdoctorate Courses Question Paper Setter.

7. Medical Director, Medical Superintendent, Principal, Dean Academics, Dean Administration, Professor, Administrative Director, Medical Academics and Clinical Research Director, Medical Entrepreneur, Administrative Entrepreneur, Educational Entrepreneur, Co-Founder, Founder, Head of Departments Pharmacology, Clinical Pharmacology, Molecular Pharmacology and Therapeutics, Head of Departments Clinical Medicine and Medication Management, Head of Departments Clinical Pathology, Haematology, Cytopathology, Pathology and Molecular Diagnostics, Head of Departments Laboratory Medicine, Clinical Diagnostics and Molecular Diagnostics, Hazra Nursing Home, Hazra Polyclinic And Diagnostic Centre, Hazra Academic Centre, Hazra Educational Centre, Dr. Moumita Hazra's Polyclinic And Diagnostic Centre, Dr. Moumita Hazra's Academic Centre, Dr. Moumita Hazra's Educational Centre, Dr. Moumita Hazra's World Enterprises, Mother Teresa University College of Nursing, Management and Paramedical Sciences, Howrah, Kolkata, Smart City, West Bengal, India, for 45 - 46 years, from 18/07/1982 onwards.

8. National Board of Examinations Medical Sciences NEET P.G. Entrance Examination Appraiser in Telangana 2021, 2022.

9. Medical Editor-In-Chief, Medical Editorial Board Member, Medical Advisory Board Member, Medical Reviewer, Medical Book Reviewer, Medical Book Chapter Reviewer, Medical Book Editor, Chief Medical Book Editor, Medical Editor, Medical Associate Editor, Final Medical Evaluator, Medical Literary Judge and Lead Guest Medical Editor for different National and International Medical Journals and Medical Book Publications; 179 national and international medical publications, consisting of 129 medical journal articles, 52 medical books, with almost 520 book chapters, and several poster presentations, oral presentations, speaker presentations, video presentation and faculty presentations. 

Early Medical Consultancy Career achievements I have worked as :

1. Consultant Multi-Specialist Clinical Pharmacological Physician, Consultant Multi-Specialist Clinical Pathologist, Consultant Rational Pharmacotherapeutic Physician, Consultant Drug Safety and Quality Physician, Consultant Respiratory Physician, Consultant Cardiologist, Consultant Neonatologist, Consultant Diabetologist, Consultant Thyroidologist, Consultant InfertilityTreatment and Reproductive Endocrinological Pharmacological Physician, Consultant Clinical Endocrinological Pharmacological Physician, Consultant Diabetological Pharmacological Physician, Consultant Metabolic Medicine Physician, Consultant Respiratory and Cardiovascular Pharmacological Physician, Consultant Emergency Medicine Physician, Consultant Paediatric and Neonatal Pharmacological Physician, Consultant Orthopaedic and Rheumatological Pharmacological Physician, Consultant Dermatopharmacological Physician, Consultant Cancer Immunotherapeutic and Molecular Oncologist, Consultant Pharmaco-Haemo-Materio-Vaccine Vigilance Specialist, Consultant Pharmaco-Nutri-Cosmeto-Vigilance Specialist, Consultant Pharmaco-Vaccine-Vigilance Specialist, Consultant Pharmacogenomics Specialist, Clinical Pharmacologist, Consultant Molecular Pharmacologist, Consultant Evidence Based Medicine Specialist, Consultant Pharmacoeconomics Specialist, Consultant Medical and Healthcare Economics Specialist, Consultant Anti-Respiratory Allergy and Asthma Pharmacologist, Consultant Anti-Hypertensive Pharmacologist, Consultant Anti-Thyroid Disorders Pharmacologist, Consultant Anti-Diabetes Pharmacologist, Consultant Anti-Anaemia Pharmacologist, Consultant Anti-Acne Pharmacologist, Consultant Multi-Specialist Laboratory Medicine Specialist, Consultant Haematologist, Consultant Clinical Haematopathologist, Consultant Cytopathologist, Consultant Molecular Diagnostics Specialist, Consultant Multi-Specialist Clinical Medicine Physician, Hazra Nursing Home, Hazra Polyclinic And Diagnostic Centre, Dr. Moumita Hazra's Polyclinic And Diagnostic Centre, Apollo Diagnostics and Patient Care Centre, Dr. Lal Path Labs Patient Service Centre, Howrah, Kolkata, Smart City, West Bengal, India, World, for 18 years, from 01/05/2006 onwards.


     Early Medical Professing and Medical Administration Career achievements offered to me :

 1. Professor, Departments of Pharmacology, Clinical Pharmacology and Molecular Pharmacology, Rama Medical College Hospital and Research Centre, Rama Educational Society, Dr. B. R. Ambedkar University, Rama University, Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh, India, in August, 2022 - November, 2023.

2. Associate Professor, Department of Pharmacology, Dean Administration, Hospital Administration, in Netaji Subhash Medical College and Hospital, Sitwanto Devi Mahila Kalyan Sansthan, Aryabhatta Knowledge University, Patna, Smart City, Bihar, India, in August, 2022.

3. Associate Professor, Professor, Principal in Departments of Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacology, Vedantaa Institute of Medical Sciences, Vedantaa Hospital & Research Centre, Maharashtra University of Health Sciences, Palghar, Maharashtra, India, in March, 2023, January, 2024.

4. Associate Professor, Professor, Department of Pharmacology and Deputy Medical Superintendent, Mahaveer Institute of Medical Sciences and Research, R. M. Dhariwal Hospital, Jain Sarvoday Vidya Gyanpith Samiti, Madhya Pradesh Medical Science University, Bhopal, Smart City, Madhya Pradesh, Alluri Sitarama Raju Academy of Medical Sciences, Dr. Y. S. R. University of Health Sciences (Dr. N. T. R. University of Health Sciences), Vijayawada, Smart City, Andhra Pradesh, India, in July, 2023, January, 2024, March, 2024.

5. Assistant Professor, Professor,  Departments of Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacology, and Deputy Medical Superintendent, F. H. Medical College and Hospital, R. B. Group, Dr. B. R. Ambedkar University, Agra, Smart City, Uttar Pradesh, India, in January, 2020, January, 2024.

6. Associate Professor, Department of Pharmacology, and Deputy Medical Superintendent, Venkateshwara Institute of Medical Sciences and Hospital, Shri Bankey Bihari Educational and Welfare Trust, Shri Venkateshwara University, Amroha, Uttar Pradesh, India, in May, 2022.

7.Associate Professor, Professor, Head of Department, Department of Pharmacology, Examination Superintendent / Examination Controller, Maheshwara Medical College and Hospital, Kaloji Narayana Rao University of Health Sciences, Hyderabad, Telangana, India, in 2023, January, 2024. 

8.Associate Professor, Professor, Head of Department, Departments of Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacology, Rajshree Medical Research Institute, Rajshree Educational Trust, Mahatma Jyotiba Phule Rohilkhand University, Bareilly, Dr. B. S. Kushwah Institute of Medical Sciences, Rama Education Society, Rama University, Atal Bihari Vajpayee Medical University, Lakhanpur, Uttar Pradesh, India, in 2023, January, 2024.

9. Associate Professor, Departments of Pharmacology, Clinical Pharmacology and Molecular Pharmacology, and Vice Principal, Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Medical College and Hospital, The Srinivasan Charitable and Educational Trust, The Tamil Nadu Dr. M. G. R. Medical University, Perambalur, Tamil Nadu, India, in June, 2023, February, 2024.

My Interests :

Remaining happy, healthy and pleasant. Thinking. Reading international books, book series, journals, magazines and pictographs, listening to world music, watching world movies, past, present and future world happenings and world sports. Multi-disciplinary publications (articles, books, book series, blogs, miniblogs, reviews, world happenings, analyses, essays, opinions, perspectives, insights, hypothesis, precis, novels, stories, prose, poetry, prose-poetry, travelogues, pictographs, reflections, introspections, retrospections, foresights, prophesy, biographies, autobiographies) and editorship. International medical, science and technological seminars, posters and collages presenter, elocution, oratory, debates, quizzes, speeches and extempores. Connoisseur of aesthetics, global fine arts, sculpting, handicrafts, stitchworks and knitworks, western and oriental classical dances, skits, plays, dance-dramas and dramas, modern and classical western and oriental music. International land and aquatic sportswoman, international thoughtsportswoman - scrabbler and winning chess player, sports-drills functions. World travels. International economic commerce. Very long term relocator aspirant to modern new Westernised cities or Western countries. Interior decorations, numismatics, philately, lapidary. Staunch believer in no-dowry longtime heartfelt love-marriage. Supporter of prevailing worldwide peace, wholehearted everlasting enthusiast of professional and personal goodness, Western World-Indian philosophy meditations.

My familiar words of World Enlightenment : 

Live, and let live.   

My Tributes :

Self-love is the best love. My tributes to myself with the inspiration for a never-ending beautiful, happy, healthy, prosperous and successful life.